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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. what do you all mean by a different or another version?
  2. you mean the one putting 60% of the fleet back in the air and the other 40% pending a COMACC decision?
  3. I got a lot of good info there and a few other places which made it possible to adapt to the F-14, but TK never chimed in how to make it track. So it remains boresighted, at least for now. I was in Gaeta, on the Belknap, from 1988-1990. We lived up in Maranola. We enjoyed our time there and really liked the town and all of you there. I would like to go back some time as a tourist and just be able to enjoy the countryside.
  4. Best Job Ever?

    sooner or later. No need for them now really since all of the work is air to ground and there are lots and lots of F-16s, F-15E's and F-18's, attack helo's, B-52's for that role and much better suited to that mission. Not enough of the F-22's to make it an expeditionary capable force just yet.
  5. Iranian Revolutionary Guards play with fire

    well............ not sure I completelyagree. I don't know what their ROE was, but what I used to operate under - those guys would have been toast. A clear threat communicated with an approach consistent with intent to attack. Very close call but I think the ROE was met. The proof of that is that the ships were about to open fire. glad things didn't go that far, but the Iranians are playing with fire here and could easily miscalculate our restraint as timidity which breeds contempt and results in further agression. That is just how it works over there. the next incident could be that much more dangerous as a result.
  6. Best Job Ever?

    you mean like air defense of the US? already been there, done that, and have the photo alongside the Bear inside our ADIZ. F-22's have been flying Operation Noble Eagle and Northern Sovereignty missions and have been standing air defense alert for the US under NORAD tacon.
  7. Iranian Revolutionary Guards play with fire

    might have been intended as bait to give them an excuse to open with the shore-based Silkworms.
  8. nope :( its just boresighted. Haven't been able to get it to track air or ground targets.
  9. Like that? might be coming soon to a file upload near you....... I did a mod that includes the avionics70, and also for the avionics60 for those who don't have WOE, that includes the TCS and an upgrade to the RWR. I've done this for the F-14A, F-14A+, F-14D, the IRAF F-14A, and my own F-14QS2 version. It took me awhile to figure it all out. Then I took a look at Land Warriors F-14QS to see what it would take to add that and much to my embarrased chagrin, I realized he had already done it....... (hits forhead with the Air Force Reserve Salute) at any rate - I'm waiting for permission to include the RWR portion of the mod since it is borrowed from other work already posted by wpnsgt. When that is clear, I will post the mods.
  10. Best Job Ever?

    I think all the F-22's are busy right now - filling in for F-15's!!
  11. they are known to break when in the vicinity of EP-3's..............
  12. looks like there is a problem with the terrain coming over the runways. I didn't delve into that because it is beyond my understanding at this point but I suspect there is some problem with the runway elevation in relation to the terrain. At any rate, launch and recovery didn't work and since it stretched out the timeline quite a lot to run the scenario I just put them airborne at the approx position they were reported feet-wet and pressed on.
  13. Version


    Gulf of Sidra incident between 2 USN F-14's and 2 Libyan Mig-23's on 4 Jan 1989. MENU A. DESCRIPTION B. REQUIRED FILES C. MISSION BRIEFINGS A. DESCRIPTION: This is a set of missions replicating the Gulf of Sidra incident on 4 Jan, 1989, between 2 F-14's from VF-32 and 2 Mig-23's of the Libyan AF. I've built these missions to replicate the incident to the best of my recollection of the events that morning. Some of the ship locations, particularly the USS Belknap, are repositioned from their actual locations for reasons which I will decline to discuss, but are included as general background as are some additional aircraft included on general air routes and carrier based support missions. Rules of Engagement (ROE) in effect the morning of the incident are included in very general terms here. Follow these to make a challenging and realistic replication of that morning. Wartime ROE is NOT in effect and the ROE does not allow a pre-emptive attack. You are not required to wait for the bogeys to fire first but you can engage if the bogeys manuever aggressively in an attempt to obtain a firing position. Remember that the Mig-23 does have a forward quarter head-on capability! Attempt to intercept and escort but if the bogeys manuever to obtain a firing solution you are cleared to engage. The missions should be copied into your Strike Fighters/Missions folder. The Mig-23 Loadout, aircraft data and avionics updates should be copied directly into the Mig-23MS folder and overwrite the existing files (after you backup the originals!). B. REQUIRED FILES: WHAT YOU'LL ALSO NEED to run the missions are: 1. The Mirage Factory F-14A 2. VF-32 skin for the F-14A 3. Mig-23MS (updated loadout, aircraft data and avionics files are included in this mission pack to provide realistic loadout and radar capability. The radar range settings have been adjusted to include a longer range selection, but the radar performance has not which will give a fairly realistic performance.) 4. A310z * 5. AN-12 * 6. E-2C * 7. KA-6D 8 A-6E_TRAM 9 CVA-63 (representing CV-67 JFK) 10. Spruance * 10.b. OH Perry * 11. CGN-9 * (representing CG-26, Belknap, 6th Fleet Flagship) 12. Libyan Koni * 13. The Libya Terrain by USAFMTL (note: I've generated each of the Libyan aircraft airborne both to keep the mission elapsed time down and because the terrain version (1.4) that I used to develop these missions has a problem with the Libyan airbases that prevents launch and recovery. On missions 3 and 4 don't try to land - if you happen to make it back). * not required for the missions but provide realistic background of carrier air operations in the Med. All of the above are available from this site, and contain their own installation documents. C. MISSION BRIEFINGS: Gulf of Sidra 1 and 2. Launch from the carrier and proceed to tank from Texaco. The E-2 is conducting airborne early warning and support ships for surveillance are on station. The A-6's are on a practice route over the Greek islands as you proceed and you should monitor their departure. When bogey's are called conduct a radar search. If the bogeys are closing vector to intercept and escort. ROE requires they take hostile action before you can engage. (one of these missions will be a benign intercept and escort and one will involve an engagement in close as it occured.) Return to the ship after the bogeys are outbound/splashed. Note: if you escort without an engagement the sim will record a mission failure - but you can record a personal mission success as a thousand such missions were flown successfully without hostilities during the years of armed standoff and occasional conflict between Libya and the US. Gulf of Sidra 3 is flown from the Libyan perspective. Vector to investigate the infidel violators of our sacred airspace! Sweep the skies of the invading crusaders and return to the glory of your country! Gulf of Sidra 4 is flown from the Libyan perspective. Vector to investigate the contacts to the north. Do not engage unless fired on, and return to report the infidel operations. Final note. The Gulf of Sidra event was an unplanned event, and from the USN perspective an unprovoked attack against a defensive CAP positioned to defend the carrier force during a routine transit of the Med. To this day, no one knows why the Libyan pilots manuevered as they did. It should be remembered that two very brave men, wearing uniforms and flying for their country, did not return that morning. All of the USN aircrews returned safely. Any questions give me a shout on PM. Typhoid Battle Watch Captain and Tactical Action Officer, 6th Fleet Staff, embarked in USS Belknap on 4 Jan, 1989.
  14. What is it like on a Naval ship or sub?

    brings back nightmares, er, memories.....
  15. While I was on alert in the NEACP E-4B (747-200) we launched on a Presidential Support Mission to accompany "Ron" back to the White House. As we climbed through the clouds we had one of those "Blinding Flashes of the Obvious" and all of our electrical systems went dark........ Quick reset of everything brought it all back on line and we all "reset the heart circuit breakers". Then executed a precautionary landing back at March AFB to check out the plane. We couldn't find anything and re-launched a few hours later for home plate. Speculation was the lightning didn't hit directly but was close enough to surge all of the systems and caused us to reset (about a 30 second evolution). Got all of our attention and made a believer in thunderstorm avoidance out of me!
  16. What exactly is BVR?

    that's why I do that too. The sim and the limitations of the monitors just cannot replicate that. now - I know one can see "dots" at those stated ranges, but the ability to see and IDENTIFY the target is also a key part of the BVR equation. Most of the time, the ROE has required a visual ID prior to engaging the bogey. THAT is why the TCS was included in the F-14 - to enable the VID in order to take the shot. Prior to the TCS we had been bolting rifle scopes into the Phantom cockpits (modelling challenge here!) to give our guys the ability to push the VID range a bit. I think dots at 10-15 miles is correct, but ID for a fighter size target, especially head on, would only be about 5nms.
  17. Presidential Elections?

    I have not yet decided if I will permit a vote to be held. I may just assume the Emperorship for the good of all mankind and save the country from this destructive, political conflict......
  18. no. yes they have a tailhook. No, the other stuff for carrier ops is not on the CF-18's and they are NOT TRAINED to do that!! "Canadian Hornet on final - all hands on deck seek deep shelter!"
  19. glad to know I have lots of company!
  20. Lockheed to supply 18 F-16s to Pakistan

    Pakistan could probably figure out how to load their OWN nukes onto any aircraft and make them go boom. They could not make our nukes (which are not there anyway) work on a US delivered aircraft unless we wanted them to and provided the custodial units and "other stuff" that would go with that. Our stuff is secure. but the real question would be - why would they want to use F-16's for nuke delivery when they have an operational SRBM with nuke capabilty? They wouldn't and don't. The whole issue is really a smoke screen to hurt Pakistan, which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Its just local US political games. The F-16's provide an air defense and strike capability to off-set Indian AF capability and leave them both sufficiently secure to maintain their armed peace. Derailing the arm's sales to Pakistan does nothing to further the cause of peace, prosecuting the war against Islamofascism or supporting a US ally.
  21. yup. The first additional aircraft after the initial run is complete is comparitively dirt cheap. Way back when the B-1 was being delivered, the program manager gave a talk at the Naval War College about his program and what an additional production could potentially cost. Each of the 100 B-1's cost some tremendous amount of money. The 101st B-1 would have cost 1/4 of what the first 100 cost. The same with the F-22 and any other aircraft. The false economy of cutting the production run or reducing the annual production run drives up the unit cost becase the entire cost of the development is spread over fewer aircraft and inneficient production rates push costs up. The next batch of aircraft don't have the development overhead to pay for, so they cost much, much less. Which is why we should go into serial production of the F-22 (and replace the F-15 fleet before they fall apart) and why additional sales of the F-35 come in at a much lower cost. The more of anything you make (planes, tanks, ships, light bulbs, cars, advanced flight sim gaming computers, etc.) the cheaper the unit cost becomes. Big time.
  22. turn on the radio? sorry.........
  23. (shrugs) beats me. Have you used the weapons editor to open each new one and then save the file?

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