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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Them Fokkers...

    A classic! Lol
  2. Fulcrum drivers...

    wasn't bad after turned the volume off........
  3. Navy Fires Carrier Air Wing CO

    Concur. Keel-haul them both. It has been astonishing over the years to see how many have lost their careers this way.
  4. Nuclear Disaster in USA - close call

    What's the big deal? They didn't initiate.......... (shrugs) now, to be fair, the systems were reworked after that. I can think of a few more reasons why the bombs didn't initiate.
  5. HEY! It's...

    Happy Birthday!!
  6. The last cannot be accurate. A criminal record would preclude a concealed carry permit. If it turns out to be accurate, then the Sheriff's dept that issued the permit has a LOT of questions to answer!!! Update: he has an arrest record, he would not have a criminal record unless convicted. Not clear about his Navy record. The quoted source is being very careless with their language.
  7. Bet most would jump at this

    now that's just mean.....
  8. I want one of these!

    Replanning the basement floorPlan now........ Z
  9. at the headline I was thinking AIM-7 and astonished that the Russian, or any other, missile warning system would detect that. but then noted that it was a test ballistic vehicle.
  10. Happy Birthday Fubar512

    Happy Birthday!!
  11. Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday!!
  12. Hear Hear!!!! I second the motion!!! That shipyard has been Truly Awesome!!
  13. Spot the aircraft

  14. concur. Just about there now. The fire support request would come in as a date highlight over the situational display, be validated by Command with a few clicks, and and acted on by the fire support unit (wide possibilities in delivery systems) with rounds on target in seconds. we are almost there now.
  15. About the Downloads and Subscriptions

    I'm retired and broke this year! :)
  16. Do You Even Liberty Bro? Not Safe for Kids

    Try standing on the bridge during a firing!! That was one helluva an unforgettable experience!!!
  17. Misrepresented

    I've enjoyed using Capun;s stuff and on occasion have contributed to some of the work there. Contrary to some of the posts above, there are some pretty good Gen 2 stuff and some really good WWII work and comprehensive load. After the Mirage Factory saw fit to heave me overboard without reason or notice, going so far as to write me out of the credits on those efforts that I had helped on, I ended up at Capun's site. I have no resentment against the Mirage Factory for their decision and actions, neither should you all hold a grudge against Capun. We are all supposed to be friends here so let's try to do that.
  18. Member Map

    loaded up City Hall.
  19. Misrepresented

    I also enjoy adding models from multiple sources including Capun's site. (although time for such silliness has been a bit in short supply of late!!) I have never had any problem staying within the bounds over there and don't see the need to slam them (us) over here. Fear not, shipmate Jug, 'tis not I who would dare to cast aspersions on your's or anyone else's character.

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