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Posts posted by Brainless

  1. I can look at your guide this weekend. I got 2 -12 hour nightshifts.


    Thanks mate I'll PM it you. Golly 12hr shifts eh..glad it's not me. :biggrin:


    I have the same version everyone else does. I paid my 30 clams and downloaded it from the 3W site too.


    I really can't understand this at all. You seem to have no trouble. I have tested some more flights in both the single missions I set up and the edited campaign I spoke about here. If I use the take off sequence described here and let the wingman take off first, which I guess is the right way to do it anyway, I have no problem but if I try to go first or set the throttle up before launch the problems start. What take off sequence are you using? It'll be interesting to see the results of Caesar's re-install to see if that cures it. If so I guess I'll have to do the same. Golly I hope not, I just put all the Wrench updates etc. on. I'll have to do it all again!

  2. How do I do that after I have selected an aircraft in the dialog window?


    You really need to download the KMD tutorial available here if you haven't already done so. Read that and most things will be explained. You need to set the waypoint co-ordinates for each individual aircraft and/or ground object in the waypoint box. Any co-ordinate will do, you can move this to where you want it later. Once the co-ordinates have been set just check the object box and your object will appear on the map.

    Here's a link to the downloads page for this :- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...um=10&st=30 and here's a link to the tutorial itself:-http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=2679

  3. I've been studying the new icon list (yes I know it's sad isn't it) but I'm damned if I know what half of the icons mean or are supposed to represent - no I'm serious guys. So I've made a list of the current ones and filled in the parts I understand or think I understand. Can someone please fill in the blanks and correct any I've misinterpreted. I'm thinking of adding these to my guide or perhaps they can go in the KB for other clueless people like me. :biggrin:


    Icon Acronyms

    Hi = Hello

    Angel = A good guy/girl

    Flood =

    Smile = a smile

    Scout = boy scout

    Warning2 = look out!

    Beta1 =

    Victory = A victory

    Diablo =

    Blush2 = A blush

    Nono = Don’t do it

    Close- tema =

    Off-topic = Posting off topic

    yu =

    moil =

    good = something good

    mellow =

    fans = a fan of someone/thing

    alcholic = drunk

    sleep = gone to sleep

    warn = a warning

    yes = agreement

    blind = can’t see the point

    drag =

    huh =

    buba =

    rolleyes = roll ones eyes

    biggrin = big grin

    search = looking for something/one

    slow =

    fie =

    bad = something bad

    not_i =

    dirol =

    tomato =

    aggressive = aggressive

    boredom = boredom

    no = no

    king = top man/girl

    umnik2 =

    lol = lots of laughs

    threaten = something/one threatening

    this = pointing to something/one

    protest = protesting something/one

    cray =

    wink = winking

    blink = blinking

    o.k. = alright

    shout = shouting at something/one

    happy = happy about something/one

    scelerosis =

    clapping = approval

    ph34r =

    fuk =

    ninja = ninja character

    secret = a secret

    unsure = uncertain

    tomato2 =

    stink = something/one smelly

    bye = goodbye

    mamba =

    dance = a dance

    smile2 = a smile

    dntknw = don’t know

    rofl = roll on floor laughing

    rtfm =

    sad = unhappy

    haha = funny

    pioneer = a pioneer

    spartak =

    umnik =

    angry2 = someone/thing annoying

    kiss = a kiss

    swoon = swooning

    f*** = f***

    help = ask for assistance

    blush = blush

    nyam =

    slow(en) =

    sorry = sorry

    glare = a glare

    wacko =

    tongue =

    bb =

    dry =

    crazy =

    censored = banned

    pilot =

    black eye =

    fool =

    spiteful =

    cool =

    closedeyes =

    grin = grin

    bb2 =

    ohmy =

    mad = barmy

    stinker =

    no2 =

    rap =

    banned = censored

    beee =

    fan_1 = another fan

    meeting = get together

    shok =

    angry = cross

    wacko = mad

    ban = something banned

    boxing = fighting

    beta1 =

    doh =

    idea = a suggestion

    oops = a mistake

    off_topic = not on the topic

    please = please

    type =

    HB = Happy Birthday

    Grandpa = granddad

    Flyer =

    blowup = explosion

    lmaosmiley =

    minigun =

    Notworthy =

    Stars =

    Tumbleweed =

    worship = in honour of someone /thing

    yesmaster = acknowledge superiority

    Yahoo =

    Deadhorse = as in flog one

    whistling = whistling

    assassin =

    big_boss =

    beach =

    boredom = bored

    bowdown2 =

    censored = banned

    butcher =

    crutch00 =

    download = download on the internet

    drinks_drunk = wasted

    drinks = a drink

    flood =

    focus =

    ghey =

    friends = popular people

    give_rose =

    groupwave = waving

    hunter =

    helpsmilie =

    iagree = agreement

    idhitit =

    imo =

    i_m_so_happy = pleased

    jk =

    king2 =

    kewlpics =

    kudos =

    lazy2 =

    ohsnap =

    needpics = pictures wanted

    pardon = excuse me

    pope =

    rapage =

    punish2 =

    read = better read this

    reckon =

    secret = something concealed

    scenic =

    seks =

    skull =

    stop =

    starwars =

    suicide =

    taunt = taunting

    welcome = hello

    telephone = telephone someone

    wheelchair =

    whip =

    yikes =

    whistle2 = whistle


    That's the lot I think.

  4. Hello guys!!! I wish to know your opinion about an idea:

    Make a translation of the Thirdwire's Knowledge Base subforum for World Language Forums at CombatAce. I think that's a good idea for some members who want to learn about modding, but can't understand the english languaje. I speak spanish. My english is not so good, but, I can help with translation to spanish languaje.


    Any opinion?


    Seems like a good idea but I don't know who would do this.

  5. Ok this just doesn't make any frackin' sense. Carrier ops work fine for me, No glitches, no nothing. I just don't get it.


    Hmm.. I downloaded my WOI from the 3W site. Did you get yours from there or did you buy a disc. I know sometimes the two are not the same in some types of sim? Seems like your version is different in some way to the ones Caesar and I are using. Just a thought.


    P.S Any news of the progress on the checking of my Guide so we can get this up and running. I just need someone to look over my draft. I didn't want to send it out until someone agreed to take a look at it. Do you have time now? Any news at all on this. If everyone is busy that's O.K. but I'd just like to know what's going on please.

  6. Ok, here's what I've got. I'm using a modified stock Lebanon War campaign. I checked over everything, switched back to CVN-75, etc. I still have the same problem UNLESS my wingman launches first. I have no idea why, but if I let him go ahead and then launch, my plane goes down the catapult and I'm in control no questions asked. I also noticed that Catapult 4 doesn't work for some reason and when I'm in a 4-ship, I can't launch: when I release breaks my plane disappears, so I'm limited to 2 or 3 ship formations. Will have to test the latter on the other CV's.


    Hmm.. yes I still have the odd glitch. I'm using just one carrier in my test campaign. The problem with 'disappearing' (I go backwards with the cockpit artwork off by itself ) seems to be related to the type of carrier being used but I'm not certain of that, the CVN75 works O.K though, some other ones don't. The test campaign I'm using only puts two aircraft on the CATS. This is working O.K. except that occasionally the wingman does the 90 degree jig. It is certainly not working the same as say in WOV but I haven't got an answer to it all yet. Are you using a Force Feedback stick only I wondered if this had anything to do with the launch? I had mine turned off yesterday and it seemed to make a difference.

  7. A couple years ago I was walking to the library in the city, and was crossing the street when I decided for no good reason to look to my left. Call it the Force, Spidey-sense, whatever; it was strange considering I never ever deigned to look if I had the light. I was able to spot and avoid a van that had run the red light and zoomed past me at about 60 mph.


    Needless to say, this struck "look left and right before crossing" with more hamhanding than an 80's cartoon. :biggrin:


    So yeah, make sure you always do that.


    That was real lucky. Life and death stuff...phew( phew icon should go here but I can't seem to find one)

  8. I"m still here...unless I get a better offer from another planet....



    kevin stein


    Mars needs help. I sent them your details. Martian leader says he can't wait to hear from you but I told him not to hold his breath as it would take you a long long time to reply to PMs. No worries there he said we don't breathe air here. You have got a pressure suit haven't you? :rofl:

  9. Back in late January of 1987, I was making preparations for a two week vacation down in the Florida Keys. The Saturday before the trip, I woke up early (as I was working a night shift at the time, I considered "early" to be anytime prior to 11 AM), and made my way to the bank to deposit my check, and pay off all my utility bills for the upcoming month.


    When I got to the bank, I reached into my jacket pocket, and my wallet was gone! $300 in cash, $1,000 in paychecks, all my credit cards, driver's license, social security card, my company ID card, everything. It was a freaking disaster! Needless to say, I was quite upset.


    Two days later, I received a call from a NY-NJ Port Authority Police officer. It seems that a cousin of his had found my wallet laying on the sidewalk (this was in Newark, NJ of all places), and turned it over to him. When I finally met up with said officer, I was pleasantly surprised to find everything intact! I tried to give him a reward on his cousin's behalf, but he would not accept it, claiming that his cousin was just that way.


    WoW ..well this beats my lucky story no question. It seems most people are honest it's just the odd one or two that are opportunists or maybe they are just godfearing, decent people alround in NJ Newark. I'll have to remember that's the place to go for my next vacation. :biggrin:

  10. My two cents.


    A dynamic campaign is usually defined as having some way to "remember" the state of the conflict so that the effects of any missions you fly apply to the conflict as a whole. There is also usually some sort of "campaign AI" written that reacts to the effects of your and other missions.


    For instance:


    You fly a mission against an airfield and destroy a number of aircraft. If you fly a new mission over this same airfield these same aircraft would still be destroyed. That being said, if there is an effective campaign AI the "enemy" may resupply the airfield with replacement aircraft.


    The other element of a dynamic campaign is that the missions you fly depend on the results of previous missions. If you succeed in a given mission you may get a different NEXT mission than if you fail a given mission.


    This is all opposed to a static campaign where the campaign is made up of a series of missions that have no relationship to each other. No attempt is made to communicate the state of the conflict between missions.


    Nicely explained :good:

  11. Here is the campaign I have been using to test.


    Ah.. thanks dave but I tried adding this with the 'ingredients ' you suggested here but I kept getting CTD or rather the MS error message. I probably 'did a Brainless' but tried several times without success. Can you give complete and full instructions..it's Brainless you're dealing with here. :biggrin:


    P.S Any news of the progress on the checking of my Guide so we can get this up and running. I just need someone to look over my draft. I didn't want to send it out until someone agreed to take a look at it. Do you have time now?




    O.K. I've done an edit of 'Attrition War' By R. Lee "Banger" SullivanVersion 1.110 March 2008 using instructions from Gocad's readup in the KNOWLEDGE BASE (this is what you other clueless ones should be doing) on how to add carriers in a campaign. I applied this information together with the information you kindly supplied and lo and behold, hey presto I'm on the deck of CVN75 plus I don't blow up or crash on the deck.


    Using the method I described for take off I had no problem catapulting off and wingman went off in the right direction. Of course this was a first try and the 'intermittent' fault may yet raise its ugly head but at the moment it works.

  12. This issue of speed came up in a heated maelstrom yesterday so I'll try to answer your questions.


    First thing is to know the difference between Indicated (or Calibrated) Airspeed and True Airspeed.


    From Wikipedia:


    Indicated Airspeed


    True Airspeed


    I can't give you the mathematical part of it, but in really really simple terms (that even I can understand), the higher you fly, the more IAS and TAS will diverge because airspeed is detected by a pressure sensitive instrument, and the higher you fly, the lower the air pressure.


    So, let's say you are cruising in an F11F Tiger at 350 knots IAS at 10,000 feet. Your true airspeed is going to be about 440 knots.


    Here is a quick tool to help you convert between IAS and TAS at various altitudes:




    The question you asked, does the A-7 cruise faster than the F-4, is complicated. Assuming that you choose a cruise speed for best fuel economy at a particular aircraft weight and altitude, there may be circumstances where the A-7 would actually crusie faster, even though it is a slower overall aircraft.


    Here is a chart from the F11F pilots manual showing recommended cruise speeds in clean configuration at 10,000 ft.




    Note that the recommended cruise speeds range from 300-350 knots IAS, or 350-400 knots TAS. This is at odds with what most websites will tell you the cruise speed for this aircraft is, because most websites don't have detailed technical info and don't take into account the information I've outlined above. You really need a -1 to get the good info.


    To address the A-7 specifically, since I did that flight model, I almost certainly have it too high for a couple of reasoins. First, I was less experienced when I did that FM, and second, the game changed recently so that the engine thakes the value for CruiseSpeed and treats it as the target IAS rather than TAS. It used to aim for the CruiseSpeed as the target TAS, so planes that have not been updated for WOI/SP5 are going to tend to cruise faster than they ought to. Rest assured that the flight models I have been involved with will be updated. :good:


    Based on the above, you should be able to work out the anser to the question about Mach 2 versus 800 knots IAS... :wink:


    I hope this helps!



    This definitely needs to go in the KB a.s.a.p. as it's a continual re-occurring topic. I was going to add it to my guide but I think the KB is the right place for it

  13. Hi everyone I have been reading heaps about some of these mods for this game and Now I am a newbie but where and how do you land on the aircraft carrier??




    You need to download a carrier campaign. There are some here in the downloads so take your pick to suit the terrain you're using or make your own missions which I do mostly using the Mission Builder also available here look for KMD in WOI\WOE\WOV Utilities Section. You will also need a carrier type aircraft with a hook, again downloadable from here if you don't have a stock one. There's quite a few, so take your pick in the aircraft WOI\WOE\WOV download section. Plus you need an aircraft carrier also available here look in WOI\WOE\WOV ships, again there are a number to chose from. Try a nice easily to fly aircraft like the Skyhawk first to get the hang of the correct approach and landing sequence. It takes a bit of practice but once you've got the hang of 'getting in the grooove' you'll soon be doing it like a pro. As a guide start at 3000ft up about 3mls out from the ship (press * to get a distance to ship mileage gauge) do a nice easy descent aiming for the back of the deck and land with your wheels over the bow to trap the wire. Make sure you've got your wheels and hook down and fly in just above stall speed for the aircraft you're using.


    Here are some links


    Links to aircraft carriers:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...amp;showcat=330

    Links to Navy aircraft:-http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autocom=downloads&showcat=276

    Links to KMD:-




    Have lots of fun practicing and best of luck.

  14. I know that it's rather easy to add additional areas to the targets.ini, but like you said, the real problem is the terrain itself...you need to figure out first where to place them without creating a mess.


    Libya isn't that flat either...


    Well even I have done adding an airfield. Did it in the EAW terrain. It's not that hard but you have to choose your spot carefully if you're not going to do the flattening bit. I found a good clear spot in the lower part of EuroWWII being northern part of Italy which was flat and it worked fine. Takes a bit of trial and error and messing with orientation to get it right though. You need an afternnon free to sort it out. :biggrin:

  15. Nothing big really went to dinner with a friend then we went bar hopping until 3 am. Got a copy of the new Dawn of War Soulstorm. Only have one pic of the night of me holding a 32oz mason jar of beer. Yes I asked for a 32 oz beer and got a mason jar. It was Miller Lite too because they didn't have anything better on tap. Then we went to Old Chicago and I drank Black and Tans for the rest of the night


    Well it doesn't sound too bad to me. :biggrin:

  16. I can't find a carrier campaign in WOI to test the problem you're having so if the one you've got is ready to go but it's just the carrier aircraft crash on the deck perhaps you can upload what you've got and I can go from there.


    I still have the odd clitch already mentioned with my series of single missions but it's now not so bad you can't take off altogether. Works two times out of three using method I described.


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