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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. SB Pro is certainly top of the line, but at $125 it's also top of the line. It's the F4 of tank sims, except the graphics are also great.


    Armed Assault has tanks in it, easy to get into and use. Not nearly as realistic, but also not as hard. A lot cheaper, too. :wink:

  2. I used to go to the movies most weekends when my wife and I first met up through the early years of our marriage. Around 2001 or so we moved to an area where the theater was no longer so close so we became more picky. Then came the DVD explosion and we were able to see them not long after theater release, so we became pickier. Now although they've built a theater very close to us, we still only go for movies we really want to see. I can't recall if I've seen a flick in the theater since Casino Royale in December, honestly.

  3. F-20 was the renamed F-5G. The F-21 was a small batch of Israeli Kfirs on loan for DACT out at Nellis.


    Planes such as the F-11 did in fact exist, but no one really knew them by that name. They were by and large 50's planes such as the F11F or F5U that were given new designations with the 1962 reorganization that occurred when McNamara got pissed off that the USAF came in talking about their new F-110 and he later found out it was the SAME plane as the USN's F4H!

    Here's a quick list:

    F-10 -> F3D Skynight

    F-11 -> F11F Tiger

    F-12 -> Actually the YF-12, it was an interceptor based on the A-12 used by the CIA, the early production variant of the SR-71 : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_YF-12

    F-13 -> pilots are a superstitious lot. Who'd fly an F-13?


    As for the YF-17, it was a very different animal from the F/A-18A that came from it. There's at least one picture out there of the 2 parked next to each other. The 17 was as noticeably smaller than the Hornet than the Hornet is when next to a Super Hornet.

    I'd love to see a Super Hornet next to the 17. :grin:

    As you can see here: http://www.aerospaceweb.org/question/planes/q0145a.shtml


    the YF-17 differed quite a bit from the Hornet we know now.

    Interesting thing about the 2nd pic, from the Western Museum of Flight in Hawthorne, CA, is it's sitting next to one of the 2 YF-23 prototypes.

  4. Besides, what other sims CAN you fly these newer planes in anyway? It seems most sims focus on the 80s/90s planes. Sure there WERE a bunch of F-22 sims in days past, but none released recently. There was only one JSF sim made, and that was the X-35 anyway.


    It's not like I'm asking for much, I just want a sim that will let me fly and fight in every plane from the Maurane Bullet to the one that will put the F-35 out of business. :biggrin:

  5. Actually, WoV doesn't get changed. The WoE installer will pull the terrain and planes from WoV into it and make a merged WoE. The WoV stays as it is.

    However, if you're interested in Vietnam then the Euro terrain means nothing. I forget which planes WoE came with out of the box, but generally I think all the Vietnam-applicable ones were already in WoV.


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