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Everything posted by Brainless

  1. Well I've never flown any kind of real aircraft so how would I know which was best? If we'er talking 'looks' only I guess I've got to say the Spitfire although the modern jets like the F-16 look great too. From the reports I've read from the pilots who have flown the 'Spit' plus many other different types of airplane they all say the Spitfire was the best of all in handling etc. even compared to modern ones.... so who am I to disagree.
  2. Talk to me..talk to me..if it's only good bye! P.S. I never thought it would be this hard to give you my cash!
  3. With so many beautiful birds ( flying ones Kevin & no turkeys or chickens) on this site it's almost impossible to pick out a favourite...I guess this really is a Brainless reply
  4. As you guys will know I’ve often said what great looking and working cockpits you modders give us to play with…O.K. fly but I was just wondering exactly how long does it take to build an aircraft from scratch? I’d love to know especially as I have no technical ability in this respect whatsoever.
  5. Hmm....seems that this is way past my capabilities even with my brain in. Guess I'll have to be content with my feeble mission building!
  6. Come on guys please tell me what's happening with this.
  7. I Passed......

    Well done mate. I know I couldn't have done it no matter what was involved!!!!
  8. I don't want anyone to think that I'm being impatient but any idea about how long it will take for the administrators to give this their blessing or tell me to go suck eggs 'cos I'd really like to get this wheeze out for xmas if it's a goer. No pressure ..just wondering what the hold up might be?
  9. Well thanks mate. It's nice to know you got the message. Just an..I've got your post and it sucks, lays eggs or something would have done. I'll wait to hear further when people get round to considering it. BTW. If it all gets approved I'll double the bet if you can do it. (no cheating or re-configuring to make it work 'cos I'll know..O.K I won't but I know a man that would) but mum's the word until it comes about and no practising till then
  10. I am enduring great hardships

    Lucky b.......d I wish I could endure some of this hardship myself
  11. Wow..that's great. I'll have to try it!
  12. Continuing my mission building for the ‘Dambusters’ none dambusting strikes I’m looking for a largish Cruiser to sink (well it’s very hard to sink the the KriegFlakDestroyers as they are so skinny especially from 16,000ft) although I have done it with the aid of the ‘Norden ‘bombsight courtesy of dfang. I’ve got the GroundObject KreigCruiser and wondered if this could be adapted as a Terrain object. The two Lancaster missions are sinking the Gueydon & Lutzow. I believe the Gueydon was a French battleship and the Lutzow a German pocket battleship. Both were moored when the RAF bombed and sunk them hence the need for terrain objects. Anyone help me out with this?
  13. Well here's those screenshots I promised. There she is..just ripe for sinking. There goes my Tallboy..right on target (2nd attempt) Bullseye...sunk it!! Well wha'd'yre think to those banannas? P.S. I promise no chickens were involved in the strike.
  14. As you were fellas. I've got this sorted. I had it basically right as above. I put the relevant files in the terrain folder added the TARGET.ini data and TYPES ini. info as above. I had a space in the KREIGCRUISER bit like this KREIG CRUISER..that's why it didn't work... well O.K. it's Brainless posting. Ship appears fine and it shoots at me.. won't get me @ 16,000ft in my Lanc tho' If anyone thinks I won't sink it from that height.. just wait for the screenshots hopefully sometime today Now just waiting for those chickens
  15. Thanks but what's the data for the TYPES input and what do you name it to show up in the sim? Is this right as noted below? [TargetTypexxx] Name=??????? (Kreig Cruiser didn't seem to work-unless I didn't do it right) FullName=???????? TargetType=STATIC_AAA UseGroundObject=TRUE GroundObjectType=????????? ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=500 RepairRate=0 StartDetectChance=20 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=10000.0 DestroyedEffect=VehicleFireEffect SecondaryEffect=LargeBombEffect SecondaryChance=70 Do I need to put files in the terrain and if so which ones or will the sim find it in the GROUNDOBJECT folder? P.S. I can't wait for you to do those flying chickens tho'. Of course we would need a revised voice pack.. like.....(Ground Control)..''chickens six o'clock..HIGH'',...''Let's get those chickens'' and ..WATCH IT you've got a chicken on your tail..etc. etc.. I want to shoot down the redskin one.
  16. I tried this but the game doesn't recognise the ship (or fried chicken). Looking in the nuts and bolts (folders etc.) It appears that the KreigCruiser (chickens aren't mentioned) are not in the terrain folder. The item I have is a GROUNDOBJECT not a TERRAIN OBJECT( so it keeps moving as chickens do) when targeted.That's why I want it as a TERRAIN OBJECT. Think what I need to do is to extract the relevant KreigCruiser files (excepting the data ini. and ini. files) and place them in the terrain but then I think I need the data bit like the one below to go in the TYPES.ini folder if you see what I mean as I don't have this. I need all the right info for this and that's beyond me. [TargetType113] Name=KriegFlakDestroyer FullName=Kriegsmarine Flak Destroyer TargetType=STATIC_AAA UseGroundObject=TRUE GroundObjectType=KriegFlakDestroyer ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=500 RepairRate=0 StartDetectChance=20 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=10000.0 DestroyedEffect=VehicleFireEffect SecondaryEffect=LargeBombEffect SecondaryChance=70 BTW can you do chickens so we can shoot them down instead of A/C. Could be even more fun. Think of the skin variations there could be e.g. red ones blue ones etc. PS. Did you like my 'two ships' story? If no-one thinks this type of thing is funny or is offeneded I won't bother again.
  17. Ah.....if only I was a subscriber 'cos I can't see it as I won't pay for TV programmes on principle. It's enough to make you want to change your ways tho'!
  18. Do you know what happened to these two ships? (see pics below) Those posting correct answers will receive 2 No. cases of their favourite tipple plus a box of cigars (virtual ones obviously). More later in the weekend.
  19. I know you fellas have been dying to know what happened to the two ships. Well here’s what happened The captains of both ships were sitting in a bar in Kuwait and one of them captain Knucklehead said to the other one captain Braindead your wife’s a useless whore. Captain Braindead replied ‘’how dare you speak about my wife like that and anyway how do you know what my wife’s like. ‘’ to which Captain Knucklehead retorted ‘’’cos I had her last night and she sucks’’. ‘’Did she’’ captain Braindead said alarmingly ‘’I didn’t know she could do that’’. A brawl ensued and both captains had to be parted by their crews who had been quietly enjoying a drink at the bar. As dawn broke both crews with their captains returned to their respective ships, the captains were bruised and bleeding and had to be helped back aboard. By now everyone was quite drunk and disorderly and the First Mates on both ships had one devil of a job sobering up both crews to get the vessels underway on the early morning tide. As it happened both ships left port at the same time and sailed up the coast. Captain Braindead in the tanker (that’s the big ship) spotted the cargo ship (that’s the little ship) and thought I’ve got the biggest ship here, I could ram the blighter and the cursed captain Knucklehead will be gone for good. I’ll sink her in minutes. After all a naval captain’s honour was at stake and anyway he didn’t want it to get about that his wife sucked. So turning the ship about he had the helmsman ram straight into the little cargo ship. Well captain Knucklehead could see what was coming and thought I not having my little ship sunk by that great brute. So he ordered the crew to set charges and abandon ship. There was a gigantic mash as both ships collided. What captain Braindead didn’t know was that the little ship was secretly carrying ammunition and when the charges ignited both ships were set ablaze (see pics). An environmental catastrophe was unavoidable as the tanker spilled oil into the Gulf (see pics of oil spill). This sparked an international incident……..but that’s another story. All characters, place names and events are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to real characters,places or actual events is entirely coincidental. P.S The moral of this tale is…. if you’re a naval captain with a wife that sucks keep out of bars in Kuwait. P.PS. With acknowledgements and thanks to all those who bothered to take part in this little wheeze, Wrench, CA.Stary, Polak and the other modders I forgot to mention without whose efforts this little tale could not have been told. As no-one got the story quite right I guess I'll have to keep the booze and cigs for another time
  20. Check in tomorrow when all will be revealed!
  21. Yes great. I'm doing this with a couple of prop type aircraft and helicopters but we need more people testing and posting results.
  22. I thought Wingwiner might like to see his objects in action. Pics are from my St.Cyr Air Park and Signals Depot strike. This is a repro of an actual WWII 617 sqdn mission in April 1945 which started @ 21.00hrs..for everyone to enjoy the great looking objects. Enlarge to see Tactical Control Centre, Gas Station and Headquarters Building...see they are not meaningless buildings after all
  23. Just a little thank you for your tutorial on how to add terrain objects which comes with your ‘wrecked ships’ add on. I found it quite informative. Of course I had already found out how to do a lot of it from my pathetic earlier attempts at terrain object placement. I would never have known about the HUDdata. thingy but for your tutorial and I thank you for that. Other things that I have discovered which may also be helpful to others starting out with the mysteries of this, are listed below. 1.Always make an original copy of the file you’re editing first ( I guess everyone knows this by now). 2.After placing everything in the right folders/files and you discover the object doesn’t show up it’s probably not because there’s something wrong with the new object files but because you’ve done something silly (like I did, when your wrecked cargo ship didn’t show and on checking back found I’d put the same target file Nos. as the last target No. instead of the next number)…well I’m Brainless don’t forget!! 3. You can check to see if your new placement is roughly where you want/expect it by opening the Kreelin mission map in the terrain you’ve put the new object in and checking with the mouse pointer to find the new name and where it is. If it’s not on the map it ain’t going to show! (however the exact position on the map is not necessarily where it will show in the sim.. it’s a weird 2D/3D thing….you can explain that one!). 4.You may want to reset the DisplayDebug=TRUE back to FALSE in the flight folder when you’re done. 5.You can also place a new GroundObject next to the new TERRAIN object on the mission map and then go into the game and by pressing F7 see if the new TERRAIN object shows up near to the GroundObject you’ve put next to it. I do this every time and if it doesn’t show you know you’ve messed up somewhere. This can save a lot of time and hassle wondering if the TERRAIN object is on the map but you just can’t see it! ( I have a test mission file with all the ground objects in it and when I get a new object downloaded from the site put it in the test mission to see if it works first before using it elsewhere. This has also saved me a lot of time and irritation if it dosen’t show, probably ’cos I’ve messed up installing it!). 6.To stop a ship type object from moving all the time when you want it to stop in a particular place use mission waypoint parameters in the KREELIN mission map with the starting wypt (not 1st wypt) @ 0kts, the 1st wypt with say 13kts or whatever speed you want and the next wypt with 0kts. The ship will travel to the 1st wpt then slow down and stop where you want it to. (dosen’t work if the ship is targeted tho’). Placing any object can be and is time consuming and frustrating but it gives us non-modders some idea of the time the true geniuses must spend to give us their wonderful creations. Even given that they are far more proficient than we are they must still spend hours and hours to produce the fine addons we all enjoy. It will make you more appreciative of their work if you dabble with the simpler things and get frustrated doing it like me! Despite the time and frustration there is a true reward when you get your mission to work with your new mission objects in place. I finally made my Air Park and Signals strike with objects placed to make up the depot. I had the Mosquitoes going in to mark the target for the bombers and the Lancasters following in behind to drop their ordnance. I did it both ways like they did it in the dark. With CA_Stary’s new explosion module installed, I lit up the Park like Chrstmas illuminations for the bombers (I could clearly see my new object placements) and then went back and bombed it in the Lancs. All great fun for an old simmer!! P.S. with much appreciation and thanks to Wrench, wingwinger, CA Stary, The A-Team, Kesselbut, Starfighter, Gramps,Pasko and all the other modders I haven’t mentioned but should have ‘cos without these guys none of this would be possible. Did I say a 'little' thank you...Oh well I get a bit carried away with all this sometimes!
  24. Hi guys. Just a quicky (that's a quicky question). I have two GroundObject files in my EuroWWII instal. One is named Freya Radar and the other is RDF Radar. I believe these are Terrain objects but as both files have an ini. and Data ini files I thought they would show up as ground objects but the game doesn't recognise them. I can't remember where I got them now. They probably came in the original Major Lee's downloads. I know they are for use in the Euro terrain rather than the BOB one but I thought this was the best place to post. Does anyone know if these two objects can be used as GroundObject placements and if so any ideas why they don't show up in the sim?
  25. Thanks for the info Charles. I might give it a go when I get a minute.

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