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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Happy Birthday to

  2. not forgotten

  3. R-27 + F-14 ?

    I'm sure they can fire it. They are not idiots over there. deranged, homicidal maniacs perhaps, but not idiots.
  4. ATAC Kfir Down

    The gent who ran Neptunus Rex milblog. CAPT Carroll LeFon, USN, ret. http://www.lahontanvalleynews.com/article/20120308/NEWS/120309918 http://usfleetforces.blogspot.com/2012/03/loss-of-capt-carroll-lefon-usn-ret.html http://battleland.blogs.time.com/2012/03/08/life-and-death-on-the-fringe/ http://www.neptunuslex.com/
  5. A better world - A speak by Peter van Uhm

    Very very good. Thanks for sharing that.
  6. Sea Harrier Over The Falklands

    These different books is simply the same thing that happens after every conflict. All the principles write their book about how it was that THEY won the war despite all of the incompetent interference from all those other guys. On the other side of the conflict will be all of the exposes of how they would have won if only the author had been listened to. And it happens every year in the US Congress too during DoD budget debate as the service chiefs testify on their budget requests............. In my humble opinion, the most accurate account will be the soonest after the conflict before all of the arm-chair quarterbacks (also knows as "analysts") get involved. Absolute accuracy, however, cannot be found. ever. So the in the final analysis - be sure to win the war and then you can write about how great you were.
  7. You cannot legislate common sense

    I agree with you. As Dave pointed out, you can't fix stupid.
  8. Not for the Oil..wearing a bit thin

    how surprising.........
  9. I suspect so. It will cost me a whole lot of dough to upgrade my computer to handle it. TK's got some pretty impressive minimum specs to be able to run it. I'm afraid I'll have to go back to the Chief of Finances.
  10. Happy birthday to...

    Happy Birthday!!
  11. Off Subject

    A little bit behind the intentional manipulation of US gas prices - http://blog.heritage.org/2012/02/29/morning-bell-white-house-wants-to-keep-gas-prices-high/ It is the regime's policy to force oil and gas prices up by restricting supply as stated by the regime's science advisor and all energy prices as stated by The Mendacious One himself.
  12. Off Subject

    What is the price per gallon if you substract the taxes? Here in the US, the gas taxes only fund a limited set of stuff (mainly roads and similar items) - (of course - those funds are regularly raided by the politicians ) Overseas, the gas taxes are used to fund the general tax load. So one comparison would be to compare just the gas prices for a valid equivelance.
  13. A very thought provoking Video

    I agree with you on that point.
  14. A very thought provoking Video

    Like Hell I'll apologize! Everything that I wrote is well documented and can be researched easily enough. Your demand is right in there with the gutless tactics of the Eco-Fascists who demand subservient obedience because they are the brilliant ones - the data and the issues themselves don't count. This is the core of the debate between the Thermophobes and the Skeptics - the Thermophobes are scared to death of an actual scientific discussion and instead resort to empty assertions, denigration of their opponents and deny that anyone else knows anything. If you feel that your PhD entitles you to a free pass on scientific issues - guess what. You are not the only person out there that knows something of this. If you value your scientific credentials - then don't tolerate scientific misconduct on the part of your peers. Climategate 1 Scientists behaving badly and conspiring to defame scientists who don't agree and suppressing scientific papers, manipulating data and engaging in blatant fraud to cook the climate records. Conspiracy to block FOI requests for data. Climategate 2 More of the same and in addition - consipiring to blacklist scientists, pull funding and revoke PhD's. Fakegate A scientist fabricates a memo to defraud skeptics. Suppression of oil, gas and coal production - just read what the Current Criminal Regime has stated themselves. They have openly stated their intent to bankrupt power companies and drive the price of gas and oil up in order to make green energy projects competetive. Take your blinders off and see what your cohorts are doing. Do you accept a scientific debate on the issues? or do you simply demonize your opponents as you yourself did in your post above. You want to shut me down by citing your PhD and expect me to genuflect at your feet without question. Not a chance. You make the scientific case on its merits, not on simply on your credentials. Prove your case - don't just demand compliance because you think you're smarter. You're not. It was not my intent to hijack this into a contentious political discussion and I expect the moderators will rightly lock the thread. But I will not stand idly by why some tinpot wannabe dictator simply commands compliance and obedience. If you want my respect - you earn it. I am a published skeptic and have been researching and writing on this for years. You don't get a free pass from me. Goodby.
  15. Not for the Oil..wearing a bit thin

    I've lived through several of those gas shocks. Rationing gas and filling up on odd/even days. ALL energy sources need to be developed. But deliberately suppressing gas, coal, nuclear and oil development before other sources are ready is not the way to get there.
  16. A very thought provoking Video

    Thanks! Yea - the Carbon Markets are a complete fraud. They really aren't selling anything of concrete value. It is just all hot air (literally!). In fact, here the carbon markets have crashed completely. Anyone who has purchased carbon credits in the US are now holding worthless paper. Guess who made millions selling carbon credits.....................
  17. A very thought provoking Video

    Ok. I suppose you think those guys all work for free? How do you think scientific studies come about? http://scienceandpublicpolicy.org/images/stories/papers/originals/climate_money.pdf "(yet again, I´m not taking about global warming)" oh no, of course not here's a clue - they're all the same scientists and funding sources. They figured out that the Global Warming scam wasn't going to work (something about no warming for the last 15 years.....), so they've been trying out lots of new labels for the same idiotic anti-energy/economy eco-fascist global regime. They've shopped for; Global Warming Climate Change Climate Disruption Bio-Diversity Global Wierding (that one got them laughed off of even the sympathetic editorial pages) Sustainability (several variations) and now the latest is Sustainable Economic Development - but it is really just all about Global Economic Fascism/Socialism. Peak Oil was also in there as a subset of Sustainability - but the Peak Production of oil is an artificial result of deliberate government suppression of oil development. This is one of those government efforts to shut down new oil production - and then point to the fact that oil production has peaked. No kidding....... Your mass extinction fantasy was part of the bio-diversity scam which fell apart as scientists keep finding new species that they didn't know existed, and lots of living examples of supposedly extinct species still doing just fine. The biggest problem with the Eco-Fascist crowd is that they are using predictions based on theoretical models which don't actually replicate the real world. Not suprisingly, the theoretical predictions don't actually come to pass. The mass exinction fiction is based on theoretical climate predictions which have failed 100%. "That said, yepp, it´s about time to fly some Tomcats over Iceland " yep - let's pull chocks and load up some Tomcats for the weekend.
  18. Not for the Oil..wearing a bit thin

    As I recall - some years back there were several highly disruptive events to the oil supplies coming out of the Persian Gulf. Somehow, we all still got our gas. Let us not get too worried about something that no one actually has the stones (except the Irational-Iranians) to start.
  19. A very thought provoking Video

    sigh............... The Thermophobic-Extinction Mass Hysteria Crowd have been making doom and gloom predictions for decades. NOT A SINGLE ONE has actually come about. Not one. (go ahead - find and quote one) There are scientists across the entire spectrum. The Thermophobes have their pet, bought-scientists, and we have our carbon-free-funded scientists dedicated to actual scientific processes and integrity. another news flash - the skeptic crowd have NOT had to fabricate their numbers, demonize their opponents, refuse to debate, black-list those who don't agree, suppress scientific studies and papers, rewrite historical records, suppress historical records, engage in criminal cover-up, fabricate fraudulant documents, mis-represent their opponents positions, etc. Life goes on and will continue to do so. alright - when's the North Atlantic ready for download?
  20. And today is.........

    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Drinks are on, er, you!!!

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