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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. work - the curse of the gaming class.......
  2. right on. If I run a campaign in WOV, it slows down so bad that I get killed in a heartbeat.
  3. actually my friend, it works great. The weapons pack does add additional stuff. but you are absolutely correct in that you do have to go back in and tweak ALL the aircraft's data.ini files to correct the loadouts. Once you do that, it works great.
  4. The DBS doesn't work? I have that downloaded as a future project. Just haven't gotten to it. Good to know before I go into it.
  5. yea, had a nice discussion on Thirdwire on this too. it will be a "day or two" before I budget for a new card though. The newest cost more than the computer, printer and monitor cost.
  6. 2 submerged subs? I saw one, and it doesn't seem to work for some reason. Having hunted a sub or two in the past I was looking forward to some "drops" but can only run on surfaced subs.
  7. from sad experience, I can confirm that a GeForce 5500 doesnt' hack it...... :(
  8. sub hunting

    very, very small targets at very, very long ranges......
  9. I'll get back to you. I need to go double check a couple of things first.
  10. absolutely. I've got one flight and trap in a KA-6D, it was painted exactly the same as the A-6E TRAM birds we had.
  11. if you're flying the Russian planes there are some Russian nukes too. I recall seeing some a few times. I didnt' try them out though.
  12. yup. In fact, at really, really high altitudes you can actually stall with an IAS of 100 and a TAS that is supersonic.
  13. sub hunting

    I know the S-3 and P-3 are superb ASW platforms, but my trusty olde E-2 was pretty good as well. We actually caught more subs with the E-2 than we did with either of those.
  14. you would know better than I if you flew them, but the account I was referring to primarily was from OIF during the major combat in and around Baghdad when a B-1 dropped 4 on a possible location for Saddam. Turned out they missed (him) that time but the account refrenced 84 JDAMs. Of course, that being a newspaper.........
  15. I've got the same symptoms he does running WXP and WOV/E. I don't have SF so maybe there is something in that combined install that causes this.
  16. yes, but as noted above for the primary "pre-briefed" targets. I've noticed the same limitation that "pop-up" targets can't be engaged. in the real world of course, the crew can select emerging targets linked up to them and drop. The B-1 for example will go out with 84 JDAMS and just "hang out" on call for targets linked up from the troops on the ground. So the squad lead can deliver "500lb grenades" precisely wherever he wants them. I saw a cool photo the other day of a patrol out in Afghanistan with the CAS B-1 contrail above. Gives a whole new meaning to "Close Air Support".
  17. the dreaded barrier engagement..... coming in to a trap you have to have the gear and full flaps (not the speed brakes but you can use that too) and then you control your rate of descent with POWER. you won't be landing with power off!!! more like 1/3 throttle or higher in close. also, since the sim doesn't work the wind angle correctly for the carrier into the wind, once you are on centerline and able to track the line up correctly I've found that aiming for the notch between the angle the axial is just about right.
  18. no. The JDAM is a gps guided bomb. All you have to do in the sim is to select your ground target and then drop it within reasonable aerodynamic parameters for the bomb to self guide. it does work.
  19. I didn't happen to see that. But the reality is very much like that. On the flag bridge one time in preparation for a 16" shoot we were supposed to close the armored hatch and drop the glass windows. They forgot one time to close the armored hatch. There was a convenience door, standard wood, that came off the hinges with the muzzle blast - crossed the watch center over the two watch officers desks - and splintered into a thousand fragments on the other side of the compartment.........
  20. absolutely correct. In fact I will say that it is ALWAYS how fast you yank the stick, not how far. same thing in a car. trying going down the freeway at 80 and taking the exit at the last second by "yanking" the wheel in a microsecond and count how many times your car rolls........... I lost several friends over the years when their aircraft came apart in flight due to overstress loads.
  21. should work if you change your wingman aircraft type on the loadout page.

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