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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. certainly within the "propheads" focus on WWII, the WWII version would be a better fit. The configuration you have right now represents the mid-80's configuration but without the helo pad/UAV launch station where the aft AAA gun mounts are.
  2. STS-129

    oh, I know. We are of like minds on "uneventful". The replacement for delivering high volume supplies is somewhat vague. The replacement right now is merely the crew capsule, on track to provide initial services to the station a few years after it is de-orbited....... (how's that for government planning?!!)
  3. can't help you on your questions, but liking this ship. I was on a sister ship, the Iowa, for a bit. I like to tell my Army buds that Real Artillery is 16" it looks like the model has some bits mixed together from the WWII version and from the Desert Storm version.
  4. sounds like quite a challenge. I think normal for visual targeting might be appropriate simply because in the strike role you can't find the target without it most times. Or is this just air to air?
  5. The "WET START" Incident

    its not at all unusual about a plane's tail hanging over the flight deck. I saw an accounting of McCain's luck with planes - some called him a "NVAF Ace" (most in the Naval Aviation style of good humor so no angry comments pls!!) The 5 plane record wasn't exactly all his fault though. I don't recall a "wet-start" (meaning excess fuel in the engine compartment lighting off in an "after-burner" event). Wet starts though, were not all that unusual with the engines of the time. Not exactly the precise fuel control of today. I remember our crew "torched" an engine on the E-4B one time. he certainly did seem to be on the receiving end of stuff headed his way though.....
  6. STS-129

    I am always filled with a sense of wonder when that launches. I never call that "uneventful". it is quite a capability that we will loose shortly. Hopefully the replacement will actually make it into service before too long.
  7. I will, sadly, concur. This rig actually performs pretty well with everything set to low. But then, everything is set to low on my aquisition list for the spring time..... Everything else works just fine with this rig, office applications and such so this was a good upgrade for me. But so far as hobby-time for when the work is done, not so much. What do you mean by a "C2D" generation cpu?
  8. almost my identical hardware setup and I have the exact same card. Those settings, as modded by Sonny, should work just fine. YOu will need to turn down some items - I've found that low on effects and water are essential and you will probably want to turn off shadows and reflection. You will probably have to turn down some other items and experiment to find the right combination for your preferences. The really high definition models will seriously slow down performance so objects may need to be turned down to medium or even low. I've just upgraded to Windows 7 which I will NOT recommend with that system level for flight simming. That will take a whole other level of turning things down to get the game to run at all, and then only with some further downgrades in option selections.
  9. the other possibility is that in some systems (like mine) you have to run the editor from within the rar file. In other words, zip the editor. Then execute the file from within the zipped file.
  10. Aviation Movie Tirvia Time!

    yea, that would do it.... Kinda like smacking a satellite into Mars because one team calculated in one measurement and the other team calculated in another. OK, Wrench got it!!
  11. Aviation Movie Tirvia Time!

    it is that - but I don't recall precisely. was it an error in head-wind calculation?
  12. ah! and has actually been the case on many occasions, particularly after 9/11.
  13. Hot Gun

    hilarious. at least they didn't steal the hummer training squadron patch............
  14. 9/11 Trial

    this will be a circus, not justice.
  15. this is quite a place to hang out. The entire community is awesome and what I learn and try to contribute has made this a very enjoyable hobby. Thanks to my fellow modders and much more to those who built this place and keep it running. The moderators and operators of this site are the ones who really deserve a round of applause.
  16. its in kilometers. be careful about believing wiki, although in this case they are close. a pretty good reference is http://www.designation-systems.net/dusrm/m-120.html but a key thing to remember is that different block versions of the C have different capabilities.
  17. also, in W7 you may have to use the feature to troubleshoot programs that ran in older versions of windows in order to get them to run correctly, depending on the components in your system.
  18. And the wall came tumbling down.....

    I know. that's why I haven't bought a replacement. The piece I had was absolutely legit and genuine.
  19. Korea...

    and it appears that WE are the ones who are caving and will now hold direct talks with NK. http://www.spacewar.com/reports/Clinton_US_envoys_trip_to_North_Korea_still_on_999.html 56 years of adhering to a key diplomatic principle flushed down the toilet........
  20. No, whats wrong with THIS picture?

    a couple of years ago I helped expose a fake SEAL. that worthless piece of human debris is now a long term resident of the State of California Correctional system.

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