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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Some pix from today's show for your enjoyment.  For those who are interested in such things, Virginia State Police clocked the "Shockwave" jet truck (sorry, no photos of that one!) at 313 m.p.h. as he ran from one end of Runway 26 to the other!  However, that was only about half as fast as the F/A-18 the Navy sent up from Oceana.  I don't think the local constabulary could have gotten their radar guns warmed up before he was gone - he reported 0.96 Mach (no kidding!) at the end of his high speed run!    


    On the other hand, the police had to slam on their brakes to avoid passing the A-10.

    • Like 2

  2. And also, unlike her neighbors, Japan doesn't do knock-offs. They're second only to the US in original patent applications. And even for existing tech, if something can be made lighter, more streamlined, more energy efficient, and easier to use, Japan will do it. I'm expecting the X-2 to follow that trend.



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  3. I remember in the novelization Ben making a reference to a duck, to which Luke asks him "what's that?" :biggrin:


    As for being correct, the novelization of ROTJ called the Emperor Palpatine, a name not heard again until Episode 1 16 years later, so that was there all along.


    On the other hand, the Emperor manages to get the name of Yoda from Luke's head and asks him if he's still alive, but obviously had not heard of him unlike the prequel films where he actually duels with Yoda.



    Show me the conventional car that burned out two days after delivery! Show me a new built car that burned out caused by technical failures only two days after handing over to the new owner!

    Not pictures of old cars, not pictures of cars which were victims by arson.


    Yes because that never happened anywhere before to any car except Tesla.


    Also, you have your time scale wrong. We need to look at Model Ts and Model As and such from about 100 years ago, when internal combustion engine cars were as well developed as electric cars are now. I mean, airplanes are worthless, just look at the Wright Flyer! No payload, no range, horrible safety record! No future there.


    I could travel to 2100 and get you the stats for Teslas and other electric cars then, which would actually be a worthwhile comparison.

    • Like 1

  5. It's a heist film. If you've seen one of those, you've seen them all. The difference is this is a Star Wars heist film.

    I honestly was expecting smaller scale for this. No ISDs, no Death Star, no AT-ATs, just small-scale spec ops-style combat mostly indoors.


    BTW, no spoilers, but you know they all have to die at the end of this, right? The start of Ep IV is Vader chasing Leia to get her copy of the plans. He's not chasing other copies anywhere else. So that means he already got them all, which means they're dead, and he knows where they beamed the plans. There's also the fact that none of these characters were in the old trilogy. :grin:


    There are rumors at least one of the characters from the film will be in the upcoming season of Star Wars Rebels, which takes place I believe about 2-3 years before Ep IV. Rebels takes place 17 years after Ep III, anyway, and Luke and Leia are supposedly 19 in Ep IV.

  6. If they'd managed to sell them to anyone else we might still see them flying there, too. After all, the contemporary F-15 and F-16 are both still in production let alone worldwide service.


    Had Cheney allowed the F-14D program to continue instead of killing it 25 years ago, the USN would probably have kept them around longer with a large all-D fleet. The mixed A/B/D fleet wasn't as cost-effective or capable to keep around.

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  7. I'll admit I'm surprised to see Suzuki so far up there. I barely see any of them around, their sales can't be that spectacular, but that indicates their sales aren't due to people being annoyed with their quality.

  8. While some of the files they have are worth having, their value as human beings is considerably lower. Petty, vindictive, self-important.


    I never bothered signing up because that happened when they yanked their stuff from here, which annoyed me too much for me to want to sign up on THEIR site. I should probably apply for a banned account, though, to complete my collection.


    "Dear sirs, please give me an account that is locked with zero access so I may feel properly impressed by how Great and Powerful you think you are."

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