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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. also look at the libya one http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=3516 if I grabbed the correct one, there is an F-14 carrier campaign in it.
  2. I don't know too much about the campaign writing. What I have done so far is copy an existing one and tweak some numbers using wordpad. there is quite a lot in the knowledge section about different pieces. for terrains, take a look over at Major Lee's terrains, he was some European theater WWII terrain versions.
  3. its plenty easy, but of course the time period is off a bit. There is a Tomcats in Vietnam campaign or mission set on the download section. just download the F-14A and follow the directions in the readme exactly and then you can add the other variants.
  4. your comments are all fair and good. My shot above was of a Soviet who was apparently trying to get an ESM cut from his exposed mast. He got a lot of attention. sub guys just can't resist putting the 'scope up for a look though even with all their modern stuff and thats' when the old Mark I eyeball and radar flooding catches them. Putting ASW in this would be very limited. catching scopes up would be sufficient, I think.
  5. I asked him about it awhile back, he has the campaign on the shelf for the moment the last I heard.
  6. I'm a real pilot and NFO and I do test whatever people care to send me. This is a pretty realistic sim. I also got a LOT of experience in SAR ops for F-8 and F-4 drivers who spun their airplanes!
  7. once you hit the last waypoint the needle on the tacan points to the carrier. usually......
  8. "When you're out of F-8's, your out of fighters" was the saying back then. great plane.
  9. if you use one of the all-inclusive WWII mods that is included. you might have to tweak some of the aircraft loads though because some of them were before some changes in the weapons pack. If you don't, you might get them to come out and play, but they won't be loaded.....
  10. are you using one of the complete WWII mods like the Solomons? I get lots of opposition and wingmen. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=1805 there is also a wwii and a flying tigers. you need to grab some extra terrains here, over at Major Lee's site and one of the other source for WWII China, Libya, Europe, PI, New Guineau, North Africa, etc. also Wolf's package here. get those all loaded up and you will have more Fokers than you can sneeze at....
  11. send me a copy of your completed work!!!!
  12. what time frame are you coming up with?
  13. now I really need to get logged into Capun's site!! That does bring back memories.
  14. look here for the Desert Storm and Warlords over Libya
  15. I sadly watched that happen a couple of times, but in that particular photographic sequence the pilot reportedly successfully ejected. It is a file photo sequence, not one I happened to see myself so I hesitate to say for certain.
  16. sorry to take so long. you only have to change one file, the campaign data.ini file that has the detailed info in it. When you do you will see for that squadron the missions and ordanance available. Be sure to tailor that to match what you are changing. In other words, if you substitute an air to air aircraft for a strike aircraft that has bombs only, you will have no ammo available. Key point though is to match the aircraft with the time frame. if you try to put an aircraft into a time period when it wasn't operational, it won't work. I have only had a limited success in doing this, but I did get an F-111 campaign in the stock campaigns doing the above.
  17. I don't remember. I did a couple of carrier campaigns in Korea and then loaded in some terrain mod because the objects on land wouldnt' come up. No buildings (targets). After I did that, the carriers didn't work.
  18. absolutely not! That would cross TK's redline and invite interesting discussions in various civil courts. You can only have that if you have the SF. otherwise you have to use what you have in WOV or WOE. I have not seen the effect you describe. I have every terrain out there and what I do is readdress the ini file to use the germanyce.cat file. Works great. The NW that I bring up is the NW. etc.
  19. one of the mods to the Korean War campaign broke the carrier. I haven't been able to reconstruct it. A new upgrade is in the works so I shelved that particular aspect for now. The Bering St one is broken too. The Taiwan one works fine, not to mention Vietnam. Also if you go browse for the Libya Warlord there is a good carrier campaign in there.
  20. I'm not following you here. If you are on the cat you aren't aiming, you are being aimed! I have even been shot downwind rather than into the wind on many occasions. The cat officer just dialed up the end speed to give us flying speed and we got a REAL kick in the .....!! That one would cage your eyeballs and better than an E ticket ride at Disneyland! they craned the EA-3 up, out of the way and craned it off in the next inport. They later fixed it and it flew back aboard a few months later. There were not enough of them to afford junking it. We needed that coverage!!
  21. yes. I find in this sim that seems to work. You are having to crab on final which is NOT what the CAG or Air Boss would tolerate for real, but works well enough here.
  22. Flying the U-2 Maj. Dean Neeley is in the forward, lower cockpit of the Lockheed U-2ST, a two-place version of the U-2S, a high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft that the Air Force calls "Dragon Lady." His voice on the intercom breaks the silence, "Do you know that you're the highest person in the world?" He explains that I am in the higher of the two cockpits and that there are no other U-2s airborne right now. "Astronauts don't count," he says, "They're out of this world." We are above 70,000 feet and still climbing slowly as the aircraft becomes lighter. The throttle has been at its mechanical limit since takeoff, and the single General Electric F118-GE-101 turbofan engine sips fuel so slowly at this altitude that consumption is less than when idling on the ground. Although true airspeed is that of a typical jetliner, indicated airspeed registers only in double digits. I cannot detect the curvature of the Earth, although some U-2 pilots claim that they can. The sky at the horizon is hazy white but transitions to midnight blue at our zenith. It seems that if we were much higher, the sky would become black enough to see stars at noon. The Sierra Nevada, the mountainous spine of California, has lost its glory, a mere corrugation on the Earth. Lake Tahoe looks like a fishing hole, and rivers have become rivulets. Far below, "high flying" jetliners etch contrails over Reno, Nevada, but we are so high above these aircraft that they cannot be seen. I cannot detect air noise through the helmet of my pressure suit. I hear only my own breathing, the hum of avionics through my headset and, inexplicably, an occasional, shallow moan from the engine, as if it were gasping for air. Atmospheric pressure is only an inch of mercury, less than 4 percent of sea-level pressure. Air density and engine power are similarly low. The stratospheric wind is predictably light, from the southwest at 5 kt, and the outside air temperature is minus 61 degrees Celsius. Although not required, we remain in contact with Oakland Center while in the Class E airspace that begins at Flight Level 600. The U-2's Mode C transponder, however, can indicate no higher than FL600. When other U-2s are in the area, pilots report their altitudes, and ATC keeps them separated by 5,000 feet and 10 miles. Our high-flying living quarters are pressurized to 29,500 feet, but 100-percent oxygen supplied only to our faces lowers our physiological altitude to about 8,000 feet. A pressurization-system failure would cause our suits to instantly inflate to maintain a pressure altitude of 35,000 feet, and the flow of pure oxygen would provide a physiological altitude of 10,000 feet. The forward and aft cockpits are configured almost identically. A significant difference is the down-looking periscope/drift-meter in the center of the forward instrument panel. It is used to precisely track over specific ground points during reconnaissance, something that otherwise would be impossible from high altitude. The forward cockpit also is equipped with a small side-view mirror extending into the air stream. It is used to determine if the U-2 is generating a telltale contrail when over hostile territory. Considering its 103-foot wingspan and resultant roll dampening, the U-2 maneuvers surprisingly well at altitude; the controls are light and nicely harmonized. Control wheels (not sticks) are used, however, perhaps because aileron forces are heavy at low altitude. A yaw string (like those used on sailplanes) above each canopy silently admonishes those who allow the aircraft to slip or skid when maneuvering. The U-2 is very much a stick-and-rudder airplane, and I discover that slipping can be avoided by leading turn entry and recovery with slight rudder pressure. When approaching its service ceiling, the U-2's maximum speed is little more than its minimum. This marginal difference between the on set of stall buffet and Mach buffet is known as coffin corner, an area warranting caution. A stall/spin sequence can cause control loss from which recovery might not be possible when so high, and an excessive Mach number can compromise structural integrity. Thankfully, an autopilot with Mach hold is provided. The U-2 has a fuel capacity of 2,915 gallons of thermally stable jet fuel distributed among four wing tanks. It is unusual to discuss turbine fuel in gallons instead of pounds, but the 1950s-style fuel gauges in the U-2 indicate in gallons. Most of the other flight instruments seem equally antiquated. I train at 'The Ranch'. Preparation for my high flight began the day before at Beale Air Force Base (a.k.a. The Ranch), which is north of Sacramento, CA, and was where German prisoners of war were interned during World War II. It is home to the 9th Reconnaissance Wing, which is responsible for worldwide U-2 operations, including those aircraft based in Cyprus, Italy, Saudi Arabia, and South Korea. After passing a physical exam (whew!), I took a short, intensive course in high-altitude physiology and use of the pressure suit. The 27-pound Model S1034 "pilot's protective assembly" is the same as the one used by astronauts during shuttle launch and reentry. After being measured for my $150,000 spacesuit, I spent an hour in the egress trainer. It provided no comfort to learn that pulling up mightily on the handle between my legs would activate the ejection seat at any altitude or airspeed. When the handle is pulled, the control wheels go fully forward, explosives dispose of the canopy, cables attached to spurs on your b oots pull your feet aft, and you are rocketed into space. You could then free fall in your inflated pressure suit for 54,000 feet or more. I was told that "the parachute opens automatically at 16,500 feet, or you get a refund." I later donned a harness and virtual-reality goggles to practice steering a parachute to landing. After lunch, a crew assisted me into a pressure suit in preparation for my visit to the altitude chamber. There I became reacquainted with the effects of hypoxia and was subjected to a sudden decompression that elevated the chamber to 73,000 feet. The pressure suit inflated as advertised and just as suddenly I became the Michelin man. I was told that it is possible to fly the U-2 while puffed up but that it is difficult. A beaker of water in the chamber boiled furiously to demonstrate what would happen to my blood if I were exposed without protection to ambient pressure above 63,000 feet. After a thorough preflight briefing the next morning, Neeley and I put on long johns and UCDs (urinary collection devices), were assisted into our pressure suits, performed a leak check (both kinds), and settled into a pair of reclining lounge chairs for an hour of breathing pure oxygen. This displaces nitrogen in the blood to prevent decompression sickness (the bends) that could occur during ascent. During this "pre-breathing," I felt as though I were in a Ziploc bag-style cocoon and anticipated the possibility of claustrophobia. There was none, and I soon became comfortably acclimatized to my confinement. We were in the aircraft an hour later. Preflight checks completed and engine started, we taxied to Beale's 12,000-foot-long runway. The single main landing gear is not steerable, differential braking is unavailable, and the dual tail wheels move only 6 degrees in each direction, so it takes a lot of concrete to maneuver on the ground. Turn radius is 189 feet, and I had to lead with full rudder in anticipation of all turns. We taxied into position and came to a halt so that personnel could remove the safety pins from the outrigger wheels (called pogos) that prevent one wing tip or the other from scraping the ground. Lt. Col. Greg "Spanky" Barber, another U-2 pilot, circled the aircraft in a mobile command vehicle to give the aircraft a final exterior check. I knew that the U-2 is overpowered at sea level. It has to be for its engine, normally aspirated like every other turbine engine, to have enough power remaining to climb above 70,000 feet. Also, we weighed only 24,000 pounds (maximum allowable is 41,000 pounds) and were departing into a brisk headwind. Such knowledge did not prepare me for what followed. The throttle was fully advanced and would remain that way until the beginning of descent. The 17,000 pounds of thrust made it feel as though I had been shot from a cannon. Within two to three seconds and 400 feet of takeoff roll, the wings flexed, the pogos fell away, and we entered a nose-up attitude of almost 45 degrees at a best-angle-of-climb airspeed of 100 kts. Initial climb rate was 9,000 fpm. We were still over the runway and through 10,000 feet less than 90 seconds from brake release. One need not worry about a flame out after takeoff in a U-2. There either is enough runway to land straight ahead or enough altitude (only 1,000 feet is needed) to circle the airport for a dead-stick approach and landing. The bicycle landing gear creates little drag and has no limiting airspeed, so there was no rush to tuck away the wheels. (The landing gear is not retracted at all when in the traffic pattern shooting touch and goes). We passed through 30,000 feet five minutes after liftoff and climb rate steadily decreased until above 70,000 feet, when further climb occurred only as the result of fuel burn. On final approach Dragon Lady is still drifting toward the upper limits of the atmosphere at 100 to 200 fpm and will continue to do so until it is time to descend. It spends little of its life at a given altitude. Descent begins by retarding the throttle to idle and lowering the landing gear. We raise the spoilers, deploy the speed brakes (one on each side of the aft fuselage), and engage the gust alleviation system. This raises both ailerons 7.5 degrees above their normal neutral point and deflects the wing flaps 6.5 degrees upward. This helps to unload the wings and protect the airframe during possible turbulence in the lower atmosphere. Gust protection is needed because the Dragon Lady is like a China doll - she cannot withstand heavy gust and maneuvering loads. Strength would have required a heavier structure, and the U-2's designer, Clarence "Kelly" Johnson, shaved as much weight as possible-which is why there are only two landing gear legs instead of three. Every pound saved resulted in a 10-foot increase in ceiling. >> >> With everything possible hanging and extended, the U-2 shows little >> desire to go down. It will take 40 minutes to descend to traffic pattern altitude but we needed only half that time climbing to altitude. During this normal descent, the U-2 covers 37 nm for each 10,000 of altitude lost. When clean and at the best glide speed of 109 kts, it has a glide ratio of 28:1. It is difficult to imagine ever being beyond glide range of a suitable airport except when over large bodies of water or hostile territory. Because there is only one fuel quantity gauge, and it shows only the total remaining, it is difficult to know whether fuel is distributed evenly, which is important when landing a U-2. A low-altitude stall is performed to determine which is the heavier wing, and some fuel is then transferred from it to the other. We are on final approach with flaps at 35 degrees (maximum is 50 degrees) in a slightly nose-down attitude. The U-2 is flown with a heav 1.1 VSO (75m kts), very close to stall. More speed would result in excessive floating. I peripherally see Barber accelerating the 140-mph, chase car along the runway as he joins in tight formation with our landing aircraft. I hear him on the radio calling out our height (standard practice for all U-2 landings). The U-2 must be close to normal touchdown attitude at a height of one foot before the control wheel is brought firmly aft to stall the wings and plant the tail wheels on the concrete. The feet remain active on the pedals, during which time it is necessary to work diligently to keep the wings level. A roll spoiler on each wing lends a helping hand when its respective aileron is raised more than 13 degrees. The aircraft comes to rest, a wing tip falls to the ground, and crewmen appear to reattach the pogos for taxiing. Landing a U-2 is notoriously challenging, especially for those who have never flown tail draggers or sailplanes. It can be like dancing with a lady or wrestling a dragon, depending on wind and runway conditions. Maximum allowable crosswind is 15 kts. The U-2 was first flown by Tony Levier in August 1955, at Groom Lake (Area 51), Nevada. The aircraft was then known as Article 341, an attempt by the Central Intelligence Agency to disguise the secret nature of its project. Current U-2s are 40 percent larger and much more powerful than the one in which Francis Gary Powers was downed by a missile over the Soviet Union on May 1, 1960. The Soviets referred to the U-2 as the "Black Lady of Espionage" because of its spy missions and mystique. The age of its design, however, belies the sophistication of the sensing technology carried within. During U.S. involvement in Kosovo, for example, U-2s gathered and forwarded data via satellite to Intelligence at Beale AFB for instant analysis. The results were sent via satellite to battle commanders, who decided whether attack aircraft should be sent to the target. In one case, U-2 sensors detected enemy aircraft parked on a dirt road and camouflaged by thick, overhanging trees. Only a few minutes elapsed between detection and destruction. No other nation has this capability.
  23. sub hunting

    I think a blind man could see that at 100
  24. I'll wait. Lots on my plate right now anyway.

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