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Everything posted by RunsWithScissors

  1. Cool! I got a mid-70s, russian-made 1/72 model of this last year. Let my 11-year-old build & airbrush it (1st try at that). I think he'll like being able to fly it. Thanks, guys!
  2. Whatcha building right now?

    I put up a few pics, Fates. The F-20 still needs the dullcote, but the pics are so bad it doesn't really matter LOL I used my phonecam for these & it won't focus for crap in close. I'll put up some better ones as soon as I borrow my bro's much better camera. There's a few of a Wright Flyer I did a month ago or so, too.
  3. 09-16-07_2030.jpg

  4. 09-16-07_2028.jpg

  5. 09-16-07_2029.jpg

  6. 09-16-07_2021.jpg

  7. 09-16-07_2018.jpg

    Yeah, yeah. I know you can't see crap. Camera-phone.
  8. 09-16-07_2013.jpg

  9. 09-16-07_2017.jpg

  10. 09-16-07_2025.jpg

  11. Take a guess

    Third Wire's site has some more: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=4617
  12. Whatcha building right now?

    I'd have to say that qualifies as a deal. I managed to get the P-61 at the old mom & pop hobby shop nearby for $14. (Seen 'em go on ebay for $12-30.) I went there to look for the new Trumpeter F-100. ONE HUNDRED FREAKING DOLLARS! I think I'll have to wait til they're on ebay next year.
  13. Whatcha building right now?

    Got this one on ebay last year, & another there a few months ago. They show up pretty often, but can get expensive. Those 2 were around $9-10 inc. shipping, but I got lucky. I think they're becoming more popular: http://cgi.ebay.com/MONOGRAM-1-48-F-20-TIG...1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.com/MONOGRAM-F-20-TIGERSHA...1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.com/F-20-Northrop-Tigersha...1QQcmdZViewItem I still need to do one from Barrett Tillman's "Warriors", the red & white, the BMW gray (see my avatar), maybe the Area 88 one, and at least 2,234,867 "what-ifs"...the cool thing about these is you don't have to be 100% accurate! I'm not part of the pen-light nazis, good enough is good enough LOL
  14. Whatcha building right now?

    Almost done with Monogram's F-20 in "what-if" navy aggressor scheme (just letting the decals set before I dullcote it), working on the Revell reissue P-61, & some really odd R.O.C. F-5A 4-ship diamond formation in 1/144 thing (really cheap & really horrible fit). That one really is quite pathetic, but lets me practice my filling, sanding, and general re-working skills. A lot. I mean it. A lot. 4 times, even. LOL

    I like where this is going. :fans: The superbrakes always kinda bugged me.
  16. We're...

    With footwork impecc-able...
  17. Who's ready for COD 4?

    I'll play SP. MP doesn't do much for me. That's the kids' dept. around here. I loved all the others (including the console versions ) in SP, though. I don't mind console-itis on a CONSOLE. When the PC version has it (cough - MoH:AB - cough), it does bug me...
  18. Attn Model builders

    I just ordered VFC-111's F-5N (Sundowners) from TwoBobs. At least they're still up & running. I'm doing an F-20 in a "what-if" aggressor scheme, I'll up some pics soon -it looks SWEET! I think the Bobs sheet is much better tan the Superscale one in this case. But yeah, it sucks if SS is going away...
  19. SAMs Inbound!

    If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a SAM?
  20. First Flight records your flight, though. IIRC, it uses a modded SF engine, doesn't it? So, it's possible. Probably difficult, but possible. Assuming I remember correctly that it is based on TK's engine, anyway.
  21. Oh, don't get me started on the kevlar-kovered Luftwaffe... :fuk:
  22. 17.889 gigs total scattered over 3 HDDs (yeah my computer is as cluttered as my house LOL) 4 DVDs with with clean installs, add-ons, & camp. mods and I thought that was a lot. Some of you guys are, shall we say...um...dedicated to the TW series
  23. Just last night, in various different aircraft, I tried flying around the pattern after take-off, let the other 3 get off the ground, hit burner & busted ass straight to the bombers. The best sortie, I got there in time to kill 2, but the rest of the guys STILL were too far back to help. This is why we need the F-20. I think I could've made it with that. (OK, I just REALLY want one. I've been attempting one as my first aircraft model, since I just can't wait for one, and have determined that I'll most likely just have to wait for one. LOL That stuff is a PITA. You guys who make the planes amaze me.) Anyway, as Nicholas said, I think we're just supposed to lose a few in this sim. Hell, try it in the BoB mod, you'll fail more often than not. But you can still kill 'em after it says you failed!

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