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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. actually, just for training and not for real missions, our A-6E birds would go up and do DACT with our F-4S's (CVW-5 Midway in 1983). The F-4 dudes found the A-6 to be a pretty tough opponent because it could easily turn inside the F-4. Obviously it couldn't REALLY fight A2A but it in a pinch it could have easily jettisoned the bomb and tanks and with AIM-9L's could have made it an "interesting" event for an overconfident Mig dude. and you all might recall the special projects photo I posted here a while back of the Hummer?.......
  2. running WXP I did the change noted above in the options.ini file - changing the years for the single mission - and it worked just fine. I have different loads for different scenarios and have been able to tailor the service years as desired.
  3. "One thing I might suggest is... it appears from the traffic on this issue, this person has both WOV and WOE installed... he should be sure that he is editing the WOE file, and not the WOV one. We're all human... it could have been over-looked." there are two files in a merged install?
  4. "as they hit some of the missile boats with Harpoons " one of my shipmates did that. but I have no idea if he also carried a 'winder.
  5. AEW

    nope I'm an E-2 and E-3 guy by former trade. That isn't modelled - yet. One thing you can do to simulate getting the data link is to have your visual targetting set to easy. That is kinda like having a real controller backing you up. I do that once in awhile although most of the time I leave it at normal. depends on the tactical situation that I've set up. the E-2 model available is OK for background traffic. It doesn't fly right though - the FM is way, way off. And it adds nothing functional to the sim.
  6. no clue. but what campaign are you loading? stock or add-on and if add-on, do you have the correct terrain loaded? i have seen that happen when loading up one of the add-on's when I haven't completed everything needed.
  7. I used to miss the old girl a lot, but then I got a scope on my Springfield......
  8. also need to ensure Harpoons can be loaded and include anti-ship in the missions. how about mines for some mine dropping missions
  9. nope. the multiplayer implementation is as it is and very limited. maybe in a future upgrade but don't count on it. This is not high on TK's list of priorities.
  10. very professional approach and documentation. I am, as always, impressed. Looking forward to flying it.
  11. definitely have the current weapons pack. I tried building some missions with the Hawk in it but it just sat there. Looks like a lot of info coming in on this. It would be great if someone would compile it all into one package....
  12. I haven't gotten it to actually shoot though when I'm rolling in on it in a Fencer or Flogger......
  13. I knew quite a few GIBs who flew the RA-5C. It was also an awesome plane to watch launch from Vultures Row. The RA-5C guys didn't necessarily come from the sub crowd, just a standard selection out of VT-10. We used to joke that an accident looking for a place to happen was two Ensigns and a Viggie
  14. me too, but we didn't have Crusaders then. what squadron?
  15. update is in the works if you can wait a bit.
  16. just copy - paste the entire directory. Recommend you rename it but up to you. then in the main directory you can "create shortcut" on the exe file and move that unique shortcut to wherever you like to put those sorts of things. That way you can mod one or however many you want and the unique shortcuts will open that specific one.
  17. not entirely, no. The F-1 is not the only one, there have been several more models where if you are straight and level and let go, the plane wants to roll. In every case, I have tweaked the ailerons and corrected the problem. The F-1 is still a bit off and I will try the above corrections.
  18. leads me to believe that a fairly accurate reliability factor is in the sim.
  19. my baby? sorta but not really I controlled them in the real world and flew against some in the aggressor role long, long ago. I did some very minor tweaks to the existing F-14a to produce an F-14A+ and an F-14D. Another good one by someone else is the Tomcat21. I did the same thing with the Mig-29A to produce a Mig-29C that is up here. I also have an F-18C block 36 built the same way but there is a better one in the works so I haven't put it up. I also stopped working on some other Mig-29 variants because much better ones are being built by those with much, much better skills than mine. In the real world, the Mig-29 is a pretty hot plane. If a Mig-29 or Su-27 goes up against an F-15C or F-18C or E, its pretty close to an even match. (Obviously a Mig-29A against an F-15C would be cannon fodder)
  20. sure. its about 3rd in line but I'd be glad to hack at it.
  21. I noticed the controls on the F-1 were off too. It didn't act right. that doesn't mean that if you rolled left it didn't, etc., it means that it was very unstable and did not respond as an aircraft should. on my system I tweaked the ailerons and that smoothed it out some using some other Mirage's as a guide. its still not quite right, but acceptable. a new FM or substantially reworked one would be nice.
  22. concur. Add the Mig-29C and the Su-27 and you shouldnt' have any problem with a lack of opposition!
  23. you unzip the F-14D file into your objects/aircraft directory. It is a complete aircraft. do you have it like objects/aircraft/f-14A/F-14D? is so just move the F-14D up one level.

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