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Everything posted by Brainless

  1. Well I'm still using Windows XP so I don't think it's that mate.
  2. Thanks for doing the re-install. It's valuable to know even if it didn't do any good.
  3. Yer mate it actually works fine. Now we just need to sort out the 'take off' with a wingman business and it'll all be fine. Thanks for the easy to understand KB info. We need more like this easy to read/understand stuff so the 'clueless' ones like me can have a bash at editing!
  4. Now that's what I call a real 'paint job'
  5. Well that is just remarkable. I'm no modder but it seems like it could save you guys a lot of time and trouble.
  6. Earth Hour 2008

    Well I guess it's power to the people. Sorry for the pun!
  7. I don't know the answer to this one. I'd better leave it to someone more competent to reply but NO-ONE should 'bite your head off' for asking a question and if they do they should be ashamed of themselves!
  8. When you have the aircraft icon on the map try CTLR + right click to set waypoints. You may have to do it more than once for it to work!
  9. I really can't understand this at all. You seem to have no trouble. I have tested some more flights in both the single missions I set up and the edited campaign I spoke about here. If I use the take off sequence described here and let the wingman take off first, which I guess is the right way to do it anyway, I have no problem but if I try to go first or set the throttle up before launch the problems start. What take off sequence are you using? It'll be interesting to see the results of Caesar's re-install to see if that cures it. If so I guess I'll have to do the same. Golly I hope not, I just put all the Wrench updates etc. on. I'll have to do it all again!
  10. You really need to download the KMD tutorial available here if you haven't already done so. Read that and most things will be explained. You need to set the waypoint co-ordinates for each individual aircraft and/or ground object in the waypoint box. Any co-ordinate will do, you can move this to where you want it later. Once the co-ordinates have been set just check the object box and your object will appear on the map. Here's a link to the downloads page for this :- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...um=10&st=30 and here's a link to the tutorial itself:-http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=2679
  11. Well let me know if that works/makes any difference.
  12. Icon Acronyms

    Thanks for your input. I'll have to wait for the other ones to be filled in to make the list complete.
  13. Pilot hurt in jet breakup sues Boeing

    Well one thing's for sure the lawyers are going to have a field day with this one. They just love this kind of stuff. Keeps 'em in pencils and large cars etc. Thankfully the pilot survived and no doubt he deserves compensation from someone.
  14. Seems like a good idea but I don't know who would do this.
  15. Hmm.. I downloaded my WOI from the 3W site. Did you get yours from there or did you buy a disc. I know sometimes the two are not the same in some types of sim? Seems like your version is different in some way to the ones Caesar and I are using. Just a thought. P.S Any news of the progress on the checking of my Guide so we can get this up and running. I just need someone to look over my draft. I didn't want to send it out until someone agreed to take a look at it. Do you have time now? Any news at all on this. If everyone is busy that's O.K. but I'd just like to know what's going on please.
  16. Hmm.. yes I still have the odd glitch. I'm using just one carrier in my test campaign. The problem with 'disappearing' (I go backwards with the cockpit artwork off by itself ) seems to be related to the type of carrier being used but I'm not certain of that, the CVN75 works O.K though, some other ones don't. The test campaign I'm using only puts two aircraft on the CATS. This is working O.K. except that occasionally the wingman does the 90 degree jig. It is certainly not working the same as say in WOV but I haven't got an answer to it all yet. Are you using a Force Feedback stick only I wondered if this had anything to do with the launch? I had mine turned off yesterday and it seemed to make a difference.
  17. Brainless luck

    My misses said ‘let’s go for a walk round the Park’ .Ugh I thought how boring I could be flying. Well walking is good for you I’m told so I reluctantly agreed and off we went. Now the park in question is right opposite a mate of mine and I knew he wouldn’t mind if I parked my vehicle in his driveway. I parked up his forecourt and got out with my misses for the walk. We walked round twice. It was damned cold so I was glad when we got back to the car. I went to get my keys out of my pocket and they were gone. ‘Oh you haven’t lost the car keys have you’ said my misses ‘you’re a complete idiot’. Well with a name like Brainless I couldn’t really argue. So off we go to look for them. Well back round the park again we went looking everywhere but the keys were nowhere to be seen. We asked in the pub opposite but no no-one had handed any keys in. Now I was really starting to worry ‘cos my key ring had all my keys on the ring, car ignition, security key (you can’t start the car without it and you can’t get another one except by contacting the manufacture and it’s a right palarver) house, shed, garage etc. etc. My misses insisted that I must have left the keys in the car but I said I couldn’t have done that ‘cos I had locked it and the car was indeed locked. So back round the park we went for a fourth time, I tell you I bloody well hate that damned park, but still no sign of my keys. So resigned to the fact that I’d lost them for good walked back to the car wondering how the hell we were going to get home. Just as we got to my mate’s house and my stranded car a young girl was coming up the drive. Now I knew he was out so I said ‘sorry he’s not in’. Then the girl said well I just found some car keys in the road and thought they might be the householder’s. Yep you’ve guessed it they were my keys she’d found. I thanked her profusely and we set off home. Well I later to started to muse over this and realised if we had been just a few minutes later coming back to my mate’s house we would have missed the girl and the keys would probably never have found there way back into my possession plus she had actually seen them in the road yards away from where I left the car. I would never have found them there. I never heard them drop out of my pocket nor did my misses come to that, I must have dropped them just as we started our walk up the road and then somehow they got pushed, kicked or thrown further up from where we were parked. Well if that isn’t a piece of outright good fortune I don’t know what is. Have you got a lucky /unlucky story to tell?
  18. Brainless luck

    That was real lucky. Life and death stuff...phew( phew icon should go here but I can't seem to find one)
  19. Well that's a real good answer Kevin
  20. No I haven't but I will do. Thanks. I just looked. Yes very good. I've just added the question and your link to my guide. Excellent
  21. Mars needs help. I sent them your details. Martian leader says he can't wait to hear from you but I told him not to hold his breath as it would take you a long long time to reply to PMs. No worries there he said we don't breathe air here. You have got a pressure suit haven't you?
  22. Ah..well this rules me out then.
  23. Brainless luck

    WoW ..well this beats my lucky story no question. It seems most people are honest it's just the odd one or two that are opportunists or maybe they are just godfearing, decent people alround in NJ Newark. I'll have to remember that's the place to go for my next vacation.
  24. What is a dynamic campaign anyway?

    Nicely explained
  25. O.K I bow to your superior knowledge. I guess I'll have to wait to see how this would work here if it's done.

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