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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. About the Downloads and Subscriptions

    updated my subscription Thanks for all your work!!
  2. New Badges

    Thanks, Erik. waiting patiently with full recognition of the priorities!
  3. RIP... Admiral Sandy Woodward

  4. Happy Birthday to....

  5. Very true...

  6. Arming the Syrian Rebels

    yea, pretty much.
  7. Arming the Syrian Rebels

    yes and no. the original leadership of Al Q originated from within the MB or evolved from their radical teachings. They aren't exactly the same, but they do have the same roots and essentially the same ideological outlook. They merely differ in near term tactics. The share the same strategic goals.
  8. Top Gun question

    CVW-5 sent crews to Topgun in 1982 and 1983 at least. The airwing transitioned to F-18's shortly thereafter so I would say that as long as we had Phantoms, we sent crews to Topgun.
  9. Do You Even Liberty Bro? Not Safe for Kids

    Love that first one! Real Artillery is 16" !!!!!! Been there, done that! :)
  10. Arming the Syrian Rebels

    At this point, I think we should arm both sides. With nukes...............

    that was the last thing they said!!
  12. Whatever you do, do NOT...

    I thought your description of dog-fighting an ICBM was hilarious. Heck, I might buy it just for that!! :)
  13. EZLEAD!

    Happpy Birthday (Thurs), Shipmate!!!
  14. Just Want to Remind Everyone...

    A tornado filled with eels, on the other hand.......
  15. Happy Birthday................

    Thanks guys!!
  16. Anyone stationed around CO Springs?

    We'll toast a beer in your honor!
  17. Anyone stationed around CO Springs?

    Where on Schriever? There are still some HQ slots over there but I'm guessing you are going over to the 50th SW and the squadron there that does surveillance ops. They gave a few of us on council a pretty good tour of their new ops center and the squadrons. They reacted remarkably well when they realized they had a couple of ringers on the tour..... The 50th just had a change of command and although I had to miss that event, one of the other councilcritters covered it, I have met most of the command staff there. There is some housing on base there now, but likely you will be residing in Colorado Springs, perhaps even my district! : ) Looking forward to seeing you drop in and we'll have to have a burger and beer at the Airplane Restaurant!!
  18. Got Punked......

    "a summer intern acted outside the scope of his authority..." this came from within the NTSB!!!! "Appropriate actions will be take...." yea........ Someone's job ended up on a terminal glide path........!!! (idiot!!)
  19. Anyone stationed around CO Springs?

    Yea, I think we can take care of you! :) I've been out here for awhile now. Where are you headed? I'm guessing AFSPC in the HQ (my condolences...) or elsewhere in the complex? I've left most of that and hang out downtown mostly now, but look forward to sharing a beer someplace with you. The Airplane Restaurant is a must! it was the NORAD J3 hangout when I was still with them. When do you get here?
  20. My Thoughts About Today.....

    Well said, Dave.
  21. CombatAce addiction?

    Time is short these days but I do still drop in to an awesome place with some great people.
  22. Red Line means what?

    " Let them continue to eliminate each other." that is a good thing at this point. Part of me says that we should arm both sides................
  23. F-14 shoots down F-4...

    An utter disgrace and insult that his career continued at all.
  24. Red Line means what?

    Spot on!! The damage being done here goes far, far beyond anything to do with which despotic murderous regime oppresses Syria.

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