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Posts posted by i90807065

  1. Honestly, I dont think any gunshot would feel the same, what with all the possibilities...(bullet, gun, pain tolerance, wound area, distanc, etc). Although im sure it will always hurt, and is probably one of those "only want to feel it once type of pains, similar to being hit by a car...


    And to lighten the mood, this is oddly enough not the oddest question ive been asked haha :biggrin:

  2. Unless I commit a crime with one of my implements in the economy its nobodies business what I have, especialy a government that takes half my paycheck every 2 weeks and wants more.


    I agree with this completely, and find this law to be utterly overcomplicated...I think it could be a little bit better in some ways (Like finding a suspect), but not necessary

  3. Just about. My friend and I were playing HAWX and came to realize (we've been AC fans for a long time) that it's pretty much got every element from every AC mixed into it somehow. The only thing I think HAWX is better than AC for is the radio communications. Yeah, they get kind of annoying after a while, but at least they're not on the frequency telling the enemy that "their hate is slowing them down!" Dear God, do I hate AC's comms. Also, the fact that you can do 2-player campaign mode can make it tolerable enough to enjoy with a friend for a little while. Other than that, HAWX holds nothing over AC.


    Co-op...you dont say...i will rent this now perhaps...ive heard some good stuff about it

  4. As far as I know only these apply, but im not sure about the others


    And my question: does this lines

    [color="#ff0000"]StallSpeed=70.00 <-------
    CruiseSpeed=254.0 <--------
    ClimbSpeed=205.12 <--------[/color]
    [color="#ff0000"]CornerSpeed=176.45 <--------[/color]
    [color="#ff0000"]MaxSpeedSL=412.0 <---------[/color]


    apply to player as well?


    Sorry if this doesnt help.

  5. well,my pc crashed.it has happened before,i think another fault in the system.dont worry,the f15t is not lost....maybe.it really sucks because the project is going to be delayed for even longer.

    im now working on my backup pc(i have 2 computers).3ds max is also on this one.but not the f15 tactical.if everything is repared allright,the f15t should be still intact.if not.....we'll have to start the whole project over again.


    OZ NOEZ!!! Hope it turns out well and thanks for the updates everyone.

  6. Luke, you've lost it. That... Is not an F-15. You've made the Tac packs WAY too big. As of now, I refuse to associate myself with this butchery of the Eagle. >_> Good day, sir!


    Umm whoa,whoa,whoa thats harsh and uncalled for, if you dont agree with the way things are, dont download it, but you really didnt need to get do mad over this, maybe give him some tips...something.


    If you are involved in this project please DO NOT LET that last post get to you I think it is still a good idea.

  7. Its all coming back to me...


    I had just gotten interested in modding MSFS9, so one day while searching for more weps mods(other than the nuke) I stumble across "Weapons pack...MSFS" on google and went berserk...until I found that it wasnt for MSFS but for strike fighters. I browsed the site for a bit and realised I liked this game, just from pics and discussions, unfortunately, I couldnt find anything in any store.

    Later on in the year I was discussing about this crazy awesome game I found over the summer and he said he had something like it, he let me borrow it and the rest is history :ok:



    On another note, I think ive seen some of yall before here... I "know" eric from westcoastATC although I never visit anymore...Thirdwire eats my time whenever it can :biggrin:


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