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Everything posted by RunsWithScissors

  1. How Come all Combat flight Sims are stuck in the WWII era...

    I like to think of the F-35's avionics as "Ace Combat" avionics. 360 deg. sensors, A2A & A2G at the same time...I saw some show about is that said they put kids in the sim with no instruction & they were flying & shooting down stuff in 15 min. I need one of these. I have some neighbors I could practice my A2G on
  2. Thud Ridge

    I think it was something to do with no one saw it hit the ground. I've also heard there were more than a few pilots who never reported kills after their 4th. If they had, they'd have been sent home as "america's newest ace" and they didn't want to leave. That could cause some issues with "kill lists."
  3. A Pentium 3 isn't a better CPU than a Celeron, IIRC (not much of an Intel guy). But if you have to go PCI (not PCI Express), you're gonna be better off saving up & getting a whole new PC (I can help you out with that. Just got my brother a new mobo, AMD X2, 8600GTS, 2GB ram, 400GB HD & a 550w PS for something like $500) But if it's PCIE, there are a lot of choices. I'd need what your specs are currently to make a guess on where you can go on a vidcard. You don't want to get some uber-fast $400 one then have it waiting on your CPU or RAM all the time.
  4. World in Conflict

    There are some interesting physics "features" with it too. Called in a LGB strike & I saw a piece of something - things were happening too fast to know for sure what it was - go arcing off at least 10000 ft high from the explosion. Probably landed in the next county. Then later the burned out carcass of a BMP landed 20m or so behind my defenders & I'm still not sure where it came from, other than "up". All the action was at least 100m away, to the front. This game rocks...it's kinda wierd being on the ground, though.

    Wow, I remember those! It took a minute for the right brain cell to awaken, but yeah, those were great!
  6. World in Conflict

    I thought about putting this in the Planes-on-Poles gallery... but it's not the Planes-on-Poles-with-mounted-infantry-getting-plastered-in-the-background-in-a-video-game gallery
  7. Whatcha building right now?

    Cats, kids, & carpets. They are all so helpful to model building...
  8. Whatcha building right now?

    Very nice! I think I'm gonna get a new R/C plane of some sort soon. Haven't done that since I was a kid. Never liked the balsa & dope stuff, though. I like the newer foam ones. And the real jets! Expensive but cool. WAY out of my price range & skill level, but someday...
  9. World in Conflict

    Just went out & got it. After playing through the 1st level, my verdict is...wowzers! LOL It seems they optimized a bit; it runs a bit smoother. Single player!!!! Yay! It's much better not having to worry about someone else getting where you need them when you need them (my personal view). So far, I'm just an LT. Which unfortunately means I have to listen to a rather chicken-s**t Captain whine a lot. The Kingdome got flattened about 11 years early. That was nifty
  10. Red Baron movie

    Don't know if this has been posed here, but it's new to me:
  11. Or maybe let you go to DC in a FPS mode & bitch-slap McNamara as a reward for living through the stupid RoE (for WoV, anyway)
  12. How Come all Combat flight Sims are stuck in the WWII era...

    Right. This was bugging me since I read it. I just didn't feel that I've been around here long enough to make fun of it.
  13. We're...

    And, everyone's favorite: No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
  14. Whatcha building right now?

    I've been building again partly to try to get my patience back. I recently left the worst job in history (Supervisor of a powder-coating line. Somehow my 5 1/2 years of college qualifies me for that). I live a freaking minute and a half walk from the place & that no longer was a good enough reason to keep me there. (I filed for unemployment just to piss off management. LOL The hearing officer at the unemployment office knew my former boss' first name, from reputation. She also approved my claim for QUITTING IN THE MIDDLE OF MY SHIFT, based on his harassment. Amongst other things, he hates tall people & I'm 6'4".) Long story that I won't bore you with, but my brain is coming back to its usual semi-normal. I'm no longer as short-tempered; now I'm just BORED a lot. LOL I won't start my new job for about 2 weeks. So it's been model-palooza around here. All those kits that have just been sitting in the closet are rather quickly running me out of display space.
  15. How Come all Combat flight Sims are stuck in the WWII era...

    you just got WoV & you're in here posting? Get back in that cockpit!
  16. Whatcha building right now?

    Sweet! I think I'm gonna do an F-model Superbug after (if) I get the P-61 done. I'm planning a diorama with the black widow & the going is slowwwww. I suck at painting figures. They're always too tanned (or pale like zombies) LOL
  17. What is your video card? If it's the Intel 810e (or similar), yeah you might wanna get something newer. Integrated video like that is ok for office stuff, but not so good for gaming.
  18. World in Conflict

    I played the hell out of the beta & I REALLY don't care for MP in most genres (flight sims are another story...). I'm going to get it just for SP. I love the setting & with Larry Bond helping out with the story, it should be cool.
  19. Classic Cartoon One-Liners

    Nothing beats "Rabbit Season" but I still like: Foghorn: That boy's about as sharp as a sack of wet mice.
  20. F-4F Skin wip

    That's one happy looking F-4!
  21. Whatcha building right now?

    Hey, you could take your shuttle over to this guy's house to launch it. Assuming this actually fits in his house! (It does, it's something like 4x4x8 feet) http://www.shuttlelaunchcomplex.com/index.htm All i can say is: wow, talk about being dedicated.
  22. WOW! When do we get it? :tomato2:
  23. B57B

    I just went & grabbed this: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=2726. Or maybe one of the other ones...don't remember.
  24. Take a guess

    Thanks, I needed that!

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