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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. I did that and had the game crash. By undoing them the game ran again. There seems to be a limit.
  2. I will say this though; it'd be interesting to see how these tactics will change as Low Observable aircraft increasingly come into play. nuclear barrage fire.......
  3. I don't get the carrier either and I've got all that in there. was there a specific file in the zip that needs to go into the terrain?
  4. I've managed to sink a carrier. (somewhat blasphemous for me!)
  5. well, the countermeasures world is not exactly standing still either. It does still come down to who sees who first and gets the first shot which is pretty much the way air combat has been since First Eagles days. (and the mission of us airborne air intercept controllers to get our guys that first shot!) which is, by the way, why the F-22 will excel. It can get the first shot while the Super Flanker is still looking.
  6. R-73=AA-11=Archer a very, very good dogfight missile with off-boresight capabilty and flare rejection. Until the AIM-9X it was the world premier in-close missile. The AIM-9X and the Python are roughly comparable. The Amramski is also comparable to the Amram but with slightly shorter range.
  7. Super Hornets and Me

    fear no. but no reason to make things easy for the $##@^$@&!%!!!!
  8. I may be wrong, but I think that is just hype. There are a lot of aerodynamic problems with firing a missile to the rear.
  9. the B will work about 1/3 of the time IF you are in trail of a non-manuevering target at about 1 to 1.5nm. Which is pretty accurate to how they reportedly performed. Good luck getting those parameters!!!!
  10. Super Hornets and Me

    "On top of that, the Navy lost any possibility of filling the hole left by the A-6 by selecting the SH over the ST-21, which would have given the Navy a near equivalent in strike power to the F-15E. And it's not like the SH is cheap either! " yabut the ST-21 would still have cost twice what the SH does. So for anticipated resource constraints anticipated through the FYDP, the ST-21 route would have further reduced the deck loads on our carriers from their current 2/3 of an airwing to something less than 1/2. it was pure cost and $$$. a lot of us then in Naval Aviation objected strongly to that decision, most of us now having "Ret." at the end of our titles........
  11. the still leaves the advantage to the Israelis based on past performance... ITS A JOKE!!!!!!
  12. that's to deal with Syrian Migs.......
  13. lost engine in flight. found engine on wing after 30sec search.....
  14. "Typhoid- You are a rogue, sir, a rogue What an underhanded tactic " HA! At Topgun we had a sign that had Rules for Air Combat #1 was "Cheat" and "There are no points for Second Place" the last was "Cheat some more" seriously, on the number of missions you probably are right to put it up there at that level for realism. But when someone like me with not a lot of time to play a couple of missions at a time only a few times a week, it would take forever and a day to get through a campaign. So I've tweaked the campaign lengths so I can get through one once in a Blue Moon.
  15. Son Is Now Deployed

    Likewise, I will keep him and all of our troops in my prayers. I have two sons headed over there later this year, one in the USMC and one in the USN who will be supporting the USA.
  16. with the ease of putting HOJ into almost every seeker in every missile worldwide - almost no one uses noise anymore except to degrade voice comms and search radars. Deception jammers have been the norm for a long time now. I had ECM jammed down my throat for a long, long, long time and the tactics to defeat them. Just can't say too much more about it.
  17. I was able to survive some campaigns with a very simple mod. I adjusted the campaign length.........
  18. the modifications to the weapons.ini file for the Soviet missiles was posted a while back. Seems to be about right. noise jamming is just that, broadband noise that is designed to fill up the missile seeker receiver. HOJ defeats that pretty well so the second generation missiles were able to cope with that. Deception involves a number of techniques to confuse the seeker with respect to angle, bearing, velocity etc., so that the seeker misses and detonates outside of the lethal envelope. This involves much more sophisticated techniques in the jammer and much, much more sophisticated techniques in the seeker and acquisition radars to defeat. Any further discussion will lead to black helicopters descending on the server location of this site and knocks on the door after midnight............................
  19. How the heck did you come up with that?

    Typhoid was and remains my callsign. I got tagged with that when my squadron went into an ORI and I went down on the sicklist with bronchitis. The callsign stuck.
  20. loaded the campaign and aircraft into an existing WWII Europe load. So far is OK but about all I've done is a few missions. Haven't had any real time to look into this much, still working at work (sigh.....) and on the new Malvinas effort when I get a few moments. I did manage to get quite a few Ju-88s and Heinkels. Use a lot of deflection shooting and high closure rates with jinking. oh, did you also mean survive.........................? (once)
  21. just a wild guess but check the f14.ini file and make sure it is looking for the avionics 70dll vice the 60.
  22. What Branch of Service should you be in!

    there's always hope for redemption......

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