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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. I'll try it. putting it into another terrain is easy - you just change the mission map to whatever works. Have done it before. and its not an issue of installing carriers, have done that many times both into campaigns and for individual missions. What I have found so far is that the same thing for other carriers isn't working for some reason with this one. Don't know why yet.
  2. A definate "What If..." style of ship, based off Hinchbrook's HMS Eagle (and yes, I know the after deck was fully enclosed, as was the bow) As a WARSHIP, it probably (and hopefully) won't show up in single, anti-ship missions, but can be used in single missions created with the Kreelins Mission Editor or La Missionuer (sp?) With many thinks the Hinch for allowing me to mod his faux-Eagle into something 'passable' for the Krieg Marine. Simply put, this is mostly for fun. So, enjoy it! :) great model. I have one problem though in that I built some missions using the KM aircraft recently uploaded for this and they cannot launch or recover from the CVL. As the mission starts the plane shows up, falls through the deck and explodes. I changed the mission to start from flying overhead as the rest of the Alpha strike with Stukas, FWs, and Mess all show up and launch just fine. Fly the mission and trap back aboard and the plane comes to a stop, falls through the deck and explodes. Is this just for opposition targets?
  3. just a dumb question but what is different between that and the F-14A+ that is on site?
  4. crashes with mine too as soon as I apply any rudder. WOV/E with NF1 and 2. nVidea 7600 card. I added in the Flightengine.ini mod and was able to load and fly all of the other Tornado's just fine.
  5. This has to be said...

    OUTSTANDING!!!! Had a great time with sons and daughters all hanging around. One daughter had her boyfriend, USAF Academy cadet, cheering for one side, and everyone else cheering the other. Nice time.....
  6. I have noticed that effect on occasion at some airfields, not limited to a specific aircraft.
  7. wow. Nice to know. I had the same problem earlier with the Tornado pack and I just deleted it. Good to know, thanks.
  8. IAF Jaguars ‘sink’ USS Nimitz

    concur. One could ask what navy had NOT had an aircraft go in during an exercise. The answer is - only navies that don't operate aircraft! :yes:
  9. new airliner?

    so when does the model get posted?
  10. put the CD back in the drive and it will start up. What you really need, though, are the upgrade patches that will make it a standalone application. http://www.thirdwire.com/downloads_wov.htm
  11. How to put money in Trash....

    OMG!! I hesitate to admit I got a couple of hours in the T-33........
  12. we'd just warm the place up with "buckets of sunshine" and not worry about it any further.
  13. Syria engages Israeli Aircraft

    its called Peace through Deterrence (Strength). an armed standoff may not be peace, only the lack of war. but it does work. for awhile......
  14. Always nice to come up with new uses for old equipment. So who's going to model this baby? Kazakhstan MiG's Beirng Refurbed to Launch Microsats Source: Strategy Page MiGs in Orbit September 8, 2007: Kazakhstan is paying $60 million to get ten of its MiG-31 aircraft fit to fly again. Some of these aircraft may end up being used for satellite launching duty, if only because Kazakhstan has little need for high performance interceptors like the MiG-31. When the Soviet Union dissolved, the newly created (from the wreckage) country of Kazakhstan found itself the owner of nearly fifty MiG-31 reconnaissance aircraft. This because of a deal whereby the new countries inherited any Soviet military equipment stationed on their territory. The fifty ton Mi-31s are updated versions of the 1970s era MiG-25s. Not very maneuverable, but very fast, and able to fly above 60,000 feet. The satellite launching project grew out of the Russian ASAT (Anti-Satellite Missile) program (which was in response a United States program that actually resulted in the destruction of a satellite). The Russians now propose to use their ASAT system to launch low flying satellites. The United States ASAT program used a specially equipped F-15 to zoom to a high altitude, and just the right location, to launch a 1.2 ton ASM-135A missile, which then homed in on the satellite and destroyed it. The missile had two stages, plus a homing warhead. Development began in 1977. The first, and only, live test took place in 1985, when a worn out communications satellite was destroyed by the missile. Shortly thereafter, Congress shut down the program, believing that ASAT violated treaties regarding the military use of space. This did not discourage the Russians, who began working on their own ASAT after the U.S. program was cancelled. Progress on the Russian ASAT was kept secret, although it was known (or believed) to exist. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, many previously secret Russian weapons projects were revealed, if only briefly, and often in little detail. One of them was the Russian ASAT. Now, the Kazcosmos company, in Kazakhstan, which developed the Russian ASAT (in cooperation with a Moscow based research institute), has put together a satellite launching operation. The Russian ASAT used a MiG-31 recon aircraft to launch the missile. Such a system could only launch small satellite (no more than a few hundred pounds.) But such microsats have become quite popular, due to cheaper and more effective miniature electronics. Many regular satellite launches now include one or more microsats as part of a multi satellite package. The MiG-31 can zoom to over 60,000 feet carrying satellite launching rockets weighing from half a ton to three tons (depending on the size of the satellite). This launch service is competing with conventional launchers, which cost you about $10,000 per pound of satellite put into orbit, and converted ICBMs, which can put small satellites up for about $4,000 a pound.
  15. in both airwings I flew in, we had Navy Phantoms (is there any other kind?) and our guys would not dream of flying without a gunpod. So I always load it in the sim. Still one of my favorite planes in this.
  16. a beat feet out of the furball shot with an AIM-7 would have been almost sure to fail. Do you have many successes in that setup?
  17. I got to tour one of those sites back when they were operational. (yes, that was a looooonnnnngggg time ago). Not very long ago I worked on standing up our new ones in the capitol.
  18. The Russians Are Coming!

    obviously he heard you were going to be in the crowd and needs the extra prep time......
  19. I got to fly a really great F-18E sim a couple of years ago. It was superb, great graphics, a2a and a2g in the same mission with a carrier trap and just eyewatering performance. of course, it took 2 people running the simulator support facility and my son in the back seat doing the cockpit function selections for me. But I imagine that most of us don't have the systems at NAS Leemore to support our gaming diversions....... my mid-grade system is stressed now at the higher graphics levels as it is.
  20. I'm all in favor of O-5's being rescued!!!!!
  21. i've made 4 stars a couple of times and start over with a new name in a new campaign, load, etc.
  22. I think its 4 stars. Hard to go higher than that......

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