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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Actually, although the F-4's in Op Bolo used the QRC 160s, they weren't standard fit at that time. The planes were specially wired and had controls put into the cockpits for them.

    That was to make the NVAF think they were F-105s, which did carry them, and not F-4s, which did not.

    As a side benefit, some SA-2s were launched at the F-4s in Op Bolo, but all missed thanks to the QRC's. :wink:

  2. The Typhoon for instance was designed to be stealthy from the front, when heading towards a radar. They didn't concern themselves with the tail aspect, when flying away. I guess they figured the enemies would be destroyed by then?

    All aspect stealth like the F-117, B-2, and F-22 is far more costly to design.

  3. I guess I'll chime in with the "whoa, wasn't expecting this route" deal.


    My issue is I don't have a lot of time to devote to SF/WoX and the mods. Honestly it's been over a month since I've flown any of them but FE, and then we're talking maybe 3 hours in the last month.

    So, while I have the time to DL a freeware mod and check it out and enjoy it, I can't justify spending the money on any payware mod since I know I won't get my money's worth. Not the makers' fault, just my own reality.


    I agree somewhat with the philosophical "if person A is charging, what's to stop persons B and C?" outlook, and I too am concerned especially for our foreign members for whom $15-$25 is not chump change, and these sims may be the only thing that can run on their lower-end PCs.


    Unlike MSFS, our community is vastly smaller and I don't believe is large enough to make payware viable. That is, they can't sell enough to quit their day jobs. :grin: I've known people who deliver pizza or the newspaper as second jobs on the side, and I think they could possibly make that much money, but not as much as those MSFS guys who have an install base of hundreds of thousands and not just thousands.


    I don't think it will make or break the games, either, I just personally regret that everything isn't done gratis. Probably mostly because every game I've used mods in I've never gone payware: F4/F4:AF, rFactor, various Q3A-engined games and Unreal-engined games, and so on. Only Red Orchestra did I buy, but that was a full commercial release.


    Payware is for people that dedicate their time to a handful of games. Freeware is for people like me that have more games than mods on their HD and can't spend too much time on a given game.

  4. The game is definitely austere. Not much can be done about that, really. However, I will add that pretty much every sim released this century fits the same mold. Only the 90s sims had that deep immersion in all aspects, not just when sitting in the cockpit.

    The trick is to enjoy the game for what it has and not lament what it lacks. :wink:

  5. Another question?

    Apart from SPACE and ENTER changing are the other commands the same?





    Not all of them. There are a few changes here and there. I think there was a document included in one of the directories that highlighted the changes. I'd say roughly 25-33% of the commands got changed in some way, but the weapons ones are the most notable.

  6. RB2/3D had a massive development team and a much larger budget than FE. For what was available FE has accomplished volumes. The lack of RB's awesome dynamic campaign isn't easily overcome...I loved the transfers around the front and ace challenges and such (and missed the infantry when 3D came out)...but as said, RB3D is basically a decade old now. Technology has marched on and the code for RB really can't keep pace.


    I really wish someone would take the source code to RB and do a "BoB2" with it, incorporating all the improvements made by the community in the last decade and updating it to a modern DX9 renderer, but that won't happen.

    I also doubt we'll ever see another Red Baron game from Sierra.


    Instead, we have FE, the OFF mod, and KotS to look forward to. :grin:

  7. In most games collision models are vastly simplified. You couldn't do things in game that they could do in real life because in the games the planes either simply explode on contact or they shatter at the slightest touch.


    I was watching that "Dogfights" show on the History Channel, and in the MiG Alley episode there's a story of how a pilot PUSHED his fuel-leaking wingman to friendly territory so he could bail out safely over water. Unfortunately, the pilot got tangled in the chute lines and drowned, but the technique worked for those F-86's. He hooked the top of his nose inlet into the bottom of the other's tail exhaust and gently bumped it along.

    Try that in ANY sim and you'll get destruction.

  8. Well, there's 2 kinds of stealth...there's "strategic" stealth (for lack of a better term) where the plane isn't detected, and the only indication it's there is the destruction of the target. Then there's "tactical" stealth (again, I'm just coining these on the fly) where the target can be detected on EWRs or other "detection only" radars, but is unable to be tracked by tracking radars and therefore no RH missiles, AAMs or SAMs, can hit it.


    Unless you're on a mission with deniability, generally speaking it doesn't matter if they can see you if they can't hit you. Of course, the old adage is if you can see it, you can hit it, but that was in the days before guided weapons. :wink:


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