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About Streakfalcon

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  1. AH-1F /S(MC) Cobra ver.2016

  2. UH-1H Huey

    Oh I am soooo happy to hear Yakarov is working on Hueys!! This is gonna be good!
  3. Found it, had the alt date set to 1955.....please disregard
  4. Been enjoying the new South Africa map but it seems no matter what plane I fly or when I get the decals with the bird in the middle, Where should I start to get the springbok?
  5. GTX 1060

    Yeah, that was it. I kept the 353s because I saw on the forums here they were the most stable. The Zotac 1060 didn't come with a driver disc so I just kept the old one. Newest drivers from Nvidia seem to work best. Very impressed with the card, quiet and only required a 400w with a single six pin for power. Smooth as silk and stays cool on one fan. $196 at newegg.
  6. Just got it installed on a Win 7 I7. But the main screen wont show(game is running). Anyone else tried the new 1000 series cards yet?
  7. Just Awesome! Any hints on whats next? I've downloaded all of your choppers and really enjoyed them.
  8. Falcon you are not alone...Ive been modding this game since 2004 and i cant get it to work either. Really hoping you get it sorted out.
  9. Ok , couple of shots in the dark here. i recently lost all the planes in DLC29 and it was driving me crazy. Turns out the version ini in my mod folder got corrupted and had lines of equal signs which messed up what the game saw. make sure that is correct first (SF2v=TRUE). Secondly, do you have sf2v? I ask because untill this last patch I was able to access the skyraider by downloading a skin pack from here and a cockpit. i didnt have SF2V but was able to fly the plane. the last patch stopped that freebee. Obviously the game is not finding the LODs
  10. AH-1F /S(MC) Cobra ver.2016

    Just fantastic work and effort with these! You are really in the top tier of modders for this game and so very much appreciated.
  11. F-35 V MvR

  12. I have a similar problem with those a/c and others with very high resolution skins. A fault of my relatively weak system rather than the planes. I have resized the skins and I make sure I only fly a few at a time per mission. I believe the game starting without video is a result of not enough capacity in either ram or video card memory.

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