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Everything posted by Brainless

  1. Hi guys. I read here recently that you were in the process of updating the Knowledge Base and Guides, which is eminently a very good idea. This has prompted this post by me. As you know I’m pretty incompetent when it comes to computer stuff and often have problems not so much with the detailed things which are mostly well documented in the READMEs but with the simple silly things like forgetting to implement something properly. This is what could be called ‘doing a Brainless’ With this in mind I wondered if it was worth starting a Brainless Guide to the simple things which someone didn’t do properly or forgot about and then found the game or mod didn’t work. Now I find you can start looking to do all manner of things, which in the end don’t help solve the problem, when all that's required is a simple line added to an ini.file, saving something like the gundata or weapondata properly etc. etc. With this in mind does anyone think such a guide would be worthwhile? I’m thinking this would start something like the list below which could be adapted/edited as appropriate to refer to first before more detailed corrections to a particular problem are looked into or made. This list could be made into a ‘sticky’ and then added to over time by members who encounter problems and then post the resolution. Now I don’t know if this would be useful or not and I know you guys are far better at this stuff than I am and maybe this isn’t needed but I thought it worth posting the idea. Here’s an example of what I mean. The Brainless Guide to why your game/mod doesn’t work. 1.Problem:- my guns don’t fire. Answer:- you didn’t update/save the gundata in the gundata file. 2.Problem:- my object doesn’t show up Answer:- The XXXX _DATA.ini was’t in the Configuration file. 3.Problem :- My weapons/gundata file won’t open. Answer:- They need enabling in the Data Execution Preventer. You get the idea yes? Simple things common to the sim series but they can cause you a hell of a lot of problems! There may of course be more than one answer and this can be listed as appropriate. If you think this would be useful post here and the ‘admins ‘ will no doubt do the necessary. If you’ve done this type of mistake don’t feel bad. I do it all the time. It’s called ‘doing a Brainless’!!
  2. I don't have Vista but I found on Windows XP that the editors didn't work until until I disabled them in the Data Execution Preventer. Does Vista have that?
  3. Very nice. I'm looking forward to it.
  4. Ah..yes right. Obvious really. Thanks. I'll add it to my download list. P.S. Does someone want to add this to the Acronyms list? Just the sort of job for an idle Forum Moderator. Just kidding I know you guys/gals work hard really.
  5. Ah.. thanks for the heads up. I'll have to try that
  6. I believe I've already posted this is a wonderful addition but if anyone read my post in the 'Acronyms' you will know that I'm hopeless with these 8@\$% symbols so just what does YGBSM mean?
  7. Female medic earns Silver Star in Afghan war

    A brave lass. Well earned and well deserved and she got the proper recognition without having to wait a lifetime or more for it. Maybe things are looking up on this front after all.

    Oh I didn't know you yanks had this too. I've never really been sure whether it's a good thing or not there are so many pros and cons!
  9. Funny politics & other things

    A certain Irish politician and man of the cloth addressing a religious meeting said’’ And upon that fiery day of Judgement there shall be much walling and gnashing of teeth’’ Now sitting in the congregation was a little old lady and she put up her hand and said ‘’but Reverend I haven’t got any teeth’’ to which the Reverend replied ’’Teeth will be provided’’ And another thing I read today immediately caught my attention .The clip said that husbands/partners who help with the housework get more sex than those who don’t. Having read this I immediately went to the place where our vacuum cleaner was kept and as I was about to uncoil the lead my misses said ‘what on earth are you doing’ ‘well I said I’m going to vacuum the house for you darling’. My misses thought for a minute and then said ‘well you don’t think you’re going to get sex tonight just for doing that do you’. I put the cleaner back. Well you can’t win ‘em all can you.
  10. Any cigar smokers out there?

    Well believe it or not my son (he's a good lad and loves his pa) bought me two Churchills for xmas but I did'nt smoke them until last week. I smoked one straight out about 90 minutes worth and the other I cut up and smoked in threee pieces over three nights in a pipe. Really nice. I know most cigar lovers would be horrified to know I had 'butchered' a fine cigar like this but I stretched it out to three smokes over three nights and it didn't seem to effect the flavour one bit..O.K so its Brainless but it works! BTW I thought cubans were banned in the US. Is this still the case?
  11. Wasn't there some talk of a new Falklands map/campaign or is that something Edwards was working on?
  12. Has C5 been hacked?

    Well I always liked colouring with crayons. O.K. so I make a right mess but who's looking anyway.
  13. X-plane

    I noticed that this sim is on offer at a really good price at the moment and was thinking of getting it. I dabbled with the idea a year or so ago but was put off one by the price and two by the GB size it needed. Those aren't issues now so I am thinking about this again. Does anyone know how it compares with FS9/FSX and what the good and bad things are about it? I've looked at some reviews but they are a bit mixed.
  14. X-plane

    Thanks for the heads up. I'm still considering whether or not to get this!
  15. The Newbies List Of Forum Acronyms

  16. AMD/ATi Catalyst 8.3 out

    Thanks Buff for this. I've upgraded every time from the first day I got an ATI card and when I upgraded to the Sapphire but I've never really noticed any improvement in any of the flight sims. Is there really any point in getting the new drivers? I'm using the 8.1s
  17. Just read this........interesting

    Hmm.. just a pilot off course or another example of sabre rattling?
  18. Some News From My Son

    Well you're a proud father and it doesn't get much better than that plus it seems your soon gonna be a proud grandfather too if you aren't already and that's got to be the best bonus to a proud father ever. Best wishes for your son
  19. New guy on the deck

    Well I started out with my real name and changed it when I realised I didn't have a clue about computers and how they work in this series. Some of the guys here probably think I don't have a clue about anything much and I wouldn't argue with that especially when I've just finished off the wine cask from the weekend. Give us a clue on your lifestyle and preferences and someone here will doubtless come up with a new callsign for you. Don't be shocked if it's a bit rude tho' Oh.... yes and welcome to CA Wetfeet you'll love it here 'cos they're a great bunch of guys!
  20. 37mm guns are up.

    Glad you liked 'em With all due credit to Geo's site where I got the troops etc. and of course you too Tailspin without these mods none of this would have been possible! What I didn't say yesterday and should be acknowledged is that my method of object placement is only really good for single mission creation and you are right Taily when you say that the TERRAIN OBJECT placement described in your readme would be more appropriate to have the sandbags showing by default as it were. In fact I may well do this when I get time to do the TERRAIN OBJECT placements at the airports etc.to show the sandbags all the time. Thanks.
  21. 37mm guns are up.

    Here's some pics especially for Tailspin. His sandbags and what I was saying about an 'over the top' type offensive simulation. Enjoy all you WWI fans. Tailspin's sandbags placed as a GROUNDOBJECT as I described here. Took about ten minutes to place as opposed to 30 mins in the TYPE TARGETS method Enlarge shots to fully see what I'm getting at! All quiet on the Western Front! Waiting time Open Fire lads The Allied advance Air shot of Allied Advance Hope you like 'em.
  22. 37mm guns are up.

    Hmm..thought I could do this GROUNDOBJECT file creation but I must have got it wrong because having created the file the sandbags don't show up. I've changed the TARGET TYPES ini. from FALSE to TRUE and created the data. and ini.s but messed about with edits without sucess. This is where I'm at at the moment. Any help would be appreciated. I have your three files and plus this below in the MGAA pit folder in GROUNDOBJECTS. DATA_ini. file [MissionData] NationName=USAS ServiceStartDater=04/1913 ServiceEndDate=11/1919 GroundObjectRole=Misc Availability=COMMON Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=04/1913 ExportAvailability=COMMON [GroundObjectData] DamagedModel= DestroyedModel=Sandbags.LOD DestroyedEffect=HMGObjectHitEffect EmptyMass=100.0 Component[001]= [sound] [DetectSystem] [WeaponSystem] [MovementSystem] [Gun] [GunBarrel] INI. file [GroundObjectData] ObjectFullName=SandBags ObjectDataFile=SandBags.LOD [LOD001] FileName=SandBags.LOD Distance=8000 I've sorted this now!! Had the _data.ini. line missing and renamed file to 'Sandbags. Thanks again
  23. New Verdun Bridges V1.2

    No probs. Can't hardly wait to get them tho'.I love knocking out BRIDGES.
  24. 37mm guns are up.

    Ah yes that's it. Now I remember..probably get a clipped ear from Wrench for not paying more attention to his readme..well it is Brainless posting! I found some more objects via your tip to Geo's site. Really nice artillery and some 'upright' ground troops. Not quite 'lineabreast' formation but nearly. Could do with some BIG artillery pieces but maybe someone will get to do some one day! Thanks a lot for your objects. They're really good, installed and in use and I think that's the best way to show a modder you love his work and give one's appreciation for what he's produced. All the best.

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