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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Live Earth

    Nature is just one source (which currently has an article questioning the accuracy of the models used by the IPCC - not exactly proving your case!). Earlier, I posted close to a half dozen links - none of which are funded by oil companies (a standard, phony canard) that provide a lot of ACTUAL SCIENCE on climate change and history. Just look at the climate history including the Medieval Warm Period and the Roman Warm Period. Its not Global Warming - its Global Conning.
  2. actually, I've been able to use the DS terrain just fine in WOE.
  3. What Are You Doing to Stay "Green"?

    yea, kind of a "pick your poison" Hobson's choice
  4. Live Earth

    mankind's contribution is about point one percent.
  5. Live Earth

    "and the nay sayers aren't producing cogent arguments in return" saying that doesn't make it so. I provided another link to a site to take this very political argument to. As I said up there, I am sure Nightwatch over there will be glad to kick your $#$#!@% and provide you with some ACTUAL SCIENTIFIC refererences to provide you with the other side of that debate. see ya there.
  6. What is with the constant need?

    well, USAFMTL kinda, sorta opened the can of worms by asking what everyone was doing about a blatantly political subject. But my last post on that thread provided an alternate site to take it to. Hopefully that falls within the intent and guidance of this board.
  7. F/A-18A and F/A-18C

    I didn't test the CF188 skin, but I did install the Marine skin from the released F-18A into the wip F-18D and finished a modified Libya campaign last night. Worked fine.
  8. What Are You Doing to Stay "Green"?

    have you ever read a history of climate change? The climate is always changing. the question is why? To be stampeded into a short-sighted political agenda that is all about centralizing power and economic planning into the hands of a self-selected few, not to mention enriching the instigators through phony carbon trading schemes, just because of NATURAL climate change would be the height of idiocy. climate change is a function of a lot of natural factors, the primary one being the solar output. Tracking solar cycles and sunspots resultes in a .97 correlation with recorded climate changes in the past. That continues right through today. The solar cycle has already reversed and the climate will be cooling sharply over the next two decades. Not because of any phony "tipping points" but because the sun is running a little cooler. Conservation is a good thing. Fighting pollution is a good thing. Falling for a phony political agenda a Global Conning is a bad thing. Enough of this - back to target lock...... rather than hijack this forum for a blatantly political agenda (which is all Global Conning, er, Warming, is all about) go to; http://p216.ezboard.com/fwarships1discussionboardsfrm18 where I am reasonably confident that Nightwatch will be glad to kick your $#@!@%#$%^%!!
  9. that sounds very interesting. Is that an addition to the targets.ini file in the terrain folder?
  10. New Simmer Amoung Us

    Congratulations!! Great looking baby. See you when she sleeps through the night (sometime in '08!!)
  11. i was about to upgrade to an ATI card. do those crash the cockpits? over at thirdwire it seemed to be an issue only with the early versions of the cards.
  12. sorry to hear that. Maybe you could delete your SAMS so that you could fly just against AAA. just a thought.
  13. What Are You Doing to Stay "Green"?

    Oh no, not here too!!!!!!!!!!(hangs head in utter disbelief.......)Get a grip guys - man-made global warming and "carbon footprint" is a complete fraud being pushed to support a political agenda. Its a Global Conning, not a Global Warming.Don't fall for this nonsense. having said that - conservation is a good thing. Anything to save resources, cut your bills, eliminate pollution is all good. But don't fall for the Global Warming is a Disaster nonsense!!I know this isn't supposed to be political, but you all brought it up!for some REAL scientific references,http://www.co2science.org/scripts/CO2ScienceB2C/Index.jsphttp://climatesci.colorado.edu/http://friendsofscience.org/http://www.icecap.us/and follow some of the links within. one of my favorite links is -http://www.coloradocatholicherald.com/display.php?xrc=460
  14. didn't know that worked. Have to try it out.
  15. F/A-18A and F/A-18C

    I don't know. I can try one on for size and get back to you.
  16. and in real life, the missile doesn't link back that it has gone terminal active (at least up through the current block). So the firing unit cannot ever be sure that they cannot stop tracking the target until it gets kinda fiery out on the horizon.......
  17. F/A-18A and F/A-18C

    I've got a C model block 36 (with the new engines installed in 91) but have held off uploading it at the request of some of the MF guys who have been working on a C and a D (both of which look really great!) I haven't seen any new movement on that front for awhile. I've been using my C and the MF WIP D in a Libya campaign modded to the 92 time frame. Works great. I got a sheet of info from my VFA son on the changes to the F18 blocks. They generally referred to the F18s as blocks rather than A or C models because, as noted above, the real differences were all in the installed equipment and new weapons and avionics upgrades. The E and F, of course, are a different issue.
  18. MF is the Mirage Factory, they will release their stuff when they feel it is ready.
  19. oops. I haven't released that yet. there is on-going work at the MF on some newer F-18C, D and E/F models and I didn't put my little mod of the C out at their request because of that on-going work. I also didn't get permission from some of the skin developers to use their skins for the C. so sorry, no F-18C.....
  20. are you going to have the Rahbta Aspiran Factory as a principle target?
  21. I'm seeing a trend of 4 here. I've got the standard cargo ship, the Japanese Barge set, the OSA and Sampans. when I started adding some more (same as yours by the way) is when it would start to crash. with those four set, I get them on occasion.
  22. which is why, by the way, when I made the mods for the F-14D, Mig-29C and F-18C, I stuck with the avionics60 in order to keep the air to surface radar for ground attack. waiting of the 80!!
  23. I don't have photos of them, but from time on the fleet staff just after that I might be able to provide you some operational inputs.
  24. have not had any such problem. My baseline load now includes all the NF additions AND the weapons pack.

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