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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. A tragedy on many levels.


    I almost got to fly in one just like that 20 years ago, but the pilot died (of natural causes) weeks beforehand. Definitely one of those regrets you carry with you.

  2. Yeah, I'd like to get a 1070 but the higher price is annoying me right now. :grin:


    I may need to replace the battery in my UPS again soon. I'm on the 3rd I think. We had some serious power flips the last week or so with the storms and we kept losing power for 1-2 seconds, sometimes 2-3 times an hour.

    The display on the front of it said runtime was like 10 minutes, and it used to be close to 30. I think it won't be long now before it will die if I'm in a game when the power flips even for just a few seconds.

    • Like 1

  3. Jason actually recently said something about possibly doing some more with RoF. It wasn't a definite yes, and it wasn't a "that chapter has closed", it was an admission of desire to do more if resources permitted.


    So, make of it what you will. For now, I think RoF is "good enough" as is with its planes, PWCG, and maps. It's not all I hoped for, but it's far better than it might have ended up, so I'll keep firing it up from time to time.

  4. A vendor with NO negative reviews should be a red flag. What you want to see is numerous reviews, mostly good, and the negatives should be the kind of stuff you see everywhere. "Damaged in shipping, took too long for refund" that type of thing.


    If I see one with a dozen reviews, half good, a quarter 50/50, and a quarter bad, and another one with only 3 reviews, all glowing, I'm going with the first one.

    • Like 1

  5. As soon as you go over 1080p you need more power to get the same performance. I'd prefer to improve my 1080p image with FSAA/MSAA/WTFAA and keep the performance good. I'd like to get a GSync monitor to replace my aging one, but I think the cheapest 24" 1080p one I've seen is $400.

  6. The 4790 is hardly a hot one, and as you say the test wasn't particularly demanding.


    I went from a 2600 to a 6700 a few months ago, and the difference was noticeable but not jarring. I anticipate having the 6700 for a long time.


    I'm running a 970 right now, which is roughly the speed of a 1060 in most things, and between the CPU and card my performance is great. I would like to get a 1070, but not at the prices I see now. Maybe in 6 months.

  7. There's heat haze on the back of that thing, it's certainly not a mock up.


    It's single engine, unlike the T-38/F-5.


    Remember that the T-38 is still in use because it's been "good enough." It's getting really old, though, and its cockpits and systems are no longer representative of a current line fighter.

    NG took the reasonable view that what was needed was a plane like a T-38 that had a current cockpit and systems. Why fix what's not broken?


    I'm not sure how the competition is structured, bonus points for this or that, but I'd say this appears to be a conservative bet.




    As for an A/XX replacing the A-10, there's not even a RFI yet let alone a formal RFP or program, The Scorpion is another in the long history of company-funded planes. Whether it would fit or could be adapted to fit an A/XX program remains to be seen.

  8. I've been messing around in DCS 1.5 for about a week now. I've got the Hawk, Mirage 2000C, and Mi-8. But simming on a budget and a laptop means I'm not able to fully enjoy and experience DCS or the new modules with the clickable cockpits since I've got a reduced keyboard compared to a desktop. Because of this, I'm pretty much limited to aircraft without the clickable cockpits, which is a shame, because I enjoy learning the starting procedures and switchology. So, until I either win the lottery or ED gives it a clickable cockpit, I'll be learning the F-15C and MiG-29G or going back to SF2.


    External mouse and keyboard? :wink:

  9. If the fin ring struck the tail, where did the pretty large explosion came from. There is no fuel in the tail. It was a rather strong explosion. Maybe from a large anti aircraft shell (57mm)...


    Looks to me like part of the failed rocket flew back and hit the tail, and it was the rocket that exploded. It wasn't just a FOD hit on the tail, it was explosive FOD.

  10. Relevance? I'd bet a lot that some Eagle-drivers had their asses handed in Constant Peg.

    Sure, but training like that is deliberately stacked into worst-case scenarios to give them something to work against.


    In every combat meeting of F-15s and MiG-21s, the F-15s have won. Syria 1982 is the primary example of course, but the fact is that as time has passed the 21s have been largely replaced by later generations so the odds of a 21 and a 15 squaring off today have never been lower.


    You can always create a situation where the older plane will win, but the real question is how likely is that to happen?

  11. GB2 was definitely a disappointment after the brilliance of the original. MIB 2 repeated that 10 years later. Same cast, same team, no fire.


    That said, GB2 was still a better film than 90% of the other stuff out there, no doubt. We just hoped for so much more.

  12. It's the difference between getting counseling and a divorce. You can always still get divorced later, but if you change your mind getting remarried is a much bigger step...


    What's amazing to me is that after decades, no, centuries of slowly increasing globalization mankind is beginning to revert to ever greater levels of tribalism. The "us" in us vs them used to number in the hundreds of millions, now it's getting to the point where individual towns act like they want to secede from the surrounding territory because no one else gets it. Not that people within the towns even agree, that is.


    In 50 years there will be no gov'ts anywhere as no one will want to be told what to do by anyone else that goes against their own beliefs. Every family on their own against everyone else in the world. Yeah, that's progress.

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