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Everything posted by RunsWithScissors

  1. some of my WIP's

    Awesome! I've just started my 1st attempt at an aircraft model, I have the utmost respect for what you guys do.
  2. Naaaah, I don't buy it. It's too easy for some dweeb with no real-life social skills to get on there for no reason other than stirring up the forum. (we've all seen it) Now I do wish the History Channel would decide on a time-slot & stick with it. Not everyone has (or wants) a Tivo, y'know.
  3. Just wondering, did you guys ever get around to posting these? *edit* duh, found 'em
  4. I... am a Michigan Wolverines fan...

    :fuk: I think I may need to swap out my Wolverines hat that I use for my TrackIR clip. Maybe break out the Colts one....or just get it over with & use the TopGun hat....
  5. Hey, it's their fault for being in the pattern instead of combat, right?
  6. Some Fulcrums went after the F-15Es the 1st night, too. Didn't work out too well for the MiGs in this attempt, either.* *Strike Eagle: Flying the F-15E in the Gulf War, William L. Smallwood, 1994 (same guy who wrote "Warthog")
  7. I have at least 7 campaigns going in various installs. But I like flying the F/A-18A in singles (cuz I haven't looked into using it in a campaign yet). Been flying the A-4 in OTC a lot lately, too. Daylight raids in the Scooter ratchet up the pucker factor quite a bit! I also end a campaign when I get killed, unless it's from something stupid (you know...like distracted by the kids/cats/dog/significant other/falling star/global warming/shiny objects/beer/whatever and not getting to "alt-p" quick enough - or forgetting to).
  8. Awesome pic, USAFMTL Love the Super Guppy (I think?) in back... On the about the Eagle and gunfights, I once talked to an Eagle driver who said if he was going into a fight KNOWING he'd be using guns only, he'd go in "something that can turn into it's own asshole like an A-10" I said, "yeah but by the time you got there the other guy would have run out of gas & went home!" Now, I have 12 air-to-air kills in the A-10 in WoE (8 of 'em with the gun) , but I still think (in real life) I'd rather be in the F-15. I can always run away, if necessary!
  9. Holy Moly!

    Happy Birthday!
  10. A few months ago, after a mid-air with a Zero, I lost the whole right wing in a Wildcat (Solomon Islands). With a bunch of rudder and left stick, I managed to get near the carrier before I lost it & had to jump. Did a similar thing in a Hog last week, but that was from hitting a tank. Was just a bit too low and REALLY wanted to kill it! Flew it back to base, though. Kinda bouncy when I hit the runway... I never think to take screenies, but I'll try to remember in the future.
  11. Haven't We Done This Before?

    Patton begged, bitched & cajoled the brass to let him go after the USSR after WW2. He even wanted the German military that was left (except maybe the hard-line nazis) to help. He always thought the USSR was a bigger problem than the Germans. For a "what-if" alt-history, read "A Damned Fine War" by Bill Yenne http://www.amazon.com/Damned-Fine-War-Bill...5100&sr=8-1 Good stuff. In it, the Red Army attacks just after V-E day as the Allies are demobilizing or going to Japan. WW3 starts something like a month after WW2 ended. And yeah, I miss the cold war, too.
  12. Hey, now...this is a family-friendly forum, right?
  13. Parents will understand

    One day, 2 of ours (at the time ages 4 & 7...old enough to know better) decided to go to the conv. store down the street & thought it was ok to just take YuGiOh (or however it's spelled - I couldn't care less) cards, without paying...6 freaking times! Thankfully they were caught & got a nice ride home, and stern talking to from the police. Not to mention the REALLY stern "talking to" from us. It only cost me $85 restitution for the ones they had already opened. It took them around a year to pay me back...with manual labor. Such as: "See that pile of rock over there? I need it moved over 6 feet." We had the cleanest house & yard in town LOL Didn't hear them whine "I'm bored" for quite a while, either. That was my cue to make a mess for them to clean.
  14. Around a year ago I came across a list of the squadrons & what they fly for WoV/WoE. I have no idea where it was, but I thought it was here at CA that I found the link. Anyone know where I can find it. Somehow I missed that particular file during my backups & I've had to do the usual Micro$haft Winblows re-install a couple of times since then (I even printed it out but can't seem to find that either. But I did somehow find the control list for X-Wing Alliance(!) that I printed 4 years ago...I really don't want to wait a few more years for the WoV/WoE list to turn up ) Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  15. Squadron list?

    Yep, that was it! Thanks, Southernap! I knew it was here somewhere...
  16. Squadron list?

    Sure, I'll have a look. Does it have the aircraft each squadron starts with?
  17. Squadron list?

    Yeah, I did that last night. I've been sick for a few days & was just being lazy. The one I was looking for was better formatted, too. LOL
  18. Thanks! I really like the "all inclusive" mods. I don't always have the time to hunt down every plane & skin & whatnot (not to mention I'D RATHER BE FLYING). We need more of these, at least as an option for those of us that don't have all of the add-ons at hand. I have a few DVDs with a lot of them, but not all. Thanks again, Edward!
  19. Mid-America Airport (now part of Scott AFB, IL) had a few visitors this weekend. I didn't get to go see them, but my brother did & he took some decent pics. Hopefully I can go tomorrow before they leave. Here's the Flickr link to all of them. There's also a set of pics of the Scott AFB air show from July 7-8. Kinda less impressive than we usually get (but we grew up as AF brats, so we got spoiled by the BIIIIG air shows of yore...jeez, I'm getting old, I just used the word "yore" in a nostalgic sense ) http://www.flickr.com/photos/9851497@N03/ <---in case I didn't get the link done right... If anyone wants the full-size pics, PM me & I can send 'em. I'm not sure what happens to them when they get uploaded to Flickr
  20. WOOT

    My life is once again complete!
  21. F-14 horror movie

    When I was around 6 or 7 & first learned (and saw pics) of the boneyard, I cried (hell, it still saddens me)...I couldn't understand why they couldn't just give ME the planes to take care of LOL "They don't have to KILL them!"
  22. Boeing To replace A-10 Wings

    I heard the same thing from a Warthog driver in Boise a couple of years ago.
  23. How the heck did you come up with that?

    In high school history class (in the 80s, yeesh, I'm getting old...) we were learning something about Native Americans (don't remember what) and some girl made a comment about their "weird" names. (this was before Dances With Wolves came out) As you'd expect, people started blurting out goofy made-up names & that's what I came up with. My grandmother was 100% Lakota, making me 1/4 NA, so I can get away with it without being too offensive. LOL
  24. The Worst City Names in the World

    One they should've included: I used to live in Indy. The place where I worked at the time brought in a contractor to calibrate some of our equipment. When he handed me his business card, I got a horrible case of the giggles. Right there, for all to see, was their address. The town they decided to base their business out of: Floyd's Knobs, IN.
  25. Awesome! I've loved this plane since Monogram put out the model kit in the early 80s. Now I can fly one!!!! Thanks for your hard work, guys!

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