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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. VA

    It depends where you live. My wife's uncle is getting treated for PTSD. He was ok for years, but it really started hitting him the last 5 years.

    He went to the VA in Santa Fe, NM, and they were a bunch of incompetent pricks. Kept telling him they couldn't figure out what was wrong with him, screwing around on different meds and dosages all the time, taking a month plus between visits, etc etc.

    He moved out here to FL a couple of months ago--night and day. Tons of supportive staff, weekly appointments, REAL help.


    So it does still suck some places, but it's unfortunately dependent on where you live.

  2. The problem with every form of government is that it is run by humans. I think we've had sufficient time to prove we don't know WTF we're doing and can't do it well.


    I won't pretend making a computer to run it would work, because they would be built and programmed by humans, so how is that different? Likewise, I can't pretend that people would accept governance by non-humans of any type, whether artificial, alien, genetically engineered, or cats.


    It's a catch-22--we can't do it for ourselves, but we won't accept anyone else doing it.

  3. In a move to save money, you can download and start using it now long before any development is finished. This concurrent testing and production will allow everyone to enjoy it long before it can be enjoyed.

  4. My guess is the estimated likelihood of a crash is higher for a military plane than civilian (flying into harm's way and airfields that might otherwise be closed, etc), and frankly if your plane crash lands with you facing aft the seat is going to support your head/neck/back a lot better.

    More important to keep the passengers alive than comfortable.

  5. Same thing I think when I see those "watch out for motorcycles" stickers. How about telling the bikers to watch out for the cars by not driving where we don't expect them? Why is it cars are supposed to drive predictably but we should anticipate the bikes behaving erratically?


    Unless you're in an 18-wheeler, it's generally speaking a Pretty Bad Idea to ride in another vehicle's blind spot for more than about 5 seconds. When you're riding something small it counts triple. Don't do it. I've had people fail to see my Toyota 4 Runner and start to change lanes into me much to my surprise...but of course, they never looked, so it hardly matters if it's a bike or a truck or an airplane.


    Everyone thinks it's everyone's responsibility but their own, but the truth is no one is exempt. Sometimes you can't avoid it, but often you can if you just pay attention.

  6. An underrated film for daring to lampoon what were still very popular films at the time. Ironically, they have returned in popularity today.


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