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Everything posted by snakeman

  1. Hi Where did you get the Coast Guard 'Herculeye' from ? Cheers
  2. Hi Craig (and everybody who manages to keep Snakeman flying !!) I had the weaponseditor from 2/08 copied old version across and removed those lines you said and hey presto....drop tanks everywhere. I can now go fly some combat in your great Typhoon ! Superb many thanks again ! ps. I usually only fly the Phantom in combat so for me to go flying in something else make the Typhoon a bit special ! Cheers
  3. Hi Spectre_USA Added [WeaponDataXXXX] TypeName=Typhoon tank FullName=EF Typhoon 1000L tank ModelName=typhoon tank Mass=83.000000 Diameter=0.420000 Length=7.000000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.770000 AttachmentType= SpecificStationCode= NationName= StartYear=0 EndYear=0 Availability=0 BaseQuantity=0 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=5 MaxFuelAmount=700.000000 Asymmetrical=FALSE to weaponsdata.ini opened weaponseditor opened weaponsdata.ini saved it and now no weapons at all show up...any ideas thanks
  4. Hi has anyone manage to load the drop tanks in WOE....I have added the entry and tried the weaponeditor (It seems to be looking for an INI ?) but still can't get it to show up ? Any ideas ?
  5. Had a quick spin myself. What I've seen so far I like....Many thanks Craig One question before I get carried away with editing if I read the readme correctly are you saying the drop tanks won't work in WOE ? Thanks Again !
  6. Hi just flew a single mission Fighter Sweep in WOE. I was fliying a F-4D when the Bad Guys showed up they were flying A-4 Super Echos (USAF vs USN not what I was expecting). How does the game decide what enemy a/c to use in single missions or is it totally random ? Thanks
  7. ok cool thanks for the quick response !
  8. Required Reading...

    Anyone read any of Robert L. Gandt books. I have read his Bogeys & Bandits (Non Fiction) which is great.
  9. Required Reading...

    Richard Herman is good also if you like Vietnam Mark Berent's Phantom Leader, Rolling Thunder etc are very good.
  10. Required Reading...

    Yes I have read that also...there was a follow up....can't remeber what is was called... Good read
  11. Required Reading...

    Great books recommend The Intruders by Steve coonts also
  12. Hi just installed the new Mirage Factory WOI weapons pack into WOE and now I have no weapons available two questions 1) Is the WOI pack comapatiable with WOE 2) Is their a quick way to repair this or do I need to reinstall WOE Thanks PS Grate F-4s Mirage Factory....MAny Thanks
  13. 'There are two kinds of Computer Users....Those that have lost data and those that will !'
  14. Hi I want to create a mission where you have to attack a bridge in WOE. I have Le Missionneur 2006 but I cannot get it to display any bridges as targets. Anyone got any ideas or hints ? Thanks
  15. yahoo got it working....but the nose art appears under the splitter plate on my F-4M guess i need to alter this line.... Position=6.25,0.05 hints please ie which is vertical and which is horizontal...thanks
  16. Love to have a go in the Chippy !
  17. Whats Your Favorite Airplane Movie

    That would be The Final Countdown ! see here IMDB
  18. Roy Scheider, Actor in ‘Jaws,’ Dies at 75

    R.I.P in some great movies......'Catch you Latter !'
  19. Speed and Angels

    Looks good....hope they do a Region 2
  20. Hi Over on the Colum5 forum there was NAS Fallon and Yuma airbases being created anyone know if they were ever released ? Thanks
  21. Thanks for the update look forward to them. Good luck with the Schooling.
  22. Fantasy Flight Sim

    Air To Air Refueling ! Comms with the Tower !
  23. cool thanks....gotta get YAP
  24. RF-4C from YAP can you use this in your own custom missions ?

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