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Everything posted by Brainless

  1. New System

    Hmmmm.....It seems to me that my best option would be to wait until the New Year/Spring and then get the latest mother board supporting the 45Nm processors with DDR3 RAM etc. I will revise my saved component list based on your latest advices for future referrence. No doubt this will change again when the latest components come onstream but at least it will give me a starting point. Meanwhile have you any suggestions for a better AGP graphics card that will fit my existing rig which might improve things until I get round to building a new system? My existing one, a Radeon X800 Pro seems a little worn and outdated now with the flickering tiles etc. This shouldn't break the bank and as I intend to retain the system won't abe a total waste of money!! Thanks for your invaluable advice with all this.
  2. New System

    Hi Buff Further to your last advices I have revised the component list as hereunder:- (This may be subject to further amendment following your ongoing advices) Case Thermaltake Armor – ref VA8003SWA Power Supply Unit Corsair HX620 (your suggestion) Motherboard Gigabyte GA-X38-DQ6 ( is this the latest & best?) Can I upgrade later to say a faster CPU and DDR3 RAM What are the 45NM processors and when might they be available. Do I need one? Heatsink fan Please advise best one CPU Intel Q6850 2.4GHz (overclocked to 3.0GHz) RAM Corsair 800hz 4GB DDR2 6400 (your suggestion) HDD Seagate Barracuda – 320 GB ref STY 3320620AS ODD Samsung –SH-S183A Black DVD +/- R/RW RAM DL SATA OEM (SH-S183A/BEBN) is this the right one? FLOPPY Teac Floppy drive FD-CRZ VIDEO CARD GeForce 8800GTX ( is this the latest and best?) (your suggestion) Is Intel better than AMD? OS Windows Vista KVM switch NLKVM P-2PC ( is this the one I need ?) BROADBAND MODEM Assumed this will fit straight onto Mobo NETWORKING SWITCH What does ‘’confirm your old PC is only 10/100’’ mean COMPATIBILTY I assume that all the components I have listed are compatible and will they all fit into the case I have chosen? If not please advise. COMPONENTS Is there anything you wouldn’t have for a particular reason? COMMENTS Again please feel free to re-recommend/advise on anything All thoughts on any aspect would be appreciated ADVICE Thanks again for sparing your time to research the parts and for all your invaluable help without which I would be at a complete loss with this!
  3. New System

    Well thanks again Buff. This is just the sort of input and advice I need. I would never have known about this stuff without you. The biggest problem and bit that worries me most is commissioning the rig when its built. I know from the problem my nephew had ( he's an IT consultant/manager) undoing the errors in the BIOS,which kept crashing the system, set by the guy who built my current computer that this is crucial to getting a stable OS. After my nephew fixed it it's been rock solid. One of the reasons why I would probably want to build the thing myself is because its so hard to find someone who really knows what the're doing and you can trust! Can you give me advice and/or help with commisioning if I do decide to build it myself?
  4. New System

    Hi Buff Thanks again for your very helpful advice on my deliberations for a new system. I have looked at this again and with the help of your list have come up with one of my own noted below:- Case Thermaltake Armor – ref VA8003SWA Power Supply Unit Corsair HX620 ( your suggestion) Motherboard Gigabyte GA-P35ST-DQ6 CPU Itel QX6850 3.0GHz RAM Corsair 800hz 4GB DDR2 6400 (your suggestion) HDD Seagate Barracuda – 320 GB ref STY 3320620AS ODD IBM – CD-RW/DVD – ROM combo – ref (32R2905) FLOPPY Teac Floppy drive FD-CRZ VIDEO CARD Sapphire HD2900XT (your suggestion) OS Windows Vista BROADBAND MODEM I am using a ASL unit supplied by my server and presumably I can re-use this but do I need an internal board for this to plug into? I think my existing one goes thro the old dial up modem card. Do I need one of these? NETWORKING SWITCH Any suggestion for a switch and routing to use both my existing system and the new one? I know my proposed list of units is more expensive than the one you provided for me and I appreciate you are trying to save my cash but having done something like this before know it’s a waste of time and money going for the cheaper solution only to find six months down the road the rig can’t be upgraded and is too slow to meet the latest programmes. I know that as soon as the system is built it is already out of date but all you can do is try obtain the best currently available that is value for money and upgrade later if needs be. The next question is are all the components I have listed compatible and will they all fit into the case I have chosen? Have I gone for a component, which looks to me to be better, but in fact has no real advantage to the one you selected and will make no difference to performance? Is there anything you wouldn’t have for a particular reason? This raises the next problem of building the thing! I have installed PSU units in my existing system together with RAM, CPU and drives but this was in an up and running computer. I don’t know how difficult it would be to build the unit myself from scratch but it didn’t look that hard when the guy (who didn’t have a clue how to set the BIOS) built my current one. What are the pitfalls and given my limited knowledge do you think this is feasible ( I know you don’t know my abilities but they are pretty slim when it comes to computers. I can screw things up (excuse the pun) and plug things together tho’!! If I did build it how would I know how to commission it (BIOS) settings etc. Any thoughts on all this would be appreciated
  5. audio problems

    I've had the same problem for a while. As soon as you apply the first patch the game sound vanishes but only when starting at the ramp. Go to taxi by re-loading and the sound returns. I think it's a bug that is known about but never addressed in any of the updates. I've posted to the deveolpers twice but never had a reply. It's really annoying and re-installing doesn't solve the problem . I've tried re-installing about six times but it makes no difference. Maybe one day they'll get around to doing something about it.
  6. Yes they had the low spot lights, bouncing bomb, wooden bomb aimer and all. It was the scenery that wasn't that good IMHO. The dam broke and you could see the water going thro' though. I kept the sim for a long time just to fly that particular mission!
  7. Firstly let me say again this is a superb addition and campaign. One of the best in my view. Thanks again to all the team for creating this marrvellous piece of entertainment and for the wonderfull scenery file. Here's a pic of some rather strange Heinkel behaviour. It seems they just won't be desrtoyed in the air or on the ground!! The bomber travels for miles likes this with nose in the ground and tail in the air doing a 'dance' Don't know how you fix this!
  8. Thanks for the info and yes I know that with cannons you can knock out the bombers. I downed the entire 12 No. bomber flight using the Hurricane2C yesterday in a single mission using my 'underbelly' attack method previously described. I think you are probably right with the values set in the campaign and I don't intend to change them. I've knocked out two Heinkels in the 'hard' ammunition setting. It would be nice if when the bombers did hit the ground they exploded and didn't drift along the ground tail up. They don't all do this admittedly so I guess this will have to be an 'accepted' behaviour when it does happen for now at any rate. The biggest problem is the AI's inability to do anything very much but then again this is probably not that far away from reality. Great campaign. I just love. Please keep tweaking and upgrading it's all well worth it.
  9. Classic Cartoon One-Liners

    Oh dear.. Oh dear.. Oh dear. Enough said.
  10. To shoot down bombers try attacking from 2000ft below the target and then creep up gradually under the bomber avoiding rear gunners' fire. If you're doing it right you will see the tracers going over your head and in the rear view mirror. When at zero range pull up under the bomber and open up. Your'e guaranteed to hit the a/c but may not shoot it down. Repeat until you disable it. Works every time for me!
  11. Just a quicky this one (no unwarranted remarks please) but can someone tell me how to delete a Pilot Record if in fact this is possble. I've looked in the forums and knowledge base but can't find a post about this although I thought I saw one some while back ( perhaps I'm blind as well as brainless)
  12. Too sad to comment......
  13. Thanks mate. Yes you can delete from PilotList. Just done it. Don't think you can delete in Options Screen tho' Just flown another great mission in BOB. It really is as immersive as any other combat sim I've experienced and I've flown in more than I can remember. The combat dogfights and bomber attacks are just mind blowing! You just have to know how to approach the target. I shot down 7 No. Dorniers using the under belly attack keeping clear of the gunners. I know this kill rate even in the hard settings is unrealistic but what enormous fun! Anyone not having this install just don't know what the're missing!! Cheers
  14. I downloaded the latest BOB campaign yesterday and I've got to say I was just blown away by the quality of the work produced for this campaign by the members who contributed to the production of this super addition. It just amazes me how the original Thirdwire SP1 can be transformed into an entirely different sim and of such great quality by you marvellous magicians. Crates of virtual beers and cigars all round to all those involved ( O.K I know smoking kills but so does a Bf109E-3 up your arse)! Thanks to all the production team who must have worked many long hours to make this for us. If anyone is thinking of taking the plunge with a dedicated BOB install..wait no more and get it today ...you'll be amazed.
  15. New System

    Thanks for your advice on this. I'll have to give your compilation some serious thought over the next couple of weeks and then perhaps I can come back to you with any observations. Thanks again and virtual beers. If only these could be sent down the wire!!
  16. New System

    Thanks. As I said no pressure, I'm in no rush, just gratefull for any advice.
  17. Nine eleven is here again.

    A very sad day for the American people and I guess for many others across the globe. Many will be thinking of you.
  18. Now that I've got a dedicated Korean instal it would be nice to do away with the WOE menu screen and have a Korean one but the ones listed in the downloads page don't seem to work. Can anyone advice if the menu screens can be adapted to work in WOE...they seem to be made for SP1 which doesn't suit WOE. If you're wondering why I didn't use SP1 for the instal its because I made the BOB instal with that base file and didn't keep a copy of the original. I read the dedicated instal notes in the Knowledge Base after I had converted the file...well I would do wouldn't I ...its Brainless posting
  19. I must have had my brain in the cooler when I was looking for a menu screen for my Korean install 'cos Kout has one here which works just fine in my WOE dedicated Korean instal. I just downloded it and its great. Thanks Kout the file may be dated but it's as good as a new one as far as I'm concerned. Now when I press the (Wrench ) icon I get a korea screen not WOE 'cos I'm easily confused and get muddled as to what game I'm playing. Now this won't happen. Thanks again.
  20. New System

    Any news on this? No pressure just idle curiosity.
  21. Have these been posted? If so where are they 'cos I can't find them. Thanks
  22. F-11 Tiger shoots itself down

    Well I can hardly believe that story.!! I thought I was Brainless!!
  23. As far as I know you can only start in hangers from YAP ( Yankee Air Pirate add-on) but you can start at the ramp and at other areas but not in the hanger or in revetments in WOE. You need the Mission builder-single aircraft only-Take off set and then reposition your aircraft. Here's some pics but using the Jaguar by the blastshield. Hope this helps!
  24. A much needed addition. They look great...can't wait to get them.
  25. I've got a problem with Monty's absolutely great B29 AI A/C when trying to get the aircraft to follow waypoints after the bomb run set in the Mission Builder. The B29s fly to the target just fine (my flight is escorting them to deal with Migs) but as soon as the bombers have dropped their bombs they fly off at the bomb-drop heading and won't follow the flight plan waypoints which are set to return them back to base. This is a tad annoying as my flight can't escort them back home and I have to leave them to fly away across the landscape while my flight returns to base. I've tried all I know ( which I guess isn't much) like setting lower bombing heights, resetting different waypoint directions and orientations and waypoint commands like Marshall point. I have encountered the problem before with other A/C but I don't remember finding a solution. Anyone have the answer? BTW I'm using '1500' 'size' in all waypoints running in a new Korean instal on WOE base.

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