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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. I've got 246 traps myself, plus one in the real F-18E simulator. Dont' know what you're missing. Sounds like you got it wired right. You are dropping the hook?
  2. I've got the same issue in a merged WOV/E. It doesn't matter what I do with the ini files for the dates, I only get 4 or 5 years for the aircraft in the create mission function.
  3. there is a whole Su-30 series in development
  4. i've been using both the CV63 and CVAN65 models along with some older ones in earlier periods. I haven't seen the white pieces. traps are hard, as they are in real life. (there are a few that still cause nightmares 20 years later!) in the sim, though, there is a problem in that the carriers don't seem to turn into the wind correctly. They turn directly into the wind and put the wind down the axial. In the real world the CAG would have the OOD for lunch real quick if he did that. The carrier turns to put the wind down the angle so that there is no cross-wind component on final.
  5. you have to set the mission up for a carrier launch. have you downloaded and read the tutorial? http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=2679 read the section on setting up carrier missions. There are several extra steps you have to take. good luck.
  6. Flanker, Flanker, Flanker....

    well, I know something about that stuff. Cope Thunder is in the US of A, not overseas. The particular exercise was just one of several that we have had around the world with various participants flying Flankers and Fulcrums. And it is quite true that if you structure the exercise and ROE, you can drive any result that you want. the bottom line is that those who have actually looked at the real stuff and done some un-biased analysis with the view of "how do we keep our guys from getting killed and make sure we kill the other guy instead" are not so blase about late model Russian designed stuff. Yes, its not all 10' tall, more like 5' 6". But our stuff is only about 5' 8" for the most part as well. The point being is that the late model Fulcrums are every bit as good as our late model Lawn Darts (Vipers) and Hornets while the late model Flankers are every bit as good as our Eagles and Strike Eagles. Our AMRAAM is better than their equivelant, but only because will reach out a bit further (we think), not because ours has a better seeker. It doesn't. And in the off-bore sight dog-fight IR missile, we have been playing catch up for several years. What does this mean for those of us in the real world business of defense? It means we take these aircraft seriously as potential peers to our fielded force and work to improve our capabilties before we get a nasty surprise someday. What does it mean for people here who like realistic aviation sims? It means getting the latest and greatest 3D models to play a realistic simulation against a competitive threat that isn't just cannon fodder. The Fulcrum and Flanker models here now and in development meet that.
  7. i have not experienced your described results in WOE over the European terrain.
  8. Flanker, Flanker, Flanker....

    I think it more of having respect and appreciation for one's opponent. The Flanker is a damn good airplane and is not a second to our first line aircraft. It is clearly a peer competitor that we spend a lot of time training to defeat precisely because it is a good aircraft. The Su-27 is every bit the equal of the F-15C. the key will be training and tactics because the equipment, including the missiles, are roughly equal and in fact, the Flanker has been slightly ahead. the only real shortfall is the maintenance. We have had the opportunity to fly against peer forces operating Flankers through the Su-30. As an USAF fighter general put it- "when our guys fly our planes against their pilots flying their planes - we win. When our guys fly their planes against our guys flying our planes - their planes win." I discussed with a Topgun graduate and current F-18E pilot who would win in a SuperHornet vs advanced Flanker match up and after we got past who was the better trained and put it on equal pilot skils, he admitted that we would be "in some difficulty'. Generally we have been playing catch-up with some of the air to air technology and that is about as far as I will go on that point. Our guys went to play against the Indian AF flying Su-30's, and our F-15C's got whipped. soundly. So in my humble opinion, its all about recognizing a good aircraft and potential opponent.
  9. yup. Turned into an interesting watch....
  10. IB, sometimes it will fail based on percentage of reliability. Shoot again......... also be sure you are actually within parameters as pointed at the target with a bit of lead.
  11. In the Create Single Mission option you can select an anti-ship mission if the aircraft you select has that as a mission type. you will only get to bomb cargo ships and an occasional tanker going into and out of Haipong, but not bad. if you create a mission with the Mission Editor you can select some other, more challenging targets.
  12. my first hand experience included almost getting bagged by a couple of Migs out of NK. They missed......... then I got to climb over a bunch of gear (not to be further identified) at a time and place which shall remain nameless.... and then on the morning of 4 Jan 89.........
  13. while the Mirage Factory works on the new F-14D model, there are a couple here on CA that you can use until the really good ones come along.
  14. actually, there are campaign loads and terrains for most of those in this sim. You just have to load them up and launch into it. Best way to do that, in my opinion and after someone here said how to do it, is to spawn a series of WOE loads modded for the specific period and locale. I've done that and it works way cool.
  15. groan............. i do know a little about carrier ops in the North Atlantic.........
  16. it has been a few years since my involvement with some of that, but I thought that program stood down.
  17. I'd kind of like seeing the Second War for Independence of the Martian Colonies!
  18. yep, no other sim has this flexibility and community supporting it. Just look at the download stats on this site. "Bring the Voodoo damnit." I'll second that! That would be way, way cool for this old NORAD hand.
  19. dumb question perhaps, but what US squadron operates the SU-27? Don't get me wrong, great work. I think for my next project I'll work on a PVO Strany skin for the Raptor......
  20. concur, I've got almost as many launches and traps in the sim as I do for real. I've also downloaded the Tomcats over Libya mission pack and gone through them. Very well done, a good set of missions and I've adapted a few of them for other time periods and aircraft. Good building block. But the key is that for individual missions, you have to build them yourself.
  21. go for it too, I'll be kinda busy for the next week so you're more likely to actually get something done.....
  22. patience. You just asked the question. I dont' know if the KAW is just around the corner or not. I have loaded up various parts of the different Korean stuff and done portions. I have not yet loaded up the specific portions you've described but all the other components have so far worked ok. I have loaded up several other scenarios and they seem to work fine, with occasional tweaking required to get SFP1 designed scenarios to work in WOV/E. I'll let you know what I come up with in a couple of days. you say it crashes every time? Look in the terrain ini file and see if its looking for the desert.cat file or not. If it is and you are running woe or wov then it will crash everytime. Which game are you running this in?

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