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Everything posted by Brainless

  1. New Verdun Bridges V1.2

    Me too and I can't find the bridges on the site either!
  2. 37mm guns are up.

    You wanted feedback so here it is. You won't like it though!! Just kidding Taily it's all good. I installed the 1pdr Vickers Maxim, 37mm Sockelflak and 37mm Hotchkiss Revolving Cannon plus your AAMG sandbags. I put the gunners in my Test Objects mission folder and they showed up no problem. Really nice. I haven't tested in a mission yet so I don't know quite how they work but see no reason why they shouldn't as I followed your detailed instructions to the letter! The sandbags are a real show stopper except (well there's always got to be an EXCEPT hasn't there) it's such a performance placing them! I felt confident to do this as I had previous WRENCHANATOR tuition but I could quite understand someone less, shall we say schooled, having mis-givings about attempting the process as it'so easy to do a 'Brainless' like missing a line of script or like I did the first time placing the files in the wrong terrain folder and then wondering why they hadn't shown up! I find that if you have a ground object to mess with it's easier to place this where you want it on the mission map and then if you want to add something to that object just clone it and then copy the same co-ordinates in the mission builder facility to match the object you're attaching it to. It' quicker and easier to see the object you're placing as soon as you go back into the sim to find it. Placing objects in the terrain Targets/ Types is much harder to find, to see if you've done it right, if you see what I mean. I've used this method time and again transfering objects from YAP to other terrains like artillery and sanbags, walls and personnel etc. I tried putting the sandbacks in the Groundobjects folder but they don't show up. I know there is a way of doing this but I can't remeber how to do it. Do you know how to make your sandbags show up as a GROUNDOBJECT. Of course if you've got the time to place them in the terrain folder and edit all the placements well what you said is fine and right but it took me ages sorting tho' Edwards marvellous Flanders terrain (which has airfields/towns etc. not in an exact alphabetical order) to find the airfield I was using in my test mission folder to place the sandbags and check if they displayed. I don't know if any of my comments make any sense to you but this is definitely FEEDBACK even if only 'Brainless' feedback!
  3. My feelings entirely. The series is improved immeasurably by these talented guys. It's all just wonderful magic to me.
  4. Will be interesting to see how this works in practice. Has it been tested yet I wonder?
  5. Hi you WWI guys. I recently got back into this sim after FS9 and the 3W jet series. Oh and the WWII stuff and bombing etc. Having patched up to the latest version found the 'Army Co-operative' CTD problem but that aside this is in my view currently one of the best of the series with the amazing Edwards, ShrikeHawk and Sopwith Snipe etc. terrain renderings. The lanscape looks really superb at the low speeds and the towns and villages are just a joy to behold BUT (well there's always got to be one hasn't there) what the game seems to be missing is the ground troop involvements you know what I mean the 'over the top lads' offensives with hundreds of men advancing on the opposing sides' trenches and the large artillery pieces blasting away. Now I know we have the excellent British, French and German squads but these are largely static groups and I wondered if it would be possible to extract the upright 'advancing soldier' forms and make them into an in-line advancing troop arrangement to look like troops moving towards the enemy trenches. I can't seem to find the info just now on which one of you guys made those squads but I know you will know. Is it possible to do this? Also it seems there are no large artillery pices on either side so far as I can find just the British 12pounder and the German 75mm which whilst excellent in their own right look a bit well, puny compared to the real stuff. Unfortunately I have no modding skills whatsoever and it all seems like magic to me the way you fellas can produce these awesome creations so I would not have the first clue on how one would go about making the troop movements or artillery otherwise I would gladly attempt such things myself. All just thought really. What do you think?
  6. What Did You Have For Dinner

    Tonight I had minced beef, broccollli ( cos' my misses says it's good for you),carrots and spuds with Bread & butter pudding to loolwwww. My misses said there wAS A CASK OF WINE LEFT OVER FRROOOM the weekend and i could finish thhhat up. weel you knoew feeallas I llike to doo waht i'm told so i obliging finisshed it up .Quite a few glass in there and now i'm feeelling a bit squifffyy so i got to go.
  7. You don't need all this. Just load the Cruise Missile and lob a couple to target 120m out. Once fired you can go home for tea and medals and forget the low ground fire and SAMs.
  8. WWI men and machines

    Well all this is an eye opener to the Brainless one. Golly gosh how complicated all this is. I have had some success placing squads and guns fairely close to one another by the wire on the front line. Getting the placements right is not easy as you say but not impossible by any means. I've got squads firing at one another and guns engaging infantry and tanks etc. Some of the firing is unsucessful as you say because it hits the ground but this is not altogether unwanted as it gives an impression of continuing engagement from the air and it's not all over by the time you get to engage targets. I'm sure something like this could be made to work with big guns if they were placed near enough to one another on the right land points. Likewise if two lines of infantry were to move towards one another they would eventually meet and fire at each other. Admittedly this probably could only be achieved by creating individual single missions but it would be a start and I don't see a problem with that.
  9. WWI men and machines

    Yes sorry guys perhaps 'disparaging' was the wrong word/term. You all know I would never disrespect anyone here and I'm sure the modders won't think this of us discussing these matters but it never hurts to tell them we really appreciate their work
  10. Well I guess you guys won't be happy until you find out how it's done and whether you can reproduce this yourselves and so far as I can see there's no harm in that so long as we respect YAP's work and don't use any of their work or try to copy it there will be no problem. I'm sure you will all respect this. BTW for the avoidance of doubt I do not have any association directly with YAP other than buying their work and what they do is entirely their prerogative. I say these things as a matter of respect and nothing more.
  11. Good to hear this. Just a cautionary note from me in case we get into some of the ugly stuff we had last time round when I got private mails about what was going on and I don't want to have to start defending you guys again. Enough said now so please be kind and play nice.
  12. Now,now guys be nice. Let's not start 'hacking' talk and upsetting everyone. YAP have done wonderful things. Yes I know it's payware and there are many opposing views on that one but they ask for their work to be respected and isn't that a central core of C.A. to respect the work of others?
  13. WWI men and machines

    Yes this is another aspect. I guess we mustn't disparage these guys' work too much or they won't do anything at all and we should be grateful for what they have done so far. We must just nicely encourage them to do more because those of us who are 'mod-vacant' can't really complain can we and where would we be without the talented ones?
  14. WWI men and machines

    Thanks Tailspin for the interest. Yes I had the Heck Battlefield mod before the patch but don't know if it works post-patch. I will give it a try though. Not the definitive answer but that goes some way towards a more realistic Battlefield. Yes I know the sqads can move and I did this in a single mission yesterday but somehow they didn't look right so I went back to the static type. The British 12pounder and German 75mm guns will fire at one another as I did a mission with opposing guns and squads set up yesterday. Looks better but again we are not quite there yet. As I say we could do with some line abreast infantry and big guns then we could really do some 'offensive' type mission building!
  15. Golly I wouldn't want to be the target of that baby. Just look at the quantity of rockets it's got! Can't wait to have it tho'
  16. scary landing attempt

    Looks like one of my USUAL landings as FS9 has wind settings (in my view) way too high. Seriously tho' I think the pilot should have made the decision to go round sooner but I guess we are all wise with hindsight!
  17. Putting Bombs on Target! The Devil way!

    Well now you've got the hang of that why not try some of the more challenging stuff like HIGH ALTITUDE bombing. Now that's real bombing!!
  18. Cor!!.. can't wait to get it and do some more high altitude bomb runs. When will it be available?
  19. my FSX screenshots

    Nice pics. I always wondered what the differece was between FS9, with all the landscape add-ons and thirdparty airports (I must have 75% s worth of the payware ones) and FSX and now I know. Not a lot! I've resisted getting FSX until I get a new system. I guess by then the add-on develpopers will have caught up!
  20. Oah ..shucks I'm crushed and I thought you were an author as well.
  21. A Long Over Due Medal of Honor

    It always amazes me how long it takes those who issue these recognitions to honour people who should have had the award given to them when they were alive. We had the same thing here recently with recognition to the lasses who flew the spits, hurricanes and all sorts of other aircraft from factories to airfields all over the country in WWII without any navigatiuon aids. Many lost their lives flying in bad weather and crashing but it's taken over half a century to have this recognised. I guess there are many others we will never know about and this is sad.
  22. Hmm... I think this is a good step forward. I love the re-fueling capability in Falcon4 AF and Lock On which has been missing from the 3W series. In my view it will add immeasurably to the sim so I'm for it! It remains to be seen how accurately it can be done. The other sims have problems with 'connection' reality so I wait to see how this will actually work.
  23. You mean you write books as well as all this modding work. Well I never what a clever fellow you are. What are they called and where can you get them?
  24. Buff..As usual a very interesting and informative post. We should have more of these to offset the sillier ones.

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