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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. those dumb @$$ can't tell the difference between UFO's and the nuclear inspection team
  2. One Year Ago

    sadly missed and will never be forgotten.
  3. 10 Years Ago

  4. http://www.thecuttingedgenews.com/index.php?article=11609&pageid=&pagename= that is one really big @$$ bomb!! I wonder how soon before we can we see this mod in the sim?
  5. AAA practice, or way too much free time

    that's awesome!
  6. DD214

  7. This day in 2001.

    Dropped my kids off at school and headed to work as a technical support contractor supporting NORAD Operations. things got kinda busy for awhile................. Getting recalled later to Cheyenne Mountain to support the battle staff in actual wartime operations was rather spooky.
  8. Awesome!! I like that mission editor a lot. Here's a question - will the home base selection allow for a carrier?
  9. The newly published Hudson 1 VFR Approach http://www.neptunuslex.com/2010/08/10/the-hudson-arrival/ Hilarious!
  10. In addition to the Gunfighters page (above - which is probably the best resource for Crusaders) there is also the Tailhook Association http://www.tailhook.org/
  11. CF-18 Crash in Southern Alberta

    looks like he was doing a low-slow pass and got a little too slow while low. looks like he got out ok.
  12. Match Up

    In visual range at "fights on"? change my vote to the SU-35's across the board.
  13. Russian sub could help BP spill?

    the oil companies have plenty of remotely operated deep submersibles with the correct equipment to operate the stuff on the ocean floor. There is nothing the USN or the Russians can add in that regard.
  14. these have been going on for awhile. Back when I was with NORAD, we were logging all the reports. It seems they really spike when the publicity goes out. Its weird. You put the word out about dangerous and stupid this in, and more of it happens! We need to fly CAP with laser guided Mavericks...............
  15. My Dad's gone...

  16. if your computer will only handle 32, don't upgrade and expect your flight sims to run!! 64 or nothing and make sure the hardware and video card will handle it. I managed to "upgrade" my mid-grade flight sim capable XP machine into an email and file server on W7 32. New computer/hardware upgrades pending.................
  17. LCA Tejas(navy) is here

    Awesome!! once again we will hear that famous phrase - There's no slack in light attack!!
  18. Blue Angels question?

    kinda sorta. The Blues planes are specially modded for show. They have some of their equipment removed and show stuff added on. They are not combat capable in 24 hours or really, in a practical sense, at all. Whether the Thunderbirds actually are or if that is just a rumor, I don't know.
  19. B-1 retirement?

    its a bit more solid and wide reaching than all of that. The services are having 100B cut from their FYDP and the AF and Navy both have about 30B of that each. This will translate into end-strength cuts, force structure and programs. Programs will be vertical cuts - meaning complete programs so that support tail can be cut (as opposed to horizontal cuts where part of several programs are cut leaving the support for each of them - but underfunded leading to the hollow force we've seen before.) the services are offering their programs up for cuts - but these are not bluffs. The magnitude of these force structure cuts will result in programs being cut. The AF is not offering up the B-1, F-16s, multi-function data-link programs, etc., as a bluff. Theses are on the table. The Navy will likely loose carriers, carrier airwings and probably amphibious force ships from the FYDP. The Bone is most likely headed for its place in history. Its upgraded combat capabilities and relevance to the war effort is not relevant to the discussions. Only the $$$ count.
  20. Grampaw Pettibone

    A lot of wit and wisdom. I have always enjoyed those columns.
  21. Another BP Spill

  22. Back to the world

    Welcome home!
  23. On this day in 1815

    1815 was certainly a year of decision. I'm more partial to January 8th though.....................
  24. a warning for anyone on the flight deck

    of both incidents that I refered to, and one more in my third squadron, all of them survived. one of them just woke up with a really bad headache (glancing blow which destroyed his helmet) and he was eventually able to recognize family members and slowly recovered over time. The other two were not so lucky.
  25. 80 years ago this week: Alive !

    Great story! thanks!

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