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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Navy SEALS Charged for Asault?

    so the alleged abuse was not discovered until the prisoner had been in Iraqi Army custody.........? this case is so full of holes, based on the article, that a law school student should be able to beat it. something the lunatics in charge should keep in mind - if they pull this sort of after action back-stabbing of the troops when they take a prisoner, they just won't take any prisoners...... I don't think that's the choice we want to force on our troops.
  2. better safe than sorry and a good reminder to "practice safe computing"
  3. you mean like, the number of missions flown vs the number of times killed? might need some kind of ratio score that includes the number of campaigns started/number of missions flown before being killed/ and how many new pilots we've "recruited". also - highest rank achieved before being killed. (aviation cadet ........) straight numbers would be good too, but some of us (me) don't play this as much as others. so the ratios would build some kind of composite score. no clue how to create that right now I am 1 started, 1 mission, 1 killed.......... :(
  4. New UAV seen at Kandahar

    http://pajamasmedia.com/richardfernandez/2009/12/02/the-other-aspect-of-afghanistan/#more-6935 interesting speculation. another possibility comes to mind, but I think I'll make no comment........
  5. I've had that on occasion. check the nations.ini and ensure that all are friendly. Sometimes the nations ini in the terrain won't align with the data ini in the object. Then bad things happen on deck........ other than that
  6. whats this?

    "btw, i've never heard such critics about the super Hornet." quite a lot within US Naval Aviation. Most of us who are critical now have "Retired" after our ranks...........
  7. Humor Check

    Some old, some new, all funny especially if you've been there..... Short Final March 18, 2007 Overheard in IFR Magazine's "On the Air" Overheard on Pittsburgh (KPIT) Ground working Hooters Air, better known by callsign “Pace,” and a Delta airliner: Pittsburgh Ground: Delta Eleven Twenty, follow Hooters off your left to Runway Two-Eight Right. Delta Eleven Twenty: (in a slow southern drawl) Well, I’ve been doin’ that all my life, and it’s only got me in trouble with the wife. Short Final February 18, 2007 Overheard in Southern Florida: Fort Myers Approach: Cessna Three Four Alpha, say heading.. Cessna: Ah, we're headin' for Tampa. Fort Myers Approach: Cessna Three Four Alpha, say heading.. Cessna: Well, okay, we're headin' for the LaBelle VOR first and then going on to Tampa. Fort Myers Approach: Cessna Three Four Alpha, could you look at your compass and tell me what number is behind the little line? Cessna: Oh...you want to know which way we're going right now. Three five zero, sir. Short Final February 11, 2007 Overheard in IFR Magazine's "On the Air" This comes from a search and rescue pilot at Canadian Forces Base in Bagotville, Quebec. It happened late one night during bad weather, as heard over the tower radio: Helicopter pilot: Roger, I'm holding at 3,000 feet over the beacon. Second voice: (Panic in voice) No, you can't be doing that..I'm holding at 3,000 feet over that beacon. Helicopter pilot: (Short pause) You idiot, you're my copilot. Short Final December 4, 2006 Overheard while flying practice approaches at Sioux City, Iowa: Tower: "Skylane Eight Seven Charlie, cleared for the approach; caution, waterfall in the area." Short silence, presumably while the Skylane pilot questioned passengers on the transmission. Skylane: "Eight Seven Charlie, say again?" Tower: "Skylane Eight Seven Charlie, cleared for the approach; caution, waterfall in the area." Again, short silence. Skylane: "Ah, cleared for the approach, but what do you mean by the waterfall caution?" Tower: "Waterfall, you know: Ducks and geese...Waterfowl." Short Final July 17, 2006 Seeing is believing... Overheard while in the pattern at FNT: Tower: N12345 traffic at your one o'clock. N12345: Looking for traffic.. [long pause...] Tower: N12345 traffic now ... your traffic at three o'clock. N12345: Still looking. I only see birds over there. Tower: Well, look close. One of them has a transponder in it. Short Final... May 22, 2006 There's a club for that, too... An exchange overheard between an Australian charter company and ATC. The company was in mid-April flying a DC-3 carrying a wedding party at 2000 feet over Sydney harbour while the nuptials took place. The flight's pilot made sure ATC was aware and ready to coordinate a return to the airport.... DC-3: .and, Sydney, we'll soon be finished with the ceremony and looking for a higher altitude for the return. [soon after] DC-3: ...So that's it. He does, she does, and that much is done. ATC: Very well. [pause] You're cleared for the return at 5280 feet. (Laughing) And tell them to make it snappy. Short Final... May 1, 2006 Oh, the years gone by... Many years ago when I was a student pilot flying a C-120, (if you can remember when flight schools used C-120s, you may be older than I am), I groundlooped in front of the tower at BFI. Here's the exchange, as I remember it: Tower: Cessna triple 7, are you experiencing difficulties? Me: No. (pause) ...not now that I've got the sonofa**** stopped. Tower: [Through laughter] Triple seven, taxi to the ramp. Short Final... April 2, 2006 Overheard while being vectored to the ILS 10 at KMSY the other day: Approach: Jet 123, maintain 9,000. Jet 123: Um, ok, we're gonna go through it. Approach: That's ok, climb and maintain 10,000. Jet 123: Uh, we're on our way back down to 9,000, now. Approach: Well, 10 is available, you're welcome to climb and maintain 10,000. Jet 123: Why are you doing this to us? Approach: Well, I'm trying to separate you from traffic behind you, if that's OK. Jet 123: That's fine, but we just zero-g'd an aircraft with a US Senator aboard. We'd rather not squash him, now. [pause] Approach: If I'd known that, I'd have sent you back down to 5,000 first. Short Final... February 19, 2006 While doing some work, heard the following exchange on Kennedy Tower freq: Twr: Cactus 51, turn right zulu and golf, hold behind the plane that's stopped to recycle. Cactus 51: Cactus 51 we'll make the right zulu and golf, behind the recycled airplane ... whatever that means. Twr: C'mon Cactus, you guys should know what that means, you fly Airbus' -- it's when the screens go blank and you have to restart them all. Cactus 51: Oh, yeah, we know about that. We just thought it was 'cause we were out of quarters. Short Final... January 16, 2005 Short runway, shorter fuse, and usually carrying less animated cargo... Tower: Understand you're without cargo today. If you're light, cleared for runway 6. N1234: All I have on board is my wife ... and she's heavy, but not THAT heavy. (pause) Tower: Roger N1234, and she's flying with you, now? N1234: Yep, she's got her headset on and is punching the heck out of me. Cleared to land runway 6, N1234. Tower: Copy all.. ...We'll roll the trucks.
  8. IRST

    there are a couple of packages already. Take a look at the F-14D and A+ I posted a while back, it has that incorporated, but of course limited by the game engine. there are also some IRST type pods for recon that work pretty well. if you don't have a ground target selected, they go to boresight. again, somewhat limited by the game engine. What would be nice is to be able to slave the IRST to a target locked up on radar or visually selected and then track the target - can't do that yet. One of these days maybe.
  9. 4 Police Officers Killed

    DUI is a hanging offence?! wow - seems a bit harsh. Although looking at the road carnage that goes on here on a regular basis one would be hard pressed from a purely numbers point of view to say that's wrong.
  10. every picture that I have seen shows no scope in the cockpit - only the heads up radar device that displays on the HUD. given the number of mods that were fielded, there might be one or two out there with the scope. lindr might have another reference.
  11. 4 Police Officers Killed

    true - but if you have an effective court system with a death penalty that can and is swiftly employed when appropriate, the incidence of repeat offenders tends to go down just a bit...............
  12. recon missions over the test terrain................ I did a test mission with all the settings and headed downtown in N Vietnam. One pass............ but I am still not quite grasping at your leaderboard concept. This is a scoreboard?
  13. 4 Police Officers Killed

    long train of bad decisions led to this guy being on the street. Huckabee has a history, however, of clemency which gives him a "soft on crime" reputation in some circles. I happen to be in one of those circles. This piece of garbage should never have had his sentence commuted and made eligible for parole. While the judges in Washington State should have done better in keeping this guy locked up, they should never have had to have been faced with that decision in the first place. This piece of garbage violated his parole and was put back in Huckabee's jail with a 50+ year sentence. Somehow, he's out long before that. His history of soft on crime is why I did not support Huckabee in last year's primary races. He will now never be a serious candidate for office again.
  14. whats this?

    the issues also are that the F-35 is a step down from capabilities from the F-22. But of course, less cost so we can afford them. But to open the whole capability vs cost vs numbers and the F-22/F-35 debate would take a long, long time. The SuperHornet still comes into critisism based on range vs payload. We have, over the years, replaced aircraft capabilities with fabulous smart weapons technology so the reduced payload at range is made up for by having really awesome weapons. some of us, however, opine that if we had the kind of range/payload combinations we used to be able to field (think F-14 and A-6) combined with those same super awesome smart weapons, we could REALLY go downtown and turn infrastructure into rubble. that's why some people still grumble. I am one of them.
  15. what do you mean by a "leaderboard" all of us with our scores? no nukes? ah heck........ " No more tons of Shrikes on flight two." having flight two cover you on ingress for air defense suppression is realistic. I intend to keep a couple of those in the flight. I'm planning on a carrier campaign in the modded SF2V. not sure which yet. starting to do some dry runs this week.
  16. mine picked up slightly, i think. I'll compare between versions tonight. my system is "stressed" but on low settings runs pretty well. cockpit high, mirrors on, all other graphics settings low or off. nVidia 7600 Windows 7
  17. TK First Eagles News

    First Eagles runs fine in Windows 7. Will First Eagles 2 run better, add anything? how about a WWII version?
  18. all of the Navy weapons schools and courses were merged at Fallon into the Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naval_Strike_and_Air_Warfare_Center
  19. semi-realistic. in real life of course, the E-2 is putting KA-6D's together with the fighters with a couple extra thousand lbs of fuel. So a little shortfall here.
  20. TWLSBEL's (Those who live short but exciting lives)
  21. SF2I

    wow................! I really do need to upgrade my computer...........
  22. add landing on normal as thit is also FM dependent.

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