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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. probably need to check the loadouts in the aircraft ini and ensure they match what's in the weapons pack version you are using. Some of the new ones have changes.
  2. wait a minute...

    grumble grumble...... "Whats the Navy going to send? Super Hornets?" actually, we did! :yes: but not for Bears or Blackjacks. I'm a NORAD guy now that so I am much more "inclusive." (sarcasm alert!)
  3. wait a minute...

    beats me. Its become routine so no coverage. Kinda like spaceflight - "what, another moon shot? boring..... What else is on?" but having pictures of CF-18's, F-22's, F-15's, Norweigan F-16's, and RAF Typhoons flying alongside Bears and Blackjacks is really cool.
  4. Christmas presents

    jewelry........ :yes:
  5. Santa sightings

    Tis the season.......
  6. wait a minute...

    you do realize that WE (The American Taxpayers) have been paying the Russians in hard currency to disassemble their nuclear stockpile?
  7. wait a minute...

    yep! Its giving us a good work out and keeping us sharp. Dusting off all those plans and planes....... It would be nice if we had some F-15's.........
  8. wait a minute...

    the lede is full of some of the most utter, contemptible BS I've read. That idiot does not know of what he is writing about. the others are interesting. The Kuz carrier group is in the North Atlantic now and should be in the Med later this month. I predict the carrier group will be conducting flight ops in or near the Adriatic when Kosovo holds its election for independence.......
  9. wait a minute...

    you lost me there. when do you think they started back up and what gives you the mistaken idea they've stopped?
  10. Photo Link

    http://home.comcast.net/~bzee1a/ this is a link to photos from Fleet Week in San Fransisco. A LOT of really cool aviation photos here including some nice Blue Angels and Raptor shots. also two links to another air show and some WWII birds. caution - if you are on dial-up, you might want not to go here.......
  11. I'd have to say the most fun one, for both time that I flew it, was the TA-4J.
  12. because I have been sentanced to flying a desk for the last several decades...... :(
  13. Woe because it runs a bit better. the ability to mod makes it feasible to import all the scenarios, missions, terrains, objects, etc. The ability of the woe engine to work smoother with a mid-grade system is the key. Without that, I'd have probably been out of here a long time ago.
  14. wait a minute...

    occasional?!! NATO and NORAD have burn the JP all year intercepting those guys! Its getting to be downright routine!!
  15. my favorite one(s) are those that I flew. Nothing beats flight time, doesn't matter what the airframe is!
  16. Interesting historical photo I picked up from the pilot of the Blackbird. "The date was 9 Aug 87 and my nose gunner and I were about halfway through an 11.1 hour mission in the SR-71. A mission this long was very unusual, having only occurred a few times in the history of the Blackbird program, usually in times of national crisis. The 1973 Arab-Israeli War was one example. Our sortie was also to the Middle East, though the crisis involved Iranian gunboats attacking Kuwaiti oil tankers re-flagged as US carriers. The intel community needed imagery of the entire Persian Gulf in a hurry, and the best option was to fly some SR missions out of Kadena AB on Okinawa (one-way distance was about 6,000 miles). On refueling #3 of the five we did that day, we found ourselves over top of a carrier battle group on station in the Arabian Sea, not very far outside the Gulf. While hanging on the boom of a KC-10, a pair of Tomcats joined up with us to keep an eye on things. We appreciated the company given that we were within the combat radius of Iranian F-14s and sitting ducks flying low and slow behind the tanker! The attached picture was taken by the RIO in the backseat of Tomcat #2. I’m fairly certain this was the first and only time these three aircraft got together in the air. Our butts were sure sore after a good twelve hours in the pressure suits. The final numbers were: 11.1 hours in the air and about 12,000 miles covered (about halfway around the globe)."
  17. Interesting photo

    all, there is no better or hi-res picture. that's it. post away.......
  18. have to agree with you there! The depot even blew up a plane I was supposed to accept the next day. bad deal all around.....
  19. yea. for just work as a long range interceptor the F-15 would be better because it has both better range and more powerful radar. but for mixing it up - the Raptor is the beast to be putting into the fleur de li's. :yes:
  20. Moose Milk

    THE MOOSE MILK SECRET The secret of Moose Milk has been sought after for many years by Americans and Europeans alike. However, the inhabitants of the Great White North long ago decided that the ingredients must be kept from those who would use the recipe to influence others. Moose Milk was officially adopted by Canadians in 1867, but European explorers have been after the recipe since Christopher Columbus, John Cabot and Jacques Cartier first arrived in North America in the late 1400’s. The illusive recipe caused them and future explorers so much anxiety, that many traveled clear across North America looking for the recipe, hence the discovery of the Pacific Ocean. However, after years of searching, the disappointed voyageurs eventually returned to Europe without the prized recipe and have had to put up with Bitters, Beaujolais and Weissen beer ever since. The Americans have been after the recipe for years as well. In 1866 they sent the Fenian raiders into Canada to retrieve knowledge of the superb substances which were said to cure many an ailment including impotence. But alas, they were beaten back from the shores of the Great Lakes and have since resided to the South of Canada, hoping one day to catch a poor unsuspecting Canadian on the wrong side of the border so they could finally force him/her to reveal the secret. Recently, however, rumor has it that a young pilot officer who was on tour in Colorado Springs released the secret of Moose Milk to his NORAD brethren (he had consumed large amounts of Bud light, large….amounts). Much to the dismay of the Canadian Chief of Staff, the recipe was recorded and distributed among the staff at HQ NORAD. So, after 500 years of secrecy, here is the recipe: 10 gallons of Moose Milk (must be from a female moose) 1 large bucket (25 gallon capacity) 15 Cdn pinecones 1 bucket of sap from a maple tree (must be Quebec grown) 1 cup of cod liver oil (must be from an Atlantic cod fish) 1 cup of salmon scales (must be from a BC salmon) 2 cups of Prairie Oysters 7 cups of Great Lakes Water (well make it bottled water) 2 gallons of Yukon snow (without the skidoo tracks) 2 gallons of NWT crushed ice 10 gallons of NFLD Screech (version of rum commonly used as paint thinner) Carefully milk the moose in a large bucket, gently stirring in the maple sap, snow and crushed ice. Gently mix the cod liver oil and water with the prairie oysters and add them to the mixture. Lastly mix the entire 10 gallons of Screech and mix well (discourage all from smoking during this operation or maintaining open flames). Top with pinecones and salmon scales (for aesthetics purposes only). Makes 25 imperial gallons. Serves two (2).

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