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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. History of the World is one of Brooks' best 2nd-tier films, by which I mean ones that didn't make a massive splash like Young Frankenstein or Blazing Saddles but are still better than his obscure ones like Life Stinks.


    I watched Caveman like a million times when I was younger as they seemed to play it on cable ALL the time. :grin:

  2. Driving the tanks was my favorite part of WWIIOL when it came out. When they implemented spawn limits and playing tanks vs tanks became harder, I lost interest as the infantry wasn't very compelling, although I've heard it's gotten better 5+ yrs later!

    It's also my favorite part of Red Orchestra, although I wish there were more maps for them.


    Anyway, I'm looking forward to this one. :grin:

  3. Young Frankenstien was always a favorite. I loved the scene with the blind Jack Lemmon who pours hot soup in Franks' lap then lights Franks' thumb instead of his cigar... :haha:


    And of course Terry Garr..."What Knockers!" "Oh Zank yu Doctor..." or..."How about der roll in der hay?" To which my only answer could possibly have been...well...you know... :blush:



    That was Gene Hackman as the blind guy, actually.


    My favorite line in the movie isn't great by itself, but in context of the scene:

    "Put...the candle...back!"


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