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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. haven't noticed any such problem. Are you flying it in WOV or WOE? (just guessing at causes at this point). what year did you pick?
  2. that's what I meant. I always try to phrase that carefully so that people don't think those are actually new models but rather authorized mods of the MF models. But they do seem to be popular with a combined 5300+ downloads and rising with the last update I did. am looking forward to a new, real F-14D model someday. But I've got a ways to go yet before I can work that part of it.
  3. so its not just me that have the paratroopers wanting to load up on the hardpoints? I hadn't noticed a problem before with the MK46. I've carried and launched it before from the S-2 against periscopes. works great!
  4. Which type of song?

    I like both kinds. Country AND Western! actually not, but couldn't pass up the straight line.........!
  5. very nice! one caution to anyone loading these into the F-14A+, D, or Quick Strike is that you want to only paste in the part AFTER the engine thrust values. Otherwise, you will be replacing the upgraded engines in those models with the original TF-30. Other than that, works well and highly recommended.
  6. thanks. I have been using the same one. If its pretty much the same, I'll stick with it. It can be a bit of challenge sometimes to build a mission with the editor that executes in the sim the way I intended it to. But getting better at it. When I get them right I'll be posting a grunch of carrier missions.
  7. is that the kmd editor or a different one? in English?
  8. that will be the Wings over Kobal edition
  9. the F-35 is supposed to be no where near the stealth of the F-22. The F-22 is supposed to be 10% of the signature of the F-35. That is why the F-35 is cheaper. as I recall (someone feel free to correct me - not that that is a problem here!) F-22 is 10% of the F-35 which is 10% of the F-18/16 which is 20% of the F-14/15. and no, the F-14 cannot keep up with a Flanker - it can't even keep up with someone walking....... it could have kept up with and beaten the Su-27. The advanced Flanker variants are another story. With the notable exception of the F-22, nothing we have currently flying can beat an Advanced Flanker with a tactically proficient, equivelant pilot.
  10. Competition with Prize Money to be made!

    to tell you the truth, I had not heard of this sim before and don't know anything about it. Saw it in the military.com newsletter I get and just thought I'd pass it on for interest. I noticed that it is not included in any of the sims here which made me suspicios that it was just what you described. obviously just a marketing ploy
  11. I don't know. I don't think its supposed to be any better than the Hornet in A2A, just more stealthy and a slightly better air to ground capability.
  12. F-22

    that is absolutely true and is also why the strike variants of the Tomcat were not pursued. Simply not enough $$$$.
  13. F-22

    AMEN!! Finding a continent after 8 hours of overwater DR flying could be more than challenging. Where did Amelia end up again? continuing on a peace-time exercise over the broad Pacific with all your electronics shut down and no other means to navigate is pure suicide. Besides - it was a temp glitch that was quickly (with great embarrassment by the USAF and amusement by the USN!) fixed.
  14. F-22

    nope. I did see a reference to those exercises, but I don't recall where, but in it the one F-22 mort was described as one guy who broke the tactics to go one on one. In other words, in an excursion from their unqualified and overwhelming success one guy went mano a mano with a group of Hornets and one of the Bug drivers got the only (visual) shot of the exercise. I read another description from the Hornet drivers who described their recommended tactics for fighting F-22's. In a word - "Don't" and "eject". They described gettng killed without ever gaining contact on the opposition. It was reported to be "demoralizing....". not pursuing the F-22N option may prove to be one of the worst decisions for carrier aviation ever made. as eraser put it somewhere - we are going into the next war with the 21st Century equivelant of Brewster Buffaloes up against the Advanced Flanker/Zero's. I talked with a couple of Hornet CO's and a Hornet Topgun instructor who all, when pressed, admitted that the Advanced Flanker with the latest Russian weapons suites outclass the latest and greatest Super Hornets with our latest weapons. The ONLY advantages we currently have are based on tactics and training - both of which evaporate in the face of tactics and training developments on the part of another Advanced Flanker equipped Air Force. India being a perfect example of tactics and training - good thing they are on our side at the moment!! (if there is anyone the Islamo-Fascist Jihadists of the One True Capiphate hate more than us its the Hindus of India). And before all the Hornet advocates get up in arms - I happen to love the Hornet. As a light strike fighter!! its superb and has absolutely fantastic maintenance manhours. A Hornet squadron can generate a tremendous number of sorties per day per aircraft that is unmatched, and in the operational sense that is a war-winner par excellence. But they may not be survivable against an Advanced Flanker and advanced SAM environment, such as some interesting countries are fielding, without some additional support - The F/A-18G being one critical addition along with something like F-22's to sweep the skies for them while they lug JDAMs "downtown".
  15. F-22

    a ration of 1 to 60 (or something like that) is not exactly a rining endorsement for the Hornet! it was not one to one.
  16. F-22

    makes preflights a little tough....
  17. the F-18 needs a whole strike package as well. By the time you add up all the planes you need, you don't have any advantage. The advantage that you DO have is that you can task all of those missions from the same one or two squadrons EXCEPT for jamming and tanking. But your sortie count isn't much different. the weakness of the Hornet - any variant - is FUEL. It can't carry enough without downloading weapons so you need a grunch of tankers to carry fuel for it and tank it on the way in and again on the way out. That's extra sorties. The F-14D could carry enough fuel to also carry his 4k of bombs all the way the to the target while the Hornet might get 500lbs on target, so you need 4 Hornets to match one Bombcat. The E cuts that to a two to one. Over Afghanistan for example, the bulk of taccair was F-18C's that hit USAF KC-135's to be able to carry their ONE 500lb LGB to the area. Had we still had some F-14D's in theater, they could have carried 4k of LGB's using those same KC-135's. airborne fuel is the key to strike operations. That fuel can either be in the strike aircraft and/or tankers, but it has to be there. The Hornet is absolutely dependent upon external fuel to a degree we have not previously suffered. That is the Hornet weakness, what was the Tomcat strength, and what remains a critical shortfall in carrier aviation capabilities. just my humble opinion..... :yes:
  18. there are lots of strange references out there. don't feel bad about being led down the wrong path by one. If I wasn't a former maintenance office in a carrier air wing, I might have fallen for that line myself.
  19. makes preflight a bit tough....
  20. I think that would make it easier! try "Flanchoring" - flight ops from anchor. Just had to dial up the cat a bit.......
  21. the carrier also does not turn into the wind to put the wind down the angle, it turns into the axial. A shortcoming of the sim. in real life, the Air Boss and the CAG would have the OOD's @$$ Line up on the angle and then angle into the wind a bit. If you aim for the "notch" at the forward end of the angle where it meets the deck you will be about right.

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