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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. FC, This is AWESOME. I tried it out last night, (although to limit the heresay I made a copy of the SU-27 into an interim SU-30 for the this mod.) Works great. question for you. How do you get the missile to work so well? I've been trying to get the AS-4 and AS-6 to have some reasonable representation of their awesome range and devastation, but nothing seems to work. Unless I just about drop it on the target, they don't get the range. I'd like to learn how you do these and apply that to the older weapons in the weapons packs that just don't quite get out there as they should.
  2. ??? An Su-22 was an Su-17 with less avionics in it for export to the Warsaw Pact. Externally they were almost identical.
  3. Aussie Vigilantes?

    either - or, not both. The RA-5C's deployed as a full squadron (of 4), not a detachment. We also carried RF-4s on the Midway after the F-8's went away because the RA-5C and the F-14 could not be operated from that class of ship. The picture above with the AG fin flash by the way was CVW-7 which I was in at the time in VAW-117.
  4. that is flat out outstanding!!!!! a lot like Pensacola.........
  5. except that the mission altitudes appear to be msl and don't take terrain into account. They just plow into the mountainsides......
  6. Aussie Vigilantes?

    viggie on the Melbourne?! (shudder.....) it was the most impressive bird in my opinion launched from the carrier. Watching from the island when one of those turned up was one of the most awesome sights and SOUNDS on deck!
  7. Ten Commandments

    truer words have not been spoken
  8. good info, thanks. TK's flight model was way too easy on the stall spin but without any real rhino drivers it has been difficult to know exactly how to implement this. The stall spin seemed right to me but without any experience in the Phantom its hard to judge. This version does a roll into the stall and tucks in hard which is what has been described to me. If you put aileron in when in the stall the result is quite exciting! Actual recovery technique when under 10k is to pull the yellow striped handle.....
  9. The Bear Has Awaked

    some misconceptions raging above. The Kuznetsov absolutely can launch aircraft with bombs. but their original mission was to provide fighter cover for their surface fleet and SSBN operating areas. Not go toe to toe with the USN carrier fleet. The Su-27K is a pretty sweet aircraft and does operate quite nicely from their deck. The Kuz has been active of late working up their airwing. The Russian bomber fleet does not worry someone above, it does worry some of us! They have been active with upgraded electronics and cruise missiles. They have been flying northern operational patrols regularly all summer and we have had fun in the Arctic playing tag with them. Those handful of bombers with cruise missiles does have the capabilty to incinerate North America and once the cruise missiles are in the air, not a whole lot we can do to stop it. Just hit back...... They do build good stuff and have been operating what they have a lot more. They are becoming once again a force to be reckoned with.
  10. "I have included an experimental Barlock_data.ini file. It's a beta test of using the Barlock as a EW radar for the SA-5/Square Pair system...allowing for possibly VERY long engagement ranges for the SA-5. Just copy into your Objects/Groundobject/Barlock directory. Use at your own risk!!" I like that last part - Use at your own risk!! this thing really kicks @$$!! outstanding work!
  11. I think the operational concept is to do just that, send in one with the strike package and another as a stand-off.
  12. concur. Standard loadout in CVW-5 and 7 was centerline tank with 4 plus 4, no wing tanks.
  13. by AS do you mean Air to Surface or Anti-Ship? the answer to both of course is - YES! and both NORAD and NATO have been kept busy all summer intercepting these aluminum overcasts!
  14. ok, if I get time, I'll build some strike missions. Germany? Bering Strait? Libya?
  15. Rules of the Air

    Time for a Humor Check RULES OF THE AIR 1. Every takeoff is optional. Every landing is mandatory. 2. If you push the stick forward, the houses get bigger. If you pull the stick back, they get smaller. That is, unless you keep pulling the stick all the way back, then they get bigger again. 3. Flying isn't dangerous. Crashing is what's dangerous. 4. It's always better to be down here wishing you were up there than up there wishing you were down here. 5. The ONLY time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire. 6. The propeller is just a big fan in front of the plane used to keep the pilot cool. When it stops, you can actually watch the pilot start sweating. 7. When in doubt, hold on to your altitude. No one has ever collided with the sky. 8. A 'good' landing is one from which you can walk away. A 'great' landing is one after which they can use the plane again. 9. Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make all of them yourself. 10. You know you've landed with the wheels up if it takes full power to taxi to the ramp. 11. The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival. Large angle of arrival, small probability of survival and vice versa. 12. Never let an aircraft take you somewhere your brain didn't get to five minutes earlier. 13. Stay out of clouds. The silver lining everyone keeps talking about might be another airplane going in the opposite direction. Reliable sources also report that mountains have been known to hide out in clouds. 14. Always try to keep the number of landings you make equal to the number of take offs you've made. 15. There are three simple rules for making a smooth landing. Unfortunately no one knows what they are. 16. You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck. 17. Helicopters can't fly; they're just so ugly the earth repels them. 17a. Helicopters don't fly, they beat the air into submission. 18. If all you can see out of the window is ground that's going round and round and all you can hear is commotion coming from the passenger compartment, things are not at all as they should be. 19. In the ongoing battle between objects made of aluminum going hundreds of miles per hour and the ground going zero miles per hour, the ground has yet to lose. 20. Good judgment comes from experience. Unfortunately, the experience usually comes from bad judgment. 21. It's always a good idea to keep the pointy end going forward as much as possible. 22. Keep looking around. There's always something you've missed. 23. Remember, gravity is not just a good idea. It's the law. And it's not subject to repeal. 24. The three most useless things to a pilot are the altitude above you, runway behind you, and a tenth of a second ago.
  16. is cool. as I said, I'm looking forward to trying it out and writing a few missions for it.
  17. The Mig-27K was actually a late-model variable wing variant of the Mig-27, not widely fielded. the carrier aircraft intended for the Soviet Fleet was the Mig-29K. but I downloaded it and looking forward to trying it out.
  18. I have no idea. I double checked other models including the MF F-15A with the avionics70 and they all work just fine in WOV. For some reason, that particular mod does not work in a WOV only install. I have no clue. this is mentioning heresay, but you could try loading the F-15A cockpit with the avionics.
  19. Here is an odd issue. I've loaded every carrier and ship out there (not much surprise there!) and have built a number of carrier missions as well as added them to some of the campaigns. sometimes they work and sometimes they show up, but as the plane launches it blows up. I've noticed this with the KM carrier in some terrains, but not others. If I build a mission in the EAW WWII terrain, the plane blows up on deck or after it lands. Putting this mission into the Tunisia terrain, no problem. also loaded the Australian carrier campaign addition for WOV. The ships all show up great, the planes are on deck ready to go Downtown and lay waste to the Infidels. until the end of the cat stroke when they are "shot down". put the carrier into a single mission that works with other carriers (like the Ark Royal) and the same thing happens. any ideas? is it a nations ini issue within the terrain perhaps?
  20. found it. I had a printout from some months ago that included a number of carrier items within which was a quote from avsim that included the details on the Melbourne. I plugged in the updated numbers and now it works great, the Australian Carrier campaign within Line Backer II now works too. I'll upload the adjusted data.ini file for the Melbourne.
  21. RAF F-35 Helmet...

    probably heavy enough to break one's neck at 7g!

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