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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. These have all been some really awesome work!
  2. Minor point, but the SS-N-14 was/is an ASW weapon. There is one variant that has an additional shaped charge for secondary use as an ASCM, but principly it is an ASW weapon that drops a homing torpedo over the target sub.
  3. I think that is supposed to be a satcom ant. The cutaway drawings show that but without a dome. Only a few late model pictures show a small bump and the E-2D doesn't show that at all. And you are correct - we didn't have that in the '80's. I have a lot of E-2D program documents including a cutaway drawing. I don't see that anywhere and no mention of it in the systems. (I got a cut on the requirements documents a few years ago)
  4. I'll have to do a deep dive - that was before digital!
  5. If you add skins for VAW-110, 115 and 117 - I might have to consider upgrading my computer to be able to run all this new, cool stuff!!
  6. 70 years ago

  7. AF Finance NCO awarded Bronze Star

    That is all correct, of course. The relevant part is (b) while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force; which pretty much opens it wide to cover just about anything. Traditionally, the Bronze Star was reserved for forces that were actually involved in combat operations, not the support units. Support, including staff, have another set of roughly equivelant awards that rank just below the comparable combat awards. For example, I have two DMSM's and an MSM which are the "staff equivelant" of the Bronze Star and rank just below (appropriately). Up until the current conflict, those were what were handed out to forces not engaged in direct combat. To hand out Bronze Stars to staff pukes and service support forces "inside the wire" violates a very long tradition.
  8. Laid off yet again

    Best of luck. I recently lost a contract and had to lay off the entire team. They were all re-hired by another company before I could even finish out-processing them. So there are still good opportunities for those with the skills and positive attitude. Keep your spirits up and a positive attitude.
  9. Prayers and Positive Thoughts....

    Uploading prayers best wishes and prayers for a fast recovery
  10. Trapped under Ice.

    Prayers for their safe rescue. "Cant believe no one has heard about this......." why do you think no one has heard of it? It hit quite a lot of headlines.
  11. 30 years ago

  12. Nice to see that you used a picture of a REAL AWACS
  13. Uploading prayers for those on the ground. From the description it sounds as if he had compressor stalls in at least one engine. to have lost power from both it sounds as if potential FOD may be involved in this. We'll see.
  14. Concur. The fuels themselves work just fine, so far. What kills the idiotic idea of mass producing sufficient bio-fuels for anything other than a technology demo or politically driven boondogle (i.e., corrupt payoff to the green energy company/campaign contributor) is the ENORMOU$ CO$T of alternative fuel$ compared to conventional fuel. Alternative fuels will never replace conventional fuel. We simply can't convert enough agricultural lands from food production to fuel production without generating mass starvation. There simply isn't enough land to do it.
  15. OMG!

  16. In order to get it past the NZ government - I'd suggest a couple of Cessna 172's. They're Skyhawks, after all................
  17. Forum language

  18. E-2 Hawkeye cockpit tour

    Very cool! Thanks! The yoke looks pretty standard to me..............
  19. P-8I video

    Very cool video of the P-8I http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play?p=p-8&tnr=21&vid=4603638519169138&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts1.mm.bing.net%2Fvideos%2Fthumbnail.aspx%3Fq%3D4603638519169138%26id%3D579e228cf7c526b0707ed8f955782105%26bid%3DErszn3cPZtafpg%26bn%3DThumb%26url%3Dhttp%253a%252f%252fwww.youtube.com%252fwatch%253fv%253doWBYvb71CTk&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DoWBYvb71CTk&sigr=11ac0it74&newfp=1&tit=Awesome+Video-Anim+of+Boeing+P-8I+For+Indian+Navy they missed the part during the SAM avoidance manuever where the side-sitting back end crew pukes up their breakfast!
  20. C-130s on Carriers

    I knew one of the guys who flew those, he was my Air Wing Commander in later years. It was an evaluation to determine if this could be done. The determination was that it was technically feasible, but not operationally practical, and so never went past the experimental stage.
  21. You can't make this kind of s**t up

    Epic Fail is right! although playing that for "Kazakhstan's shooting team" might have turned out badly!
  22. Sh!t Fighter Pilots Don't Say

    and my all time favorite "Thanks for the vector to the tanker - couldn't have done it without you"
  23. Holy Frak!

    Happy Birthday, youngster!

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