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Everything posted by Brainless

  1. What Did You Have For Dinner

    Err..Gordon Ramsey....is he some kind'a cook? I thought he was an actor in one of those soaps..Neighbours or something.
  2. Yep. They work fine in the missions I created. Just tick the 'Strike' in the mission builder and add the target in the target box just like your AI's are bombing the target and the paratroppers will come out on cue. Best to fly back of the flight and fly tight formation to see it though. If you're too far away you don't get to see them.
  3. What Did You Have For Dinner

    Oh I do like that picture. Hat fits perfect seems to me. I had roast lamb, roast potatoes,broccolli,carrots with Appple Strudel & ice cream to follow. Lamb was a bit chewy but I've had worse. Good old English fare really and yes my misses can cook! I do a bit when I'm pushed like kidneys & bacon. I'll have to try some WELSH lamb next week.
  4. CTD

    I'm getting CTD or rather the Microsoft error message when clicking the fly button using the 'Army Co-operation' default selection. I've been all day re-installing/messing with files etc. to no avail. The sim works fine in a strike mission created from the mission building facility and all the other selections work, except the default 'Army co-operation'. Has anybody else had this or know what the problem is? I have never experienced with any of the other Thirdwire series so I'm at a bit of a loss on this one!
  5. CTD

    Thanks guys . Game is First Eagles. I just looked on the Thirdwire site and apparently this is a known issue going back to October 2007. I would have thought this would have been sorted by now but can't find anyone who has a resolution. Guess we will have to wait for the next patch unless someone comes up with an answer before that. I've tried all the usual antidotes but nothing I do has worked except saving all the original files pre-patch and copying bits back to the Expansion Pack version this stops the CTD but aircraft are misplaced in the air on take off and I think the seasons don't work properly. I've now re-installed again afresh for the fourth time and will wait for the next patch. Thanks for responding...patience is a virtue.
  6. John Wayne

    Given a ceratin member's obvious affinity with a certain all time great american and sorely missed actor. No names no pack drill just follow my eyes I wonder why we haven't had any references to the great man so I thought I'd start one with ''all time great John Wayne one liners.'' Here's mine first one. 'Never apologise it's a sign of weakness' ( I think that came from 'She Wore a Yellow Ribbon' but no doubt I'll get hammered if I got that wrong)! What's yours?
  7. What Do You Look Like in Uniform Thread

    Well I've never been anywhere near any military organisation so I've got no pics but it looks like there's enough military manpower and hardware for CA to form one of its own. Nice to have pics to put faces to names though and I salute you all.
  8. Looks absolutely marvellous. If only I didn't have the YAP terrain I would love to have it. I would think your terrain would overwrite there's but is there a way round this?
  9. Me too. However I seem to have to delete and re-install the whole damn drives' worth every time as the incremental thingy does seem to add anything new. It's a real pain. Anybody got a solution to this?
  10. John Wayne

    Great pictures guys. I love 'em all especially this one it's a John Ford gem. Can't remember which film it's from just now ..well you know my Brainless memory.
  11. John Wayne

    Great pics. I'm green with envy.
  12. In the past year.

    Well that is just amazing. Can't hardly get my brain round all those numbers even with it in round the right way!!
  13. John Wayne

    Can we see them then?
  14. Ugh and ugh...seems like I'm going to have to get this one after all. Now where's that credit card!!
  15. Here Here. That's so true for me. I've learnt so much more about how these sometimes frustrating machines work following the advice and comments on this site. When I first arrived it was like I was in the best candystore in the world with so many great free downloads of every sort. Initially I couldn't quite believe my luck but gradually I came to realise the huge amount of talent on show here. You guys are so amazing and produce some of the best ever stuff. Just keep doing it cos' there's never enough is there?
  16. M*A*S*H Bloopers

    Ahh..Will there ever be a series re-run I ask myself?
  17. Trooper that is amazing work. I just downloaded and installed your awesome cockpit upgrade. All you Tomcat fans had better get this 'cos otherwise you're missing a beauty.
  18. Hmm..just the sort of problem I have. Memory goes blank just when you need it most! 'Fraid I can't help with that one but Wrench will know if you give him a buzz.
  19. Just installed this superb landscape development. Just amazing work. I can't imagine how long it took to create all that wonderful detail. Sitting on the tarmac looking at all those trees. I really felt I was in the woods and wanted to go for a walk! I nearly crashed the first time out looking at all the eyecandy!!
  20. Co-pilot dies during flight

    I'm all for fun as you all well know and as much as possible but there are some subjects which shouldn't be used for a 'funny' and this is one of them. There are plenty of subjects to use to poke fun at so why use this one. There's no good reason for it and it's just plain wrong. Yes I know it's your site and you can say what you like on it I guess but would you have said this if it had been one of your countrymen or a US pilot?
  21. Co-pilot dies during flight

    In my view this isn't funny. It's tragic for the family and shouldn't be the subject of any sort of mirth!
  22. I was wondering if there will ever be a B2 to go with the new Desert terrain when it comes out. Just a thought as my brain's in today.
  23. How Was Your Day....

    All very sad.
  24. Given I now have WOV,WOE, FE, SFP1, dedicated installs of WII, WOK, BOB, BoB 11, PF+FB+AEP, FS9, Lock on, EECH, EECH2 (never play those), Falcon 4 AF and probably some others I can't find just now, why do I need WOI. I mean what's different or good about it from the other versions? O.K I know I'm going to get flamed and maybe this should have been Brainless question No.12 but I just thought I'd ask. [i merged this topic with the main thread. --c5]
  25. Wings over...

    Try telling that to Nicky_flygirl

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