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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Virus strikes US's UAVs.

    informal info indicates that the virus was introduced through the unauthorized use of flash drives. IDIOTS!!!!!!!!! We have already locked out flash drives from military systems - how did they get past that? That also might indicate this virus has been there for a couple of years already! There is also a story out that the unit didn't tell anyone for weeks while they tried to clean it off themselves - thereby undermining all of the IA plans, controls, security, etc. IDIOTS X 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why is it that we always have to relearn the same old lessons over and over and over and over.....................
  2. Searching For A Good Bank

    concur - credit union. I have my stuff split between two credit unions.
  3. Admiral Lord West

    He sounds like potential US Vice Presidential material....................
  4. Tornado versus Cop

    Also have US versions of that for all services and quite a collection of aircraft and weapons.
  5. Steve Jobs

  6. This ain't the Navy...

    Naval Reserve pilot
  7. Earth to satellite: When will you hit -- and where

    the buyer will show up in a Black Helicopter to pick it, and you, up! Send us all a post-card from wherever you end up! actually it looks like it all fell in the ocean.
  8. a little technical info needed

    That is what occured to me too, practice approaches for training. I rather doubt that a "very large" aircraft would do full stops at an airport with that short of a runway.
  9. Earth to satellite: When will you hit -- and where

    look out below...........................!! Stuff deorbits all the time. It would be much better for end of life ops to execute a controlled re-entry into the ocean, but that is not always feasible. As a point of reference - the Shuttle broke up over Texas and no one on the ground was hurt.
  10. Some people build model trains. Here's an airport. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1383532/Knuffingen-Airport-German-builds-worlds-largest-model-airport.html
  11. What Happened?

    Good Luck!!
  12. Great news!! I will have to make a special trip out there when she's open. A truly awesome warship.
  13. 9-11 What did you do in the moments of the attack?

    I was listening to the radio coverage of the attack while it happened while driving to a meeting. The second plane hit during the coverage along with the initial reports of "an explosion" at the Pentagon. The meeting was cancelled and we were told to not try to go back to our offices on the base - the base was in lockdown. I went back to my company where we all stood around in shock. At home, I watched the replay over and over. The next day went into insane and stayed that way for the next several years.
  14. Awesome!! Thanks!! There goes my weekend...............
  15. It'e BBBBBBeeee time!

  16. Anybody here want to wish him well?

    There is a special place reserved for his eternal damnation
  17. Someone has a Idea what that is?

    nope edit: at least not a modern one..........
  18. Someone has a Idea what that is?

    perhaps a blimp
  19. Hurricane Irene

    A cat II will do some damage if the place isn't ready for one. For an area that is hit regularly - not so much. Everyone is normally prepared. A Hurricane hasn't made landfall in the US for a couple of years now - so everyone is "out of practice" and I imagine the media hype will be a bit, er, overblown..... It certainly will be a dangerous storm. A cat II is nothing to sneeze at. At the moment it is forecast to be a Cat IV but "only" a Cat III when it hits the coast and a Cat II by the time it hits mid-Atlantic.
  20. WHAT the %#$#@!

    "Holycrap! 5.8 is powerful" that's how we stir our coffee in California
  21. Unemployed Cylon


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