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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Analogies

    A slight addition - a passive detection set can detect, and sometimes track, an active radar 1 1/2 times further than the radar can detect and track.
  2. They shouldn't, I agree. Reset back to the original post. The Mig-21 (and many other fighters of that era) remain fairly capable combat platforms with upgraded avionics and weapons. Anything can kill anything else given the right circumstances. The upgrades include modern, advanced Within Visual Range (WVR) weapons and sighting. Everything that gets into a visual range dogfight is essentially on equal terms. The F-22 has no inherent advantage in a visual range dogfight, particularly against a mixed fighter force with an advantage of numbers (which will almost always be the case against an opponent that justifies the deployment and employment of the F-22 in the first place). All the report says, when boiled down to the bottom line; 1. is that the F-22 loses its advantages if the pilots are so stupid and inept as to allow themselves to get into a visual range dogfight. 2. the upgraded Mig-21 operating with SU-30's as a team is very capable in that visual environment. Lesson to F-22 pilots - fight your aircraft on your terms, not the enemy's. That is the same basic principle of air combat no matter what you may be flying. The lesson to all is - don't think that any aircraft or combat system is invulnerable just because. Anything can be killed by anything else if one screws up.
  3. Concur. That's what I meant by "if they allow themselves..." As long as the Raptors fight their fight, they're pretty much unbeatable. If they get down and mix it up, the SU-30/Mig-21 combo could potentially eat them for breakfast. Tactics are everything.
  4. " the incorporation of HMS (Helmet Mounted Sight) and high-off-boresight R-73RDM2 NBVR/WVR (Near Beyond Visual Range/Within Visual Range) AAMs (Air-to-Air Missiles) have turned it into a “Great Equalizer” in the WVR combat scenario. Conceptually a small number of MiG-21Bisons maintaining “radar silence” can be guided towards their aerial target by a couple of Sukhoi-30s by secure data links in accordance with MFFC (Mixed Fighter Force Concept). " This is the part that I think some people are missing. They aren't saying that the Mig-21 is a Raptor Killer. They are saying that they can be the missile carriers running silent on the deck for the SU-30's and then engaging in visual ACM. The F-22 looses almost all of its advantages if they allow themselves to be engaged in that environment. There is nothing that is invulnerable. We've had F-22's "killed" by F-18's in visual ACM. Tactics are the key. The IAF is a very, very capable force and very innovative on tactical concepts. They've come up with one that could work against 5th generation fighters. As someone else has already pointed out, complacency kills.
  5. Indian Navy P-8I First Pic

    Nice looking planes!
  6. Naval Phantoms Question...

    Early '80's we were flying the F-4S off of Midway.
  7. Outstanding bit of work!! This is an excellent 5 star pack!
  8. Those are some awesome hobbies. Tough call between the model rocket and the steam engines.
  9. Navy's X-47B

    Just imagine the fun in the future when the other side hacks into your UCAV and sends it back at you.
  10. Makes sense. We (USN) will have trouble with them if it ever comes to that.
  11. They have 59 SSN's? I think that's a bit high unless you're counting all submarines; SS, SSN and SSBN. If so, then you need to a few more to your RN count including Vanguard, Vengence, Victorious, and Vigilant making a total of 10. So that makes 10 to 59 or roughly 6 to 1 if I count that right. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/china/navy.htm
  12. I did notice his RN viewpoint. Not SSN's - no. His original number was 20 to one which even counting conventional SSK's would mean that the PLA(N) has 140 subs. Not even close. Even the 10 to one number has to count conventional SSK's to come up with 7 to 1, not 10 to 1. again, I give the PLA(N) about another 5 years before they are conducting reasonable carrier ops on their one carrier. It will be at least another decade before they get a second carrier and airwing to sea and worked up - probably closer to 15 years.
  13. Falllenphoenix, I agree that the Chinese Navy will get there in due time and said so earlier. I give them about 5 years to be conducting fairly sophisticated ops. Bit Where in Hell do you come up with the idea that the Chinese outnumber our SSN feet 20:1?
  14. Sweet! Very enjoyable tank plinking with this one!! :)
  15. Exactly right! Baby steps, but that's pretty logical. Another five years and they be getting close to a real operational capability. But with only one, everyone will be stumbling over each other to take the shot!! :)
  16. E=Mc2

    Ship's wear out and Enterprise has served her time. A great ship with great crews who served well. Almost as well as another carrier....... ;) Converting her just isn't practical. I don't know why they don't just seal the radioactive reactors though.
  17. Another Raptor down

    Glad the pilot is ok. Hope the f-22's last until 2016.............
  18. Cockpits

    http://www.navalaviationmuseum.org/explore/exhibits-and-collections/cockpit-panoramas Nice photos!
  19. 2 half-wings

    I think that is sorta obvious!!!
  20. 2 half-wings

    Ha ha!! An A-7 did that at Miramar one night when I was the CDO for the E-2 RAG. Closed the runway and diverted our CARQUAL flight! :(
  21. Moscow Zoo's new mascot

    Now that is a Fat Cat!! (part of the 1 percent?) :)

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