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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Windows 10

    Waiting for my reserved upgrade. I will isolate the external backups, AFTER doing a full backup and BEFORE doing the upgrade. If you don't see me log on after the upgrade......
  2. There's a reason why 'Banker' rhyms

    I get it, and not questioning you. I'm just surprised that anyplace would still prosecute a distribution charge for less than an ounce
  3. There's a reason why 'Banker' rhyms

    you're right, I don't live in the south. Here pot is legal. but even in my previous locales, possession wouldn't get one a serious jail term. misdemeanor slap on the wrist. I'm entirely ok with shooting the banker......
  4. There's a reason why 'Banker' rhyms

    don't know the details but the story looks like utter BS. One ounce of pot will not get you jail time, much less a life sentence.
  5. Less than a week remaining

    cool stuff!!
  6. British Royal Marine vs IS

    the first time I heard that it was Spartans and Persians.................
  7. Prowlers Retired

    truly a legendary aircraft. I was lucky enough to bag one trap (right seat) in a KA-6D on a tanker hop. Quite the experience.
  8. Night Time Ops.....

    CINCHOUSE would kill me if I set that up!! you have a jewel!!!!!
  9. EMALs Testing on USS Gerald R Ford

    he sounds pretty similar to someone here.................... http://combatace.com/topic/80564-combatace-spotlight-interview-with-typhoid/ https://coloradosprings.gov/government/general-information/city-council/andy-pico
  10. Tu-160 Blackjack

    I would not sell those short. They were all upgraded and aside from the RCS are probably just as potent as our B-2's in all mission respects.
  11. EMALs Testing on USS Gerald R Ford

    I'm not referring to the interference. I am referring to the ability of the "Other guy's" aircraft to detect and identify that signal and correlate it to a radar target. you do know who wrote that article................?
  12. EMALs Testing on USS Gerald R Ford

    sailing in formation is NOT how a carrier group operates. We successfully hid our carrier in a couple of ops in the Northern Pacific and part of that was by operating in deceptive manners and NOT putting the carrier in the center of the bullseye formation. An ESM aircraft only needs a brief hit to be able to ID the intended target. I don't know what the ESM signal of the EMALS is, but it will not take long for an ESM recon bird, either aircraft of satellite, to determine what to look for.
  13. EMALs Testing on USS Gerald R Ford

    The radar return of a carrier is certainly big, but no bigger than many tankers, cruise ships, etc. What an EMALS, or any other "unique emitter" provides is; the ability to track a target without turning the radar on (and making the targeting aircraft the target!), the ability to IDENTIFY THE TARGET and shoot the right one Not saying this is a bad idea, but just wondering about that part. (having been part of a couple of ops where we hid the carrier for quite awhile)
  14. Tu-160 Blackjack

    Nice targets!! a very nice video.
  15. Lybian MiG-23 in a very low pass

    The only time I saw Libyan Mig-23's was when we reviewed the F-14 gun camera film.....................
  16. Lybian MiG-23 in a very low pass

    Holy !!!!!!!! He about sucked some ground personnel up as FOD!!
  17. EMALs Testing on USS Gerald R Ford

    I wonder what kind of signal that puts out for the listening ESM bird trying to find the CV trying to hide in the broad ocean......
  18. F-35 canceled for marines and USAF?

    it is an awesomely hilarious site!!
  19. he didn't exactly screw up - he set the fire intentionally. It was deliberate sabotage. he should be dead.
  20. Marines at White House (Doormen)

    they can be very creative!! brought back memories.........
  21. I rather suspect that will not be the profile while in commercial service.......
  22. Future of Aircraft Carriers

    Aviation will always be with us, although changing. As long as aviation is with us, ships will take aviation to sea. The aircraft carrier will change, of course, but something like it will always be needed.
  23. I'm open to suggestions

    wow! quite a production!

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