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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. also, once you hit the last waypoint the "TACAN" points to the ship.
  2. The Fog of War

    friends killed for nothing but $$$ in a ledger or for cheap, short-term political talking points (propaganda). And a son in Fallujah now and another headed back over there in the next few months. sorry if I get a little heated, but that is the bottom line. It has been my life, the lives of friends and shipmates and now sons who have been and are being betrayed, again. And I left shipmates behind lost in watery graves. your comments on points 1 and 4 are on target. I would phrase the efficiency vs effectiveness a little differently based on my past combat air operations and target planning perspective - efficiency is doing something at least cost. Effectiveness is getting the job done the best way with cost as a secondary consideration. Overwhelming force is a most effective method, just enough is a most efficient method. As an example - Desert Storm was most effective, OIF was most effecient. "No, as much as Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh would like you to believe, Harry Reid and Howard Dean don't send out a bulletin to anyone left or reasonably center with beliefs and arguements that can be tossed away when the next one comes in." actually, they do get their talking points every day faxed to them from the moveon.org and similar crowd. the NYT's reported that not to long ago. Which is why the same talking point is repeated simultaneously by various DNC types and their media hacks in the mainstream Propaganda Press. THat is not Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh saying it, it was the NYT themselves that admitted it. For once, I choose to believe them......... one correction. I said we captured weapons grade uranium. We captured enriched uranium which was not yet weapons grade. We left 500 tons of uranium that was not enriched (purchased from Africa) at the Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Facility.
  3. the initial Su-27 was, in real life, air to air only. The later mods added air to ground capabilities. Those later mods are being developed.
  4. case one is carrier lingo for VFR conditions and a visual approach
  5. The Fog of War

    I have never, ever in 35 years ever seen the media get anything correct about something I knew about. ever. and they aren't getting it right this time either. They are invested in the Democratic lunatic fringe which in invested in our defeat for short-term political gain. just like the '70's. the same playbook
  6. The Fog of War

    oh, so there actually WERE postwar plans!! you must have missed you faxed talking point on that issue. Don't you realize that the approved propaganda point was that there were no plans?
  7. The Fog of War

    never heard any confirmation of the ISI claim, just hype. Yes, there were a lot of links between the ISI and Al Queda. Odd that you don't credit any of the documented links between Al Queda and IIS. weapons grade uranium? we captured and airlifted out of Iraq tons of weapons grade uranium, now held in our custody. We left over 500 tons at the Tuwaitha Nuclear Research facility which was not yet weapons grade.
  8. The Fog of War

    you do realize that the number of wmd warheads captured in Iraq was no where near zero?
  9. " This is the release of the 8 new airbases for my SFP1 Deutschland terrain and for WOE. The bases are: GDR (East Germany) Drewitz Holzdorf Marxwalde Preschen Trollenhagen FRG (West Germany) Ahlhorn Büchel Hopsten Additionally bases will follow. ------------------------------------ Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard)" outstanding work. looks awesome.
  10. The Fog of War

    I've been resisting adding anything to this because that piece of gutter trash cost so many lives and I am still very, very angry about his duplicity. But your post points out how incredibly STUPID and DEVOID of Common Sense he and his number crunching cronies were. His arrogant stupidity cost lives. He admitted in some interview not too long ago that he never believed that we could or would win in Vietnam, but that he supported the committment of troops into what he believed was a lost and useless cause because he thought it important that other countries see that we could and would take casualties. So he was both and architect of our involvement and our political defeat. As a result, of course, we as a country are now casualty averse and branded by our enemies as a hollow, paper tiger and a juicy target. For all of that, may he rot in ............
  11. "The F-4 is a perfect example of aerodynamic theory wherein even a brick can be made to fly if you put a big enough engine on it." that is a rough quote from an F-4 pilot I knew some years ago.
  12. locking pin isn't seated fully or the guy accidently launched with the wings folded. Happened one night at Miramar when I was the squadron CDO for our E-2 squadron out doing CQ's. Some dumb-@$$ in an A-7 tried to launch without having his wings spread. Unlike the F-8 or the F-4 that can use brute power to generate enough speed to generate enough lift on the remaining small bits of wing to go fly - sorta - the A7 piled into the brush off the end of the departure end and blocked the runway. Right when all my squadron's planes were due back......... fortuneately there were lots of divert fields and a crosswind runway at Miramar that could take us. it was the next day that all squadrons started providing linemen to the final checker team at the hold-short line........
  13. nope. wish I could help you but I would only be guessing. by any chance is that the Iranian F-14A that's here?
  14. The Fog of War

    I'm not sure that emulating one of the architects of defeat is a great idea.
  15. Tomcat Fans

    I would not recommend basing that kind of assessment on how accurately these sims replicate the actual, detailed combat capabilities of various fighter aircraft.
  16. if you have a deceptive jammer then you should not do that - that's the best way to get shot. jink hard and dump chaff (and flares if its an IR)
  17. First Solo

    oh? I was in AOCS class 24-73, was that about the time you went there?
  18. First Solo

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Your first solo will always be with you no matter how many orbital missions you eventually make. A fantastic milestone! Is your shirt tacked up on the instructor's wall or do they still do that?
  19. Some F-22 talk...

    (puts safety back on....)
  20. Some F-22 talk...

    who are you calling an arm chair pilot?
  21. New russian stealth fighter

    dumb question but how is that different? I recall pulling out a gas piston in the M-16 and cleaning that filthy beast.
  22. Some F-22 talk...

    absolutely and to get serious again, for a moment, all military advances are temporary. The other side adapts. Yes, stealth can be shot down. Stealth by itself is not a panacea air supremacy. Everyone else out there is developing capabilities to counter our stealth advantages. someone said that the helmet cued sighting might overcome that advantage when you are into the close-in knifefight. Yes but - the weapon has to be able to aquire the target. So what stealth might end up driving to is back to the days of visual sighting and guns. the lastest series of 5th generation aircraft are all pretty outstanding including the Typhoon, Rafales, Raptors and advanced Flankers. exercises, because of the scripted ROE's, are of limited usefulness in determining advantages and disadvantages. And actual combat is very terrain and scenario dependent. One has to prepare for the worst and bleed in peace to limit how much one bleeds in war. Rant off
  23. New russian stealth fighter

    the 10k figure was referenced to the full-up OICW with computerized 20mm grenades and integrated laser range-finder/sight system. I think the XM8 was an attempt to field just a portion of that as a carbine-which essentially had the same capability as the current M-4.
  24. I think that was made before the sp4 for the ships. I have it downloaded too and noted the same shortfall. So far as i know, it is a WIP. It has to be updated to the latest release. I've had some success substituting updated ship models for the ones in the Solomons and they occasionally show up.

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