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Everything posted by Brainless

  1. How many hours?

    Having just made 'captain' (see my post in FS Flight simulator) I got to wondering just how many hours I've spent ( my misses says wasted ) sim flying. Well I calculated it like this. I started simming around about 2002. I spend approx. 15hours a week flying on average so doing the math that's 15 x 52 x 5yrs = 3,900hrs. Golly is it that much. Question is, is this time well spent. Hmmm.. haven't really got an answer to that one. How about you guys ? What's your approx total?
  2. I'll have to check those out. Thanks for the heads up.
  3. Please extend a very big THANK YOU from me to your lovely lady wife. Without you having to wait you might never have seen the Marut on Capun's site and then I would never have known about this grand aircraft and simply great pit. I downloaded & installed the f-80 cockpit from the Marut into the F-80C yesterday and golly geewiz I was gobsmacked. It's just fabulous. Makes you wonder what other great stuff is lurking out there with most of us not knowing about it. It's just a shame 'cos this kind of mod should be available for more of us to enjoy. Thanks Kesselbrut for a really superb cockpit. BTW guys it's not 'I don't know what to wear' that's anything to worry about. No it's ' I've got NOTHING to wear' that should strike fear in your hearts 'cos when you hear those ugly words you know your wallet's about to take a big hit!
  4. Do you really want MY opinion Kev?
  5. My Useless Post for 6000

    Golly wow..how long did that take?
  6. Ah...right all is clear now. Thanks for the info.
  7. Now we'll all be looking for Orbital Battle Stations to shoot at when we get into space. I can't wait for that one.
  8. Oh..I think I sort of see. Does duplicating LOD's cause a problem then or is it a copyright issue?
  9. Membership

    I've just noticed I'm now a Senior Member of this formidable club. I was wondering how this might have come about and slowly realised ...yes my brain was in ..could it be in back to front.. well I'll probably never know...that this is to do with the number of post that a member adds. I noticed a while ago that Wrench is the 'ancient one' and so I thought membership advancement was to do with age but now I realise this is totally wrong 'cos on that basis there would have to be another membership rank based on age for members like me. Something like 'Old Grumpy' member or in my case the 'Dead One' Anyone have any ideas on other suitable membership gradings?
  10. Yes but how would you control it?
  11. I don't understand ..yes I'm Brainless but why was including these LOD files a problem ( serious question here)?
  12. Rocking in Rio

    Well you lucky devil. Are you there for business or pleasure and what are the women like?
  13. 777 crashes at Heathrow

    From one know-nothing to another. I think it may transpire that it was none of these things but something surprising. We'll just have to wait and see. More likely fuel contamination for both engines to fail at once I would think or a computer glich. I do hope it is nothing in the general construction otherwise god forbid there could be more crashes. Does'nt bear thinking about.
  14. Cloverfield

    Can't wait..as always! I'll certainly be looking out for whatever it is. Hope I can blow it to bits! It will be destroyable ..right.
  15. Cloverfield

    Note to Wrench. Looks like you've got a 'monster' to model from for the new terrain
  16. 777 crashes at Heathrow

    I've been viewing the crashed airplane on TV this afternoon. Seems like the pilot at least lost an engine on approach. I reckon the crew did a wonderful job making the landing in what must have been terrifying conditions but we all wait to hear the actual causes of this. Incredible events and thank god no-one was hurt bad.
  17. I made captain

    I finally made 'captain' in FSP for British Airways. Since I 'fly' for a variety of sim airlines the hours flown for B.A. is only a fraction of my overall flight time and as I don't count these hours it came as a bit of a nice surprise especially as the flight was one of my favourites Innsbruck to Heathrow in PMDG's virtually perfect Boeing 737-440. This can be a bit tricky if you fly down runway 27 in the dark. The mountains come up rather fast so you have to climb out max and bank away or its 'curtains' for virtual you,your virtual passengers and flight crew. They're then mincemeat Yes I crashed the first time but learnt from it. Just thought you'd all like to know! I know it's not 'combat flying' but hey it's nice to fly commercials from time to time when your not being shot at or blown up .
  18. I made captain

    Yes I use both FDC and FSP every flight. As you might have guessed from my other posts and stuff on this site I like to do it 'professionally' so to speak so I use Navgraph charts and fly a proper virtual airline flight plan and procedural approach except at Heathrow even with the Justflight's Traffic 2005 and their A.I smoothing of other flights the FS9 ATC gets in a right mess with directing every flight to land so if you want to stay within your fuel limits things can get a bit fraught but I usually manage to get down in between the A.I. landings! I'm currently experimenting to increase FPS by de-commissioning parts of the add-on scenery ( I have a good many airports some of which are completely amazing and so realistic you would think 'you're there' ) to see if say Stanstead and Gatwick are temporarily removed you can get a smoother landing at Heathrow with the scenery sliders up to near max. I tried this today and it works but I'm not quite sure how many airports removed will effectively increase the FPS. Basically it's a question of how far out the FS9 draws the scenery and what has an improving effect. I guess this will be different for individual installations but if anyone has some rules of thumb I would appreciate their input. I use a max of 20 FPS and scenery up to very dense. This gives me 8-10 FPS on approach to the big airports.
  19. How many hours?

    Well gosh..you're all amazing. I'm just a'newbie' compared to you guys! Least I can tell my misses I've only really just started
  20. Same here. Some of the best add-on stuff. Hope you can get back up and running soon. As I've said many times before 'don't you just love this damned equipment' !
  21. I just downloaded the Middle East War pack and installed everything which took me all afternoon which I guess is a fraction of the time you guys spent building the campaign. It all looks just fine except I have one problem. The game kept crashing and using my 'test objects mission' I narrowed the blighter down to a file called kraz-255C from Pasko's Desert SAMs & vehicles..golly what a great set of objects, I never knew they existed before now. Does anyone know why the kraz-255C crashes the sim. I looked in the file but can't see anything untoward in it so it's a bit of a puzzle?
  22. WW II mod

    This is a great all round mod. If you're into props get it! It might be a bit old now but when you see the terrain and add-ons, aircraft etc. you'll think it's just been done! Terrain is superb and up to any other available IMHO!
  23. Since we seem to have exhausted most of the possibles I think 'sparks' idea is the best here. Try it and see what happens. Let us know how you got on.
  24. You might well be on the right track here. Look to see if SOVIET is in your Nations list in the relevant terrain.
  25. A personal goal achieved!

    Well done mate. I don't know how many hours I've done sim flying but I guess it's nothing like as many or as hard as the real thing

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