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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Cool drag race

    Cool drag race between a Typhoon and a hot race car. http://www.snotr.com/video/568 that Typhoon hauls @$$!!
  2. the special effects should be fairly easy. Just a column of smoke at the end of the runway...... sorry........
  3. works great and the landings are only as good as you are.
  4. yes. I modded several for Desert Storm, Libya and the Red Swarm campaigns. They all work ok.
  5. Who is actual aircrew?

    absolutely right!!
  6. Tragedy at Tinker AFB

    I know what you went through and are going through. My prayers are with all.
  7. that's one way to get your PRT in!
  8. there is something fundamentally wrong and mentally sick with people who invent conspiracy theories, particularly with a dead pilot who was killed in an air to air accident. the suggestion is incredibly offensive. I lost far too many friends and shipmates in aircraft accidents to let some piece of garbage like you toss some sick piece of a mentally psychotic accusation onto a tragic accident and dishonor a brave and dead pilot.
  9. "among the more ignorant" which unfortuneatly includes a signficant portion of the brain-washed masses/electorate of much of the world's representative democracies.......
  10. Errant Satellite

    roughly equivelant to the threat the current BMD is designed to defend against. (NOT Russian) we did just fine during the Gulf War (using less capable missiles against less capable missiles). The process is essentially the same, the technology is further out and faster. But no-notice launch and computation of the threat and intercept is all old-hat.
  11. I would be astonished if the paint hasn't already dried! A great Navy BMD Morning! It will be lots of fun now hearing from all the BMD skeptics who claimed it would never work! sparkomatic, Jedi Master is exactly right. This stuff is all coming down and there are NO, ZERO, NADA satellites threatened by this debris. If they were that low, they'd be coming in too. All of this debris will be burning in within a month. The Chinese converted one dead satellite in an operational satellite belt into thousands of deadly fragments in an ever increasing cloud that will be there for a thousand years. Which we all really appreciated......... So no complaints from China have any credible basis at all. They can go pound, uh, fortune cookies.....
  12. Errant Satellite

    and a Great Navy BMD Morning it is! I wonder what phony excuse all the BMD nay-sayers will fabricate now to keep us all undefended against meglomaniacs with nuke missiles?
  13. this one doesn't seem to like aditional terrains either. Tried several ways but none will work. So we'll need some new techniques to add other stuff to this one. I kept one unmodded install which I am flying in and one for trying out other planes, weapons, terrains. Planes work great, but only with the installed weapons. Have to try out missions and stuff over the next couple of days. an A+ on this one. Nice terrain. Good campaigns, great planes. and ground radar in avionics70!!! I'm muy happy!!!!!
  14. Wings over...

  15. I've done my part to fill TK's pockets and downloaded my file. Guess I'll be "off the net" for a little while.....
  16. just did my part to fill TK's pockets and downloaded my file. Guess I'll be "off the net" for a little while......

    and they use tailhooks.....
  18. an outstanding bit of work and eagerly anticipated. Its sweet and very, very well done.

    the AWACkers in the office enjoyed it too......
  20. Who is actual aircrew?

    the "two rotating speed brakes" was intended to indicate the E-2
  21. Who is actual aircrew?

    I guess the thread is back on track..... Retired NFO with about 1800 hours in the E-2 and about 600 hundred hours in the E-4B plus some more in various makes and models for training and proficiency. Almost got bagged by a NK Mig while running like $!$#^!! with "two rotating speed brakes" to get some distance; and had some other interesting moments flying in a single engine aircraft - but with two engines installed!! Commercial with single and multi-engine plus instrument, and single and multi flight instructor. Total time just short of 3,000. With my combination of Navy and civilian time I can say that I've flown "both types of Skyhawk" what plane was the most fun? TA-4J with the aggessors!! :yes: most fun in a civilian aircraft - single engine - Debonair (T-tailed Bonanza) multi-engine - Beech Baron last 5 years on active duty stuck in HQ command centers but still involved in some "tense" ops including shootdown of 2 migs and 18 SCUDS with space track, missile warning, ballistic missile defense, and some 'other specialties" which kept me busy. In Europe for the fall of the Berlin Wall and in Cheyenne Mountain during the fall of the Soviet Union. Had a blast. Now stuck flying a desk (sheds tear) but working as a defense industry contractor/analyst supporting aerospace defense operations.
  22. Falling sattelite Uh Oh!

    you keep me honest
  23. Falling sattelite Uh Oh!

    as the event gets closer the ability to predict time and place will get better. But still more of a regional prediction until just prior to the event. Should be able to do a bit better than "what hit you was the satellite...." precautions will be publized as the event gets closer. Clearly if you see something coming down upwind of you - MOVE across the wind line!!

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