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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. I thought French Aeronavale studied purchase/loan of F-18 Hornets but either cost or catapult problems or even political considerations prevented them from going through with it.


    It was probably political. Around the time that the Hornet would've been a logical buy, the Eurofighter came up. After a couple of years of wrangling, France went its own way with the Rafale. Now, had they known it would be another 20 years before they entered service it's quite likely France might have bought or leased some Hornets, but as they believed at the time it would be more like 10 years they likely decided that upgrading the F-8s would be sufficient.

    Luckily for them, they managed to press on until the Rafales came around.

  2. LOL! That's an idea I'd not thought of for OFP/ArmA! I know they were trying to do it for Far Cry a few years back, but as of yet I'd not seen any JP mods for any game. Only Trespasser, the game that was JP to start.


    So, how does a T Rex fare against a Cobra or Abrams?? :grin:

  3. I use metric for small measurements just fine, but over a meter those numbers mean nothing to me. I know how long it will take me to drive 15 miles in traffic here, but I have no clue how long it would take to go 15km! Ditto weights in kg or liquids in liters. I'm forced to do a rough conversion in my head to have any hope of grasping the numbers!


    The worst one in metric is time. I just can't figure out that 10 mins/hr, 10 hrs/day thing! :wink:

  4. The game stores most of its stock files in the .cat files. To alter things like the FM's of the stock planes, you have to extract the relevant .ini files from the .cat files and place them in the proper directory. The game then uses those .ini files over the ones stored in the .cat files.


    When the game is patched, the .cat's are updated and the .ini's often change. To keep the game from flipping out because there's a prepatch .ini being used, the installer will delete those "stock" .ini's it finds lying around. That means if you still want to change the stock .ini's, you have to re-extract them again.


    That's all there is to it.

  5. You don't have your .exe renamed, do you? I think that's how the TIR software knows what to do, by the running .exe.


    That said, I have had this issue a couple of times before in games here and there. LOMAC was one for certain. Went in, no blue light, no TIR. Exit, go back in, blue light is back. :umnik2: :dntknw:


    Maybe the problem is you're trying to use the same profile as SFP1? Doesn't TIR have a separate one already for MSFS? Flight vs combat flight? I've not done too much with the software myself, but I know it lets you clone profiles and such.

  6. No, this is that strange conspiracy thing again. That or it's a spoofing attack that makes it look like it's coming from places in your own list. So it could've said the attacks came from anywhere.

  7. TVC was not part of the ATF specification. The F-22 didn't HAVE to have it, LockMart put it in anyway to make it better. NorthGrum went for extra-stealthy and didn't.


    Keep in mind that from what I've read BOTH planes satisfied the "plane" part of the ATF competition. The F-22 wasn't a "better" plane than the F-23 to any significant degree. Instead, LM won on the other parts of the competition.

    In short, the USAF believed LM was more likely to deliver the F-22 as advertised, with the least troubles, and cost growth and so on. They had less confidence in NG's ability to execute the F-23 program to the same degree.


    Actually, I think it safe to say that had NG been the one making the F-22 and LM the F-23 that in that case the F-23 would have won!

  8. There is no engine off key. It's a limitation that TK has yet to resolve.

    Some people have complaints about the stock flight models, but it's not the game itself as the 3rd party planes often have very good FMs.


    As for what it took to be a pilot, you can watch a film like Blue Max or Flyboys and see some of that.

  9. Anytime TK patches one of his sims you're never sure if mods will work as is or not. Sometimes it's fine, sometimes it's not.


    As you say you have CFS3, another option is the (massive) OFF Phase 2 WWI mod for it. The amount of work that went into it is staggering.

    I've seen some people say they love First Eagles and hate OFF, I've seen some say they love OFF and hate FE. I've also seen those who hate both, but they must be little whiners. :grin: One should get you what you're looking for, although it's safe to say neither are what RB3D was 10 years ago.

  10. I don't have FSX myself, but I do have a TIR4 that I use in every flight sim and a few other games as well.

    I take it the blue light isn't going on? Do you have the latest software version? If you have an older one it may not recognize FSX at all.

  11. Afterburner, Star Trek (welcome aboard, Captain!), and Star Wars (Red 5, standing by!) were the trio that took 90% of my time.


    That said, I never spent too much time on them. We had a 2600 and later an Atari 800 that I played most games on.


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