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Everything posted by RunsWithScissors

  1. Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts

    Sooooo...anyone here planning on getting it? The 1st one is one of the few RTSes that I still go back & play the campaigns on. Hoping this one is just as cool. http://www.companyofheroesgame.com/ I think it came out yesterday, but with all the Halo 3 hype, I don't know. Guess I'll have to go look...
  2. If you're near Hanoi, it bogs down pretty bad anyway. What resolution are you running at? You might also need to drop other settings. Try starting with everything on low & raise each setting one at a time. Fly around for a bit, & if it's ok, raise another. Keep it up until it gets to the point where it's too choppy for YOU. Experiment with 'em til you're happy. Other than that, your PC not having AGP or PCI-E is the main bottleneck. Also, anytime there are a lot of aircraft, sams or AAA, it's got a LOT of calculations to make.
  3. Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts

    I played so much WiC lately, the conventional control scheme in CoH:OF is really throwing me. I keep going for wasd to move the camera :slow(en):
  4. Oh good grief!

    I'm 37 & I'll be buying Halo 3. In the case where it's a good game, a little consolitis (or is it halo-tosis?) is allowed.
  5. All three!

    I have all 4 plus First Flight. Now there's something different. After my 1st 27 flights in the Wright Flyer - ranging from 2 inches to 17 feet - ended in crashes, I managed a 1643 ft. flight. There's something...uh, I don't know...peaceful maybe, about flying around at 30kts 30ft. off the ground. Except the thing just falls out of the sky around 27kts... Now I just need the Raptor sim the USAF uses at airshows...still haven't managed to talk a recruiter into copying that for me LOL
  6. How Come all Combat flight Sims are stuck in the WWII era...

    Ditto. The only thing I'd like is an option for an even tougher flight model. Some of these planes are supposed to be rather unforgiving when they depart. Flat spins are fun! In a sim, at least. Yeah I know TK wants it this way & that's cool. But the option would be cool, too...
  7. No problem, R1-1. Glad I could help.
  8. Anyone know if it is out there

    I think one of our kids got it at Dollar General for like $2 or something...
  9. newegg is awesome. i always go there 1st. don't put too much into what they're saying there. they're basing that on the fact that it's older tech. compared to what you have, it'll be much faster. it should work fine for third wire's stuff. probably won't do much for something like bioshock or oblivion, though
  10. As soon as I win the lottery, I'll buy us all one...
  11. This might work pretty well: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814102434 That's assuming what you have is either the onboard video, or an older card than this.
  12. How Come all Combat flight Sims are stuck in the WWII era...

    That's very cool, JSF_Aggie. So where can I get one?
  13. Nike missiles in Northern California

    I just ran into one of these sites in World in Conflict. There wasn't much of it left after the russians & I got done with our little spat...
  14. Whatcha building right now?

    Put some much better pics of the F-20 up. Had my brother bring over his ubercamera (all I know is I don't know how to use it properly LOL) & they turned out pretty good. It's nice to see how much dust was in the cockpit AFTER he took the pics. I think I need a magnifier of some sort... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...q=sc&cat=69\
  15. f-20p2.jpg

  16. f-20p3.jpg

  17. f-20p4.jpg

  18. f-20p5.jpg

  19. f-20p6.jpg

  20. f-20p7.jpg

  21. f-20p8.jpg

  22. f-20p9.jpg

  23. f-20p1.jpg

  24. I do I do! Wait...I might be a little short...anyone got any money on 'em?

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