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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. I helped set some of this stuff up back in the day. There are a few things they left out.....
  2. sometimes. usually not. but in carrier ops, the airfield has a tendency to move and can avoid the thunderstorms or move through the line and pick up the planes on the other side. Lots of options.
  3. Top Gun Maverick

    the trick being to pick second rate opposition.....
  4. Top Gun Maverick

    a retired old guy working as a contractor maybe.....
  5. In the Navy

    yea.... There actually was a gent named Darling in my preflight class. It was quite entertaining seeing the hard bitten DI's walk around that one!! (they managed....!!)
  6. ThirdWire Site

    everything is up
  7. Speed Trap

    HaHa!! have heard variations of this for years - always hilarious. true story - On a long cross country we were working the HF and managed to hook into a CB channel and chatted with some truckers. One of them asked who we were and we said were a radar tracking plane. His question was whether we could track trucks - and I said yes, and I'm holding you 14 over the speed limit. Turns out that was dead on. He and everyone else on the channel are now True Believers.....
  8. Southwest (WN) #1380

    helluva good job in a tragic situation
  9. Well, two days ago when I set up the download it was the old 1.0 version
  10. I’ll check in a couple of days, thanks!
  11. can't seem to download it. the regular menu loads up version 1.0. If I try to get the 1.1 it tells me that I'm not authorized.
  12. Share your thoughts about "USN Sky Penis."

    I imagine he's going to get an interesting callsign after this....
  13. Tu-160M2

    nice new targets..... seriously though, not unexpected. We've known for several years the Soviets, er, Russians were working on this. A significant accomplishment to relocate their production and spin up the program with all new avionics and weapons.
  14. A Must Read: Netflix drops bomb.

    maybe, maybe not....
  15. Wait. Thirdwire made a space game?

    was thinking about it. does it work with a standard joystick or do you need an xbox controller?
  16. A Must Read: Netflix drops bomb.

    fast.com was the slowest on my computer, the other two returned speeds about twice as fast. all slower than my contracted speed, which is not unusual at this time of night. the evil conspiracy doesn't seem to be happening.....
  17. Cold War Movies

    One of my favorite movies of that era. With lots of cool shots of my old workstation!
  18. P-51 Instructor Gets Surprised

    heh pretty funny!!
  19. NORTON users

    my computers got trashed on a regular basis several years back. I switched to Norton and has been smooth sailing ever since. remember which anti-virus program has links back to Russia. The REAL Russian connection..... but nothing is ever completely secure. It does take vigilance and frequent checking. I check my stuff every time I bring the system up and its the first thing I do. of course, OPM, IRS and Equifax have all handed all my stuff and security background files out there.
  20. Growler Ball 2017

    Cool video!!
  21. pure fantasy. Most likely a "what if" history or flight sim mod.

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