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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Well their logistics train is going to be rusty and inefficient. If they waited till the birds were in place to start the pipeline they'd run short from day one.

    They just didn't announce anything until the planes arrived, even though I'm sure most other countries had the intel that knew it was going to happen.

  2. That's the reasoning from The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951) and it doesn't hold up.  


    We're currently limited to our own planet, with a brief excursion to our own satellite, and we're a LONG way away from having self-sustaining colonies off world that would preserve humanity even if Earth was lost. By the time we make it that far, who knows what state we'll be in? In other words, we're not even close to a threat to anyone unless they land here. To preemptively wipe us out because some day we may be a threat in some places is ridiculous and clearly the reasoning of a xenophobic and hostile culture. It's not self-defense any more than executing a toddler because it had criminal parents so you think it will grow up to be not only a criminal, but a murderous one.

  3. There was a period when that's exactly how it was. All their stuff was here and they had a presence here. I wouldn't say it was friendly, but it was cordial. There was widespread usage of their stuff, and in fact that's how I got all of their stuff that I have, from right here.

    Then overnight they opened their own site, put super-strict controls on it, and yanked all their stuff from here with immature cries of "it's our stuff, it can't be where we don't want it, WAAAAAA!!!!!" *insert kicking feet and waving fists here* :baby:

    Totally out of the blue, no explanation. Cooperation to isolation in a blink. :blink:


    I will never forgive them for their immaturity, childish behavior, and overall being dicks. It was uncalled for and they obviously have an undeserved superiority complex. They're huddling in their little filthy corner behind a "NO GRLS ALLOWD" sign and think they have some awesome fort. Let them circle jerk at their own awesomeness, only they believe it.  :bye:

    • Like 3

  4. If you like your Windows 7, you can keep it. :biggrin:


    I did the same thing. I had a laptop that came with 8 that had been upgraded to 8.1, now it's running 10. My desktop running 7...is still running 7.


    We have until next summer to decide to go with the free update or not. I see no reason to rush it. I may indeed wind up going with the "image it to an external HD" route so I can fall back later. I'd try dual booting, but my multi-HD system has games installed in multiple partitions and I would need to do some serious rearranging to manage it.

  5. Oh yes one of the movie greats, she will be sadly missed. She was one of the few actresses who was a dedicated actress and saw her craft as a vocation and not just as a means to make a lot of cash, like a lot of movie stars today. I also had a soft spot for Lauren Bacall as well - smoldering looks and a match for any male movie star at the time. 


    Christopher Lee was another like that. He was in so many bad films because he said it wasn't his job to make a movie good, it was up to him to play his role to the best of his ability. The rest is up to the director/producers to do their jobs correctly.

    As a result, he didn't turn down a role just because of how it might appear to the masses, and he worked a LOT.

  6. I have a couple of them.

    This one was good http://www.arcair.com/Rev5/4101-4200/rev4134-F-14-book-Ishmael/00.shtm but I think it's long out of print.

    This is even older, but was basically a book composed of smaller books. There's a great one on the A-10 in here along with the F-14. http://www.amazon.com/The-Great-Book-Modern-Warplanes/dp/0517633671

  7. Let's not let simple incompetence on all sides get in the way of a good conspiracy theory.


    Incompetent Ukraine lets planes fly through contested airspace because they think it's fine.

    Incompetent Russians basically giving guns to little boys and then claiming it's not their fault if they shoot the wrong thing.

    Incompetent rebels unable to believe Ukraine didn't shut down the airspace and that it must be a military target.


    Three batches of incompetence in one pot, mix, simmer on the stove for an hour, get one nicely baked tragedy.



    Nah, it's a planned cover up!!!!!!1111111111111111111

    • Like 1

  8. That may be true for some, but speaking as someone who's never used the beta branch even once and has a decent number of planes (by no means all) I'm not confident in the process to do it for myself.

    I stopped modding anything but what I can do with Steam Workshop or dumping planes/maps/vehicles into folders for SF2 or Arma2/3. I just don't have the time to spend fiddling around.


    When I can start DCS World and the updater will punch it up to 1.5, THEN I will consider it out for release.

  9. Reseat everything. Sometimes contents shift during shipping. :grin:


    Unplug and disconnect it all and put it all back together making sure all contacts are clean and seated straight. Can't hurt.

  10. This is misleading because the modern state of the music industry is so poor that you can have a number one album with less than 50,000 sales. Duran Duran's number two chart hit sold MANY times as many copies and generated a ton more revenue for all involved. Nowadays being #1 is only a marketing thing because in real terms it means squat.


    As for ranking, I do it by decade.

    60s - Goldfinger

    70s - Live and Let Die

    80s - View to a Kill

    90s - Goldeneye

    00s - Casino Royale

    10s - Skyfall (so far)


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