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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. They can just share it and take turns flying it, right? seriously - the F-35 looks to be a pretty good aircraft. Looking forward to seeing it hit the fleet.
  2. Good News From The Doc

  3. Combat Ace Milestone

    That's awesome!!
  4. This is really, really great work!! An awesome job. Having the aircraft parked on deck with two on the bow cats, and an E-2 with props turning, are really nice touches. A first class job!!
  5. Bring It Iran

    oh really? Which were so-called Fox talking points - and since when do only one side of a comment merit a post? and thanks for the thumbs up on the other post.
  6. I noticed in one of the many speculative articles on this that they pointed out in their analysis that the spaceplane was in such an orbit that it had to be looking at the Chinese orbital station because otherwise it would only be useful for looking at Afghanistan. imagine that..........
  7. Bring It Iran

    Overall the gulf states do have the combined naval and air power (in terms of equipment and personnel) to make short work of the Iranian forces without any help from us. And they have a lot of axes to grind as well (Persian vs Arab, Shiite vs Sunni, etc). Whether they have the training, coordination, leadership and will to pull it off is the key question.
  8. Bring It Iran

    With all due respect, I don't think Leading From Behind while he guts the force structure is going to cut it in this situation.
  9. Bring It Iran

    that's when the bombs start falling. But I will differ with you on a key point here. I don't think anyone in the west, or here, is "crying for war with Iran". If you check the news broadcasts - it is the Iranians who are crying for war with us, and in fact have been waging a proxy war against us since 1979. If they are not careful, they may get their wish.
  10. Bring It Iran

    "turn Iran into El-Salvador or Chile all over again" nope. Just a huge piece of glass. (seriously - where do people come up with such drivel?)
  11. This particular export operation is looking like a modern day Ship of Fools. The paperwork was wrong The explosives were improperly stored (and rolling around lose in rough seas!!) The export license wasn't obtained and the ship didn't have the navigational charts for the area they were transiting!! these guys give real smugglers a bad name..... But it does appear to be a legit export of surplus Patriots from Germany to SK. with a stopover in China.......
  12. Kim Jong Il is dead

    With all due respect - there is nothing racist about acknowledging the crimes against humanity of a murdering b@$t@rd who butchered millions of his own subjects. Hell is too good a place for that depraved piece of human debris to burn in for all eternity. Sadly, his evil spawn is no better.
  13. F-35 to replace JASDF F-4Ejs

    The F-35 was not in competition against the F-22 for this or any other fighter competition. As noted already - the F-35 is a true 5th generation fighter. Nothing other than another 5th generation fighter will be comparable.
  14. The Last.......

  15. So, all these guys are nuts?

    (special upload to The Supreme Leader of the Galactic Invasion Scouting Force II) Our secret has been decoded by the Terran's. Recommend implementation of special access program XXVE45TQ brainwave override program.
  16. Outstanding!! Put him on trial for attempted murder and then Lock the SOB up for 30 years. That might start to get the attention of of some of these idiots.
  17. So, all these guys are nuts?

    The guy is a lying sack of $h!t. COSMIC is just the NATO TS clearance. He's just making $#@#!^ up.
  18. Iran displays captured UAV

    It looks real enough in the video and our guys have said it's real, intact and in the Iranian hands. They're now debating just how it fell, intact, into their hands. I know there are those who think it isn't real, or that crashed fragments were imaged. But our guys are saying it is real. The scenarios are possible but not conclusive just yet. I guess we'll see as time goes on. It sounds to me that the link dropped (failure or jamming) and the self-destruct failed. Somehow/why it appears to have executed a self-landing in the desert.
  19. Iran displays captured UAV

    It is entirely the rationale. However, it is also clear that UAV's are vulnerable in a high threat environment, including an ECM/hacking environment. What is interesting is that these are supposed to have an auto-destruct which also failed/was hacked. I think this is the alert that, as I have previously stated on a number of forums, net-enabled capabilities and remotely piloted/controlled vehicles rely on comm links which are themselves an added vulnerability which has to be taken into account. It is clear that here, with a high-value UAV, it wasn't. Not good. Time for a re-assessment of how we employ these kinds of assets.
  20. It's SFP1Ace's Birthday

    Happy Birthday!!
  21. "Grinding the Crack"

    That's not flying - that's falling with style!!
  22. Just happy it wasn't me

    On a related note - Progressive's rates are going up...............
  23. Flight 19

    They got lost and ditched - and the rescue forces didn't know where to look. A tragic loss, but nothing supernatural about it. The ocean is a big place when one is lost at sea or looking for someone who is.

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