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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. The Russians Are Coming!

    of which, by the by, there is almost no effective defense once they are launched. We will know they were launched by counting the nudets........
  2. The Russians Are Coming!

    true, its not and no one thinks that is likely. But to brush off a resurgent strategic capabilty is also not a smart approach if one is charged with the nations' air defense. "Assuming we had more air cover than on 9/11." meaning what? meaning perhaps that after a decade of meat axe budget cuts our air defense over the entire North American airspace of only 20 fighters on air sovereignty alert was perhaps a bit thin?
  3. The Russians Are Coming!

    you perhaps don't realize that 20 LRA bombers could vaporize all of the major cities in North America and turn it all into radioactive rubble?
  4. The Russians Are Coming!

    Why do you think that putting elements of two combat ready wings of over 20 aircraft up at once over different parts of the Arctic is insignificant?
  5. Nine eleven is here again.

    Since I work for NORAD, then and now, that is not an option for me.......
  6. Random Ravings

    I knew the E-2 guys in that film too.
  7. The Russians Are Coming!

    what is making it to the press is a LOT LESS than what the Russians have actually been flying and sailing this summer. The increasingly complex ops and the scale of those ops month after month is what is catching a lot of people's attention. the good old days with a predictable opponent! We'll need a Wings over the Arctic flight sim version soon.....
  8. Syria engages Israeli Aircraft

    Wings over the Golan ........
  9. Nuclear Ops...or Ooops?

    they were not armed. They were unaccounted for and accidently loaded when they should not have been, and no one caught the mistake until the plane landed and the ground crew noticed that the missiles included nuke warheads. THAT is what the excitement is all about.
  10. Nuclear Ops...or Ooops?

    yea. "not authorized" means to shut up! lots of people are going to get roasted on this one. as FC points out, not knowing you lost some is just incomprehensible. Its massive decertification and courts-martial coming down the road after the investigations are done. heads are rolling.
  11. that would be way cool and I also like this work by scrapper. Outstanding work.
  12. What Could of Been....

    don't know about that but I remember reading about the fight in "Samarai". I don't recall all the details but I think his head wounds were the canopy fragments.
  13. What Could of Been....

    "had you lost practically all your income, (since I was one of the one million that Clinton threw out of the military, that might be considered a contributing factor of my continued disgust) with taxes and all other expenses trippling when his oh so great tax cuts came around." why would anyone loose their income if tax rate cuts happened? Or are you one of those who have fallen for the idiotic piece of lying propaganda that tax rate cuts actually cause a loss of revenue and the government owes me a living handout? "and all other expenses trippling" I don't recall inflation hitting those kinds of numbers. Pure sophistry. Of course, if you referring to gas prices - do you have any idea of what drives gas prices? (thought not......) "And you've had to see the video of him sitting there with a dumb look on his face after Andy Card told him we were under attack." are you suggesting that he should have been running out to "take command" from the military professionals who were trying to deal with an attack we had not forseen? What do you suggest he should have done that he or those charged with the responsibilities did not do?
  14. What Could of Been....

    a response will clearly put me over the line for going political here. To put it very mildly, I disagree with every point you've tried to make. In my estimation - that description of both regimes is simply deranged. a couple of comments though; flying F-102 interceptors for NORAD and volunteering for a Vietnam deployment with the unit hardly qualifies as draft dodging and is far cry from the Clinton letter of how he "despised the military". (a sentiment we were content to return) "I didn't have to worry about some NSA lackey reading every word I wrote and hearing everything I said over the phone." how quickly the left forgets about the Clinton era programs using NSA computers to eavesdrop and the targetting of political opponents with IRS audits. Do you remember a thousand FBI files of political opponents found in Hillary's files? The same Hillary now running for President? "And legitimate elections." they were. Or perhaps you are referring to the recent stolen vote in the House by the Democrats? "And I'm absolutely convinced 9/11 would not have occured had anyone else (McCain most likely) been president" no president could have prevented that. Read the 9/11 Commission report. the attack was planned and trained for years in advance, during the Clinton years, and kept under wraps because of the Clinton prohibition against sharing of intelligence data between the CIA and the FBI. "Why the Clinton hate?" because he was and is a despicable piece of gutter-trash who talked a good game and lied about everything and everybody. He was and is a master political manipulator without morals, concience or integrity who literally sold our country's security for Chinese political campaign contributions. He was impeached for the wrong reasons - he should have been impeached over his political corruption and jailed for life after being shot for treason (selling ICBM technology to China for the afor mentioned political contributions). And now - his wife's latest scandals are tied up in, yet again, Chinese political campaign contributions. Why the Bush Hatred? because that is the propaganda you've been fed? On this issue, we will never agree and will have to agree to disagree and focus on flight sims..........
  15. What Could of Been....

    yea, we might have been stuck with a disreputable, no acount, draft-dodging governor from Arkansas.................
  16. I think we can agree on the lust for power being across the political spectrum. I did say that explicitly. I also tried to make the point that just because this guy calls himself a socialist, he is getting a pass from the left side of the aisle on his abuses. Having said that - you obviously recognize the threat. good on you. got the PM, looking forward to it.
  17. I think the concern that many people have is that he is establishing a harsh dictatorship using the guise of benighted benevolence. As many people see through that facade as are taken to the cleaners by it. He is establishing one-man rule by decree and has suspended many of the democratic principles he used to gain power and he is betraying all of the liberal ideas of the left to obtain absolute rule for life. He has gone far beyond just shutting down a critical TV station - that's just for starters. Just like all the tinpot dictators of history from across the political spectrum. As in all the rest of the leftist agenda - a complete fraud to obtain power. having said that - your project sounds cool. Looking forward to it. Want a tailhook input to it?
  18. How about "The Bolivarian Resurgence"? "The Return of Simon" "Simon's Revenge" "The Bolivarian Ascendency"
  19. basically we all would need to build a terrain and the models. sounds cool. I loaded capun's stargate beta models for a start. As he pointed out, the FM's still need some work but a start. now for Viper fighters, Battlestars, Starships, shuttles, Klingon cruisers, X-Wings..........
  20. Now that I've got the ships to all work, I've been building war-at-sea strike missions with the mission editor. After I perfect some I'll release packages of them. Of course, you will need all of the updated ships and terrains available. warlord - good update on the movement ini. I'll try some this one out.
  21. Groom Lake Birds

    nope. My involvement with the program was elsewhere, along the lines of getting the results.
  22. you have to change the function of the ship to cargo_ship. That way the game engine will pick them up. Otherwise you have to build your own missions using the mission editor. search through the Knowledge base.
  23. Oh Yea!! Having said that, my VTOL flying is, "interesting". Trying to launch a Harrier from the Tarawa has been frustrating to say the least......
  24. Groom Lake Birds

    are those Black Helicopters I hear coming your way.......
  25. I do both a lot, the single missions a lot to check out new aircraft and terrains. also a lot of campaigns across the different installs from prop wash to stratosphere. I've recently been privilaged to be able to check out WIP's (both aircraft and terrains) and have gone in and modified campaigns and terrains to be able fly WIP's in short campaigns. Flying F-18C's and D's in the Red Swarm, Libyan Warlord and DS from carriers, for example, has been a great way to check out new stuff in work. A blast (pun intended)

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