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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. F-14D V1.4



    +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | GRUMMAN F-14D TOMCAT | | The F-14D Tomcat the best fleet defender and for going "downtown" to turn infrastructure into rubble. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ With the gracious permission of; The Mirage Factory and Olivier ANGUILLE (BPAo); Version 1.4 with TCS mod and updated flight model changes. This TCS mod provides a boresighted view only and does not (yet) track selected targets. The Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) has been updated and includes the implementation originally developed by wpnssgt. Flight model updates developed by Aleckx have also been incorporated which more accurately represents the fleet operational F-14D. This is an update of the earlier F-14D mod to the Mirage Factory F-14A and corrects several inaccuracies. The earlier F-14D release more closely represented the capabilities of the "Quick Strike variant which never actually went further than "view-graph engineering" and would have been a half step to the later Tomcat-21 which also never made it off of the drawing boards. If you like that variation you may wish to rename it as the Quick Strike 2, recognizing that it never actually flew. Land Warrior also has uploaded a Quick Strike version. This variation of the original F-14A represents the capabilities of the last operational configuration to guard the fleet; the F-14D "Bombcat", which included the capability to drop bombs and laser guided bombs. Other advanced weapons available at the time, such as Mavericks and Harms, were never incorporated into the F-14D due to budget limitations. The F-14D's strike debut was in Operation Desert Fox that went into Iraq against chemical weapons facilities identified by the UN teams in 1998. This aircraft was withdrawn from fleet service in 2006 and replaced by the F-18F in the air to air and medium strike roles. This release also incorporates the outstanding avionics upgrade done by Sandmartin and Batman1978, special thanks to them for their fine work and for granting permission to include that in this release. This model is a minor tweak only of the ini files to update the engines, radars and weapons to enable the full air to ground capabilities that were fielded in this aircraft. This does not include the detailed airframes changes of the later aircraft, that is left to a more capable modelling team at which point this version will be withdrawn. This release assumes you have already loaded the Mirage Factory F-14A, without which things like sounds will not come up. Just unzip this entire folder into your WOE/Ojects/Aircraft folder. Note -1. The avionics upgrade by Sandmartin and Batman1978 uses the avionics70 file to provide improved HUD and air to air radar and tracking capabilities. This mod does not have the air to surface radar capability of the earlier avionics60 file used in the earlier versions. Since the F-14D in its later years was primarily employed as a medium strike aircraft (air opposition having evaporated) the lack of an air to surface radar is a limitation of the sim with the newer avionics file. IF you like the option of having air to surface radar, the original files are included in the "Alternate Cockpit" subdirectory with a detailed read-me for how to back-up and install cockpit variations. If you like this option, let me know. Also, this avionics70 mod does NOT work in a Wings Over Vietnam only install. So if you are using a WoV install you will need to use the alternate cockpit using the avionics60 version. The TCS mod works in both versions. Note; the missile stations are designed to pick up Active Radar Homing missiles and will employ the AIM-7 and AIM-54 series air to air missiles. The model here will also pick up the AIM-120 series in the sim, but the aircraft was never wired or certified to carry that missile. So if you want the realism, don't load that one. Good hunting! Typhoid +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ SFP1 Model Plane 3D : BPAo Textures : Column5 (templates) FM : Column5 Sounds : Aaron Swindle Camos VF1 : Column 5 VF2-Last : Sundowner VF154 : USAFMTL VF31 : Sundowner VF84 : Sundowner VX4 : Sundowner Cockpit 3D : based on JT's from Thirdwire public cockpit, modified by BPAo Textures : based on Thirdwire, news BPAo, HUD from ArmourDave team (Sal, Lansen, Rafael et AD himself) Effects : Deuces, JSF_Aggie Pilote Texture : Pappychecksix Flight model updates: Aleckx RWR and display: wpnssgt Weapons 3D : Crab_02 Textures : BPAo Tank 3D : Crab_02 Textures : BPao Original F-14A Test Team Manetsim, Sony Tuckson, Nico, Column5
  2. OT... But Widowmaker will like it...

  3. Lost the will to fly/play

    Just do something else for awhile. Been doing the same thing - took a year off. Busy with lots of other stuff that just eats up the time. I just recently reloaded some of the mods.
  4. this weeks Ho Lee Crap moment

    oops! I'll bet the squadron really enjoyed that report!
  5. Ok Lets Hear Them!

    The comment that I liked the best is the one that said this whole thing would end up in Small Claims Court
  6. the lowest of the low

    "During a meticulously planned airshow routine it's something else." Precisely the difference! And even there, things don't always go well. How many crashes have occured at airshows or rehersals? More than a few. The burnt charcoal isn't worth it.
  7. Arizona is hot... and not in a good way...

    Definitely burning up the hillsides. The smoke is coming up here to the Front Range (Colorado) and making things almost as bad as Los Angeles. A lot of resources being thrown at this one.
  8. oops! He's an excellent Commander to stand up and take the responsibility. My hat's off to him. I saw a video somewhere of the incident, the wingmen clearly broke it off, and they called a Knock It Off and ended. Right move. I saw a Blue Angel get it wrong once and there weren't even any charred pieces of him left over. Demonstration flying is an exacting and precise operation. Mistakes can, and have been, catastrophic.
  9. the lowest of the low

    Sorry, but I don't thinki that was cool or smart at all. I saw someone go too low at an airshow practice one time and we never even found any few charred pieces of him. The spectators were lucky to have not been creamed/sucked into the intake!
  10. Why Men are never depressed

    I was expecting the racoon to take the guy's finger off at the shoulder. Those things can be MEAN!!
  11. Mercedes making choppers now?

    I was able to paste the link for the picture into the browser and take a look. Nice looking helo.
  12. For those who have rasied sons...

    That's awesome!
  13. 2011 Worldwide Threat Levels

  14. Tanker down...

    They are lucky to get out ok. A tanker taking off would naturally have a lot of fuel. Looks like it burned up pretty much. Very glad to see they are ok.
  15. http://www.stratfor.com/analysis/20110510-above-tearline-us-stealth-helicopter?utm_source=SWeekly&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=110512&utm_content=watchvideo&elq=312a552a71284122a12774a3216946d2 Some more on this helo. A caveat - this is an open source analysis by Stratfor, which is a private organization tha provides intelligence analysis to their clients. I take what they say with a ton of salt. So take this for what it is worth. At any rate - an interesting analysis which is in line with my previous comment that this is essentially some bolt on shrouds to an existing H-60 which reduce the radar and audio signals of the helo.
  16. SEAL Team 6 in the Space Age

    I saw this on another forum. It's hilarious on several levels - "It appears that a German TV station was searching for the SEALS Team VI patch and got a patch somebody had created for fun. It shows in the patch such items as; phasers, a Klingon skull, and a Klingon war sword. Actually it looks somewhat like the real patch. It is a bit sexier, perhaps Seal team VI should consider adopting it. Perhaps SEALS stands for Sea, Air, Land and Space in the 25th century. http://trekmovie.com/2011/05/06/geman-tv-fail-star-treks-maquis-not-involved-in-bin-laden-mission/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter The emblem is awesome http://img.trekmovie.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/N24Fail.jpg
  17. Rememberence Day

  18. Dear Citizens of America

    And every US election for the last decade. Hilarious every time.
  19. Dear Citizens of America

  20. Looks like a modified Blackhawk with stealth fairings. Looks pretty cool.

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